I don't own Pokemon.
Chapter 15: The Last Gift!
As Ash woke up on the final day that she was gonna be alive, he held her tight in his arms while she slept.
He started to breakdown in tears as he could stand the thought of losing her just yet.
She woke up and noticed him crying and gently wiped them away.
"Don't cry, Ash. Everything's gonna be alright now. No need to worry." said Dawn weakly as she smiled at him.
He couldn't make any words come to his mind as he started to stop his crying.
He sniffed before she started to look him over as she ran a hand down his torso.
"Ash, have you been starving yourself for me?" asked Dawn as she noticed that she could see his ribs more prominently than before.
"Somewhat." replied Ash, realizing that he did forget meals because he was always looking after her.
She sighed and shook her head before she let go of him and let him get up and get dressed.
He told her that he needed to get something and would be right back, which she agreed.
(A Half Hour Later)
He returned with a gift for her and gently woke her up before giving her the gift.
She opened it with his help before seeing a beautiful mirror with suck detail around the mirror itself.
She thanked him before he put the mirror down and joined her in bed.
"Ash, I know you may think this is weird, but I'm not afraid of dying." said Dawn, cuddling up against him as best as she could.
"Really? Why is that?" asked Ash, looking down at her.
"Because you're here with me." replied Dawn, kissing him.
They kissed for a little while before they broke apart.
"Ash, It's almost time for me to go. Promise me that you'll be yourself and find another girl." said Dawn, looking at him as her eyes were half closed.
"Dawn, I promise. Please don't go. I'll be up with you when I die." said Ash, holding her tightly against him.
"I'm sorry, Ash. I love you. I'll be waiting for you in heaven." said Dawn before closing her eyes and breathing her last breath.
"Dawn, I love you too. Please come back." said Ash, crying from losing his girlfriend in his arms.
(A Couple Of Months Later)
Ash was out and about when he met another girl that was about the same age of Dawn and started to date her before he ended up marrying her.
Despite having a wife and ending up with a child on the way, Ash always has Dawn in his heart and wishes that she never left him alone to find another person.
The End!
Hope you all enjoyed Chapter 15! Happy 4th of July! Go check out my new fic "Bomb Away Your Life"! See ya later!
AshKetchumForever-Action first-Think later!