This spinoff of Bathhouse of Legends will be for true smut-fic chapters, seeing as some of you want me to "go all the way". I'll be doing various categories, hopefully none that are illegal on .

NOTE, however, that I'm not gonna do futa or yaoi. I do not like those categories. There will probably be yuri, but they'll involve toys if needed; no dickgirls.

This one is a standard rough sex scene between League's only married Champion couple.


#1: In the mood? – Ashe, Tryndamere

Ashe sighed as she lay in one of the hot tubs, dressed in one of the staff-supplied one-piece bathing suits. Absentmindedly, she toyed with her silver locks of hair, her mind on other matters.

The week so far had been rough for her people. Numerous reports were coming in of warriors from the Winter's Claw tribe making quick incursions into Avarosan lands, and Ashe feared the situation could quickly escalate into open conflict. Sejuani, after all, wasn't exactly a patient woman, and when she saw something she wanted, she would take it.

Ashe, however, wanted to avoid fighting her if at all possible, at least outside the League. Facing her on Summoner's Rift was one thing, but Ashe did not wish to endanger the lives of her people fighting Sejuani in open war. Simply choosing to fight her, even if in defense of her tribe, would be losing.

"I know that look," said a gruff voice, breaking Ashe's train of thought.

Startled, Ashe looked up and quickly blushed as Tryndamere strolled beside her bath.

"T-Tryn? What are you doing here?!" said Ashe.

With a short laugh, Tryndamere said, "What else? I'm here to bathe with my beautiful wife."

"This is a women's only bath! If someone–"

"Your point is? I don't see why I, the Barbarian King, should be denied the privilege to share a bath with my queen."

Ashe groaned, realizing she wasn't going to stop her brash husband at this point. A second later, she made a short yelp as Tryndamere jumped into the pool, the impact splashing her in the face.

"Ahh… much better." Seeing the look of annoyance on Ashe's face, Tryndamere asked, "Hmm? Something troubling you, my dear?"

"Besides the fact that I was trying to have some time alone to think? Not really."

"Not mincing words, I see. Well then, out with it. What plagues my queen's thoughts today?"

"Must you call me 'your queen', Tryn?" When Tryndamere only quirked an eyebrow, Ashe sighed, dropping the subject as she said, "It's about those scouts Sejuani has been sending into our borders. I'm afraid our people may do something rash if this continues."

"Ah, I see…" Tryndamere's face turned to a thoughtful visage as he said, "You want to avoid fighting that woman, is that it?"

"Not so much her, Tryn… I don't want our people drawn into war with her tribe. If it were just me and her, I'd silence her in an instant. But the Freljord is hardly controlled by the League. There's practically nothing stopping her from launching a campaign on our soil, and slaughtering our people."

"Nothing?! You call me and my warriors nothing?" Tryndamere stood, towering over Ashe as he said, "I'd like to see that woman try to invade our lands! After all, that boar of hers would surely make for a fine feast!"

Ashe couldn't help but laugh at this line. She was quite used to her husband's bravado by now, but still found his fool's courage to be an endless source of amusement.

"Ah ha, you see, my dear? You needn't worry so much about such matters. After all, it's a king's duty to tend to the security of his subjects, is it not?"

"Tryn, the security of my people is hardly– EH?!"

Ashe yelped as she suddenly felt Tryndamere give her right breast a squeeze. Without her knowing it, he had somehow gotten behind her and was now fooling around with her body.

"T-Tryn, what are–"

"It's the queen's duty to tend to her king, right? And I've had a long day, so I'm in need of your comfort, dear."

"H-Hey! Stop fooling around, you– EEK!"

Ashe squirmed as Tryndamere's hands roamed her body, grabbing at her breasts and stroking her legs, occasionally grabbing a handful of her buttocks as well.

"T-Tryndamere, t-this is– you need to s-stop this! What if someone sees us?"

"Let them! They should know just how much I care you for, after all!" Tryndamere said proudly, much to Ashe's chagrin. "Besides, you like it when I do this, right?"

Ashe moaned as Tryndamere grabbed both of her breasts in his hands and began massaging them, rolling them in circles and tweaking the nipples with his index fingers. She didn't want to say it, but Tryndamere was right about this; it felt too good.

But then, Ashe made a short gasp as one of Tryndamere's hands gripped her bathing suit, instead of her.

"Tryn, what are you– KYAA!"

Ashe made another yelp as Tryndamere pulled back, hard, and tore the top half of her garment apart with a single tug, exposing her from the waist up, her breasts bouncing as they were abruptly set free. Shreds of fabric fell as Tryndamere tossed away the ripped upper half of Ashe's bathing suit.

"Tryn! That was a rental! You can't just– AAHH!"

Tryndamere ignored Ashe's protests, and was quick to resume fondling his wife. His hands were coarse and rough against Ashe's smooth skin, but still it made her burn with desire. Ashe found herself gripping Tryndamere's wrists, guiding his hands to her sensitive spots, moaning lustily as he groped her breasts. She was drowning in bliss as her breasts squeezed and shifted, pulled and snapped back into place, rolled and bounced.

"T-Tryn, you dirty– Aah, that feels good… D-Don't stop… Nnh…"

"Don't you fret, my dear," Tryndamere said softly. "Your king will make everything well."

Briefly removing his hand from her left breast, Tryndamere turned Ashe's head to his own and quickly engulfed her mouth with his. Ashe was caught off guard, but quickly returned the kiss as Tryndamere continued to fondle her modestly-sized mounds.

Eventually Ashe was forced to break off the kiss, gasping for air as she said, "W-What's gotten into y-you today, Tryn? You're s-so s-spirited… I– Ah?"

