The coppery sent of blood filled the redheaded speedster's nose as soon as he opened the door. It was like someone had let pennies soak for far longer than they should. His nostrils flared at the all too familiar smell, but he didn't think much of it. It seemed out of place, but his brain didn't pick up on that small fact, maybe it was too occupied with the task at hand.

He never saw it coming, no one did.

Wally hadn't been too worried when Robin didn't answer his door. The guy liked his privacy, or rather Batman liked his ward's privacy. Wally scoffed at that. The man was a control freak. Never the less, he had let himself in when Robin hadn't answered his incessant knocking. He figured that the younger boy would be fine with it in the end. After all, they had been friends for over four years, and Wally knew practically all of Dick's secrets.

Or so he thought.

His hand ghosted over the dark comforter on Robin's bed, and his brow furrowed. Wally's green eyes darted to the walls, which were a dark, almost satin red, and for the first time he realized how dark the younger boy's tastes had grown. He had always known Robin to lean toward brighter colors, happier colors. It was a way to separate the Bird from the Bat. Now that Wally was actually thinking about it he noticed that the colors or Robin's uniform had changed too. It was no longer a walking stop light, but a blood red, and oil black. It was odd, when had all of this gone down?

The light in the bathroom was on, Wally could see the little sliver from under the door, and he could hear the fan sputtering in an endless drone. However, he did not hear the shower going. He simply shrugged off that fact. They had had a long hard training session, perhaps the Boy Wonder simply wanted to soak and relax.

Walking slow enough to make himself impatient, Wally approached the bathroom door and knocked four times.





Staring at the door intently, he tried again, yet he still received no answer. His emerald eyes narrowed and he reached for the doorknob. Twisting it this way and that, the young speedster found that it would not budge. Once again, Wally resorted to knocking. Worry crept into his chest like an unannounced visitor, and he tried to smother it to no avail. Robin was fine, he was just over reacting. He probably fell asleep in the tub or something. That worried him even more though. Robin never just fell asleep unless he was really sick. Like, dying sick. Plus, when he did fall asleep it was easy to wake him. He was trained by Batman after all.

"Dick?" Wally asked, loud enough to be heard over the fan, but quiet enough to avoid Superboy's hearing. "Hey, we are gonna watch a movie. Do you want to join us? It's your turn to pick."

He received no answer yet again.

Wally's heart was running a face paced race within his chest by that point and he was vibrating so fast it was a wonder he didn't just sink right through the floor. He jostled the door rather violently, but it did not open.

"I'm coming in." He warned.

Taking several steps back, Wally flung himself at the door, and it shifted slightly under his weight. Unfortunately, though, it did not open. He waited several seconds, a lifetime for a speedster, listening to hear if Robin would tell him to scram and let him finish his bath. Much to his dismay, no such thing happened. Wally threw himself at the door yet again, this time he used all of his weight. There was a loud crack and the sound of scraping metal.

Wally stumbled into the small bathroom and only then did he notice the coppery smell of blood. His mouth suddenly went dry, and he wanted to get out of that room as soon as possible, but something pushed him forward. He was faced with the red shower curtain that circled the tub, and he found himself mumbling a prayer as he approached it. Wally was not religious, nor did he know where he had heard the prayer, but he found that it brought him comfort. Reaching forward with a trembling hand, the redheaded speedster grasped the shower curtain and braced himself.

Ripping open the curtain, Wally found himself suddenly on his knees at the sight before him. The water in the bathtub was nearly over flowed, but that was not what disturbed him. There lie Dick, as naked as the day he was born in its murky depths. The water was a dark crimson, even darker than the red of Robin's tunic. Wally kept telling himself that it was some sort of dissolving bath tablet, but he knew that was not the case. The bloody and broken razor that lay beneath the surface was proof of that. Dick's black hair was prone as it stood up in the water with no current to move it. His face was calm and serene, almost as if he was sleeping, and it was completely underwater.

Before he had a chance to even process anything, Wally plunged his hands into the contaminated water and grasped Dick's skinny shoulders. Yanking him out without a second though he found the small boy sprawled before him on the cold bathroom floor. Angry red cuts glared at the speedster from the boys tiny wrists and thighs. Beside the fresh cuts were pink and even white scars. A legacy, all lined up in a row.

"Oh shit, oh fuckā€¦" Wally found himself muttering as his fingers traced over the wounds.

He craned his neck and placed his ear beside the young ebony's nose, only to find that the boy was not breathing at all. Panic surged through Wally as his hands immediately flew to Dick's sternum and he began to do chest compressions. He had all the time in the world to be embarrassed about Dick's nudity later, as long as Dick lived to see the end of the day. His face was set in a scowl, but furious tears prickled in the corners of his eyes as he continued his work. Why had he not known before that moment?