A/N: You HAVE to read the bio to understand what the fuzzy is going on! I just thought of this story today. And the first chapter with the rain; its been pouring buckets this whole week so I thought it would fit great! Anyway…Character Profile!



(The bio is very essential to read!)

Name: Riza Lea (pronounced Lee) James

Sex: Female

Age: 34

Hair Color: Straight Brown Hair

Eye Color: Calypso Sky (really pretty)

Family: Mother (deceased); Father (deceased); Adoptive Mother; Adoptive Father; Adoptive Brother

Job: Singer at a local diner

Hobby: singing; dancing; playing piano and violin; drawing (can do realistic drawings amazingly)

Bio: When she was born, she was brought to a modern-style home and was treated like any child should be treated by her parents. She was an only child, and her parents were always working, so she was alone for along time. She'd be able to spend time with them during the evening but sometimes they'd work overtime. She didn't have any friends because she was homeschooled, so when she wasn't being homeschooled, to fill the time, she started taking walks. One day she came across a park and saw a boy sitting on a bench by himself. The boy looked to be at least 2 or 3 years older than her and had blond hair and dark grey-blue eyes. He looked lonely and so she walked over and asked if she could sit down with him. His eyes lit up like it was Christmas, and he nodded eagerly. They introduced themselves and figured out his name was John. From then on, they were best friends.

Two years later, when she was 13 and he was 16, her parents died in a plane crash when they were going on a business trip. When she figured out what had happened she ran to John's house and when he opened the door she hugged him tightly, telling him what had happened. He told her it'd be okay…but it wasn't.

She was put in an orphanage to be adopted, and John tried to tell his parents to adopt her but they couldn't cause they wouldn't have enough room, so for two months she waited to be adopted and finally the day came that she was adopted into a very rich family.