Tryndamere had pulled Ashe up, positioning her bent over before him. As Tryndamere's hand gripped her shredded bathing suit, Ashe immediately knew what her husband was after.

"W-Wait a second! T-Tryn, we can't do this here! Someone will hear– AAH!"

"You need me to fight for you, don't you, my queen? If I'm to do that, I would first have you give me an heir."


Ashe squeaked as she felt something hard, yet malleable, pressing against her rear, only separated from her skin by Tryndamere's towel. The barbarian pulled aside her bathing suit between her legs, and she yelped as he spun her around, pinning her with one arm to the back of the tub. His other hand fiddled with his towel; Ashe could see a large 'bump' in the middle.

"Tryn, I-I want a ch-child too, but we can't do this in a public bath! Tryn, stop! STOP! STOP!"

As Tryndamere moved to try and restrain a wildly-thrashing Ashe, the archer balled her right hand in a fist and sent it smashing into Tryndamere's face. Tryndamere scowled as he was knocked back in surprise, angry from Ashe's blow.

"So you want to play rough, do you?" Tryndamere said, relishing the invitation. "Just how I like it, my dear!"

Ashe tried again to strike Tryndamere, but he easily caught her wrist and forced it aside. Ashe struggled frantically as she tried to get away, but soon found herself looking down, eyes wide, at Tryndamere's impressive length. He was nearly a foot long, and quite thick, but Ashe could have sworn it was twice as large as when she had last seen it.

"Tryndamere, please! Please, stop it! Not here! Y-You can't– AAAAAHHHHH!"

Ashe screamed as Tryndamere lunged forward, penetrating her with one swift thrust. His shaft buried itself inside her, hitting the entrance to her womb with great force. Ashe almost blacked out from Tryndamere's entry, her lips quivering and eyes watering with tears of shock. It wasn't her first time, but it might as well have been from the pain. Tryndamere was far larger than she was used to that day.

Then the thrusting began. Tryndamere, his hands pinning Ashe to the side of the bath, grunted as he pulled back and then roughly slammed his length back into the Frost Archer's pussy. Ashe would scream with each thrust, for it felt as though her insides were being split in two. Tryndamere was so huge, and she was rather small by comparison, so each movement of Tryndamere's shaft inside of her felt as though it were tearing her apart.

"T-Trynda– AAH! S-Stop it! AAH! Y-You're hurting m-me– AAAAHH!"

Tryndamere did not listen, too consumed by lust to acknowledge her pain. His hands returned to Ashe's chest, roughly squeezing her breasts while he bit at her neck. Ashe's screams soon began to die down, replaced by cries of pain as her breath gave away.

"P-Please, s-stop it… I-It hurts… Aah… Trynda– MMPH!"

Ashe found her mouth once again in Tryndamere's as he locked into another kiss. In that instant, Ashe's pain suddenly seemed to disappear, replaced by burning pleasure that surged through her body. She moaned as she returned the kiss, her tongue dancing with Tryndamere's between their mouths.

Releasing her for a moment, Tryndamere said, "Your tone has changed."

"Y-You b-brute… T-This hurts so… so damn much, you b-bastard… B-But I want m-more… H-Harder… Please…!"

Smiling, Tryndamere obliged Ashe's request. The archer's screams returned as his thrusts intensified, burying his entire length in her without entering her womb. Ashe's screams, however, now were ones of ecstasy instead of agony. She could feel his shaft pulsing inside of her as her walls tightened around it, trapping him inside of her as they neared their climax.

She wrapped her legs around Tryndamere's waist as he held her in his arms, her breasts bouncing before his face. As they did, Tryndamere caught one of Ashe's nipples in his teeth, clenching the nub in his mouth and sucking it. Ashe's eyes shot wide open as this sent her over the edge.


Ashe screamed at the top of her lungs as orgasm coursed through her. At the same time, Tryndamere groaned loudly as his own climax hit. Strands of the barbarian's seed spewed from his length into Ashe, her womb filling within moments while her own vaginal juices leaked out of her pussy, covering Tryndamere's cock and both their legs.

Ashe shuddered in Tryndamere's grip as he eased himself out of her and set her down back into the bath, taking a seat beside her. His seed dripped as it leaked out of her pussy, mixing with the bath water.

Gasping for breath, Ashe leaned over against Tryndamere's chest as she said, "Y-You a-animal… C-Couldn't you h-have waited until we– oh, nevermind…"

Tryndamere smirked, knowing what Ashe was going to ask. "Who knows when we'll get chances like this, my dear? We'll need to take advantage of them if you're to bear me a son."

Ashe quirked an eyebrow as she said, "A son? Oh no, you're getting a daughter."

Tryndamere laughed loudly to this. "We'll just see about that, my dear."

Ashe smiled as Tryndamere pulled her toward him and kissed her again. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him with his hand around his shaft. He was readying himself for another round.

"W-Wait a second. You want to go again? But there's no way someone won't hear us!"

"Oh, but they won't," said Tryndamere. He then gestured to a nearby contraption, which Ashe hadn't noticed until then. "Got that little gizmo from Heimerdinger. Dunno how it works, but he said it creates a field that'll keep anyone outside from hearing us."

It took a moment for Ashe to take in the idea. But as it clicked in for her, any worry she had was completely eroded, as did any of her restraint.

Ashe's lips rushed to meet Tryndamere's in a deep kiss, the archer ready to have another bout with her barbarian husband.

Not enough fics that depict this, IMO. I know BluebellsAndLavender put up one recently, but I thought I'd take my own spin at Ashe/Tryndamere sex.

I wrote this only over a couple of hours, so I might expand it a bit if I feel it's needed.

Please leave reviews! And I'll definitely try making some more hardcore stuff.