Warning: from this chapter on there will be HTTYD 2 spoilers!

"Mom...meet Alvis Stoick Haddock." Hiccup said proudly.

Smiling, he handed over the small bundle that was his infant son.

He sat back next to Astrid in the comfortable glow of his cabin's fireplace as Valka grinned down at her grandson.

"He's absolutely gorgeous, dears." she breathed in delight. "Your father would be s'proud you named him after his ol' grandpa."

"We thought he'd look like him." Astrid explained.

"I wish dad could see him." Hiccup admitted.

"He can, son. From Valhalla." Valka told him distractedly, dangling a finger in front of Alvis to get his attention.

Suddenly, Alvis began to wail.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, none of that, now..." Valka laughed, rocking him.

When he kept bawling, Astrid came over and leaned over Valka's shoulder.

"Maybe he's hungry." she suggested. "But I just fed him."

"Not to worry." Valka said easily.

She made a soft throaty purring sound as she continued to cradle the baby boy.

As quickly as he began crying he was yawning and smacking his lips and soon he was fast asleep.

As Valka handed the child to his mother Hiccup looked at her in amazement.

"How did you know to do that?" he asked.

Valka shrugged.

"Works for baby dragons." she said.

Hiccup shook his head in amusement. "Mom, human babies aren't baby dragons!"

Valka laughed.

"You'd be surprised how similar they are."

Her eyes twinkled.

"Children have almost as many secrets as dragons. I suppose I'm going to have to show all o' them to ye now, too."

AN: So I just saw HTTYD 2 the other day and...wow, what a great movie! But poor Stoick! I suppose the chapters where he's alive can be an AU timeline? Anyway, I just really like the idea of Valka being a grandmother, so I wrote this chapter. Hope you like it and thank you for fav/reviewing/ect!