Ok hi guys, if you are reading this story th haveen review. If you aare thininking i'm pesting for rewiews im not i just want to know what you think. I knAndr lot of you are reading so review. I at 411 people saw my story but i only have 10 rewiews. Ok so this is the chapter switching lives part1 so enjoy.

Switching lives Part 1

Wednesday morning

Jade's P.O.V.

God, it's Wednesday today i have to dress like Cat and look exactly like her. The worst thing is i have to act like her. That means no coffe, just some slush or juice. Ok so i wore a white top with flowers and pink shorts. As well with that purple ballet shoes. I skipped to school they way Cat would. Then i started thinking what would Cat do on a morning. I thought of a idea. Then i ran up to the real Cat. I hugged her and started saying:

"Hugs for everyone, yeey!"

Then i huggeAndre, then a long hug for Beck. I started twirling in circles and suddenly i bumped into Sikowitz. He then said to me:

"Are youok, Jade?"

"Im not Jade im Cat."

"Ok Cat, let's go to everyone"

When we came up too everyone. I said to them:

"I got a little head on my time my brother-"

I was cut of by Sikowitz and he said:

"Cat you want some candy?"

"Yeey! I love candy."

Then i took the red piece of liquer from his hand and started eating it.

Cat's P.O.V.

Yeey, i get to be Jadey. This is so great. I wonder what Jadey might do. Then Sikowitz said:

"I will be late for class, sorry guys."


Haha ha i always wanted to do a impression of Jade finally i done it. It's so funny. One time my brother wanted to do a impression of a horse. So he went by a horse and he was standing behind the horse and he got kicked in that place... It was so funny. But my brother was whining and crying for three days. Also Jadey and Becky are together they are so lucky i wish that happened to me and Robbie. But, i don't like Rex much he is really mean to me. He once tried flirting with me but Robbie stopped him luckily. I was still lost deep in my thoughts when the bell rang. Jade shock me and said to me:

"Come on Jadey let's go."

I shrugged my shoulders and said:


Andre's P.O.V.

It is so fun to be Beck he gets every girl in the school and he just started the school! How lucky is he. The answer is so lucky. So we are already one week in the school and two of my best friends are already dating.(Beck and Jade). Jade's friend Cat is kind of fun but she can have her weird minutes which happen always. Cat is kind of hot but you know everybody sees she ha a crush on Robbie except herself and Robbie.

Beck's P.O.V.

So, im Andre right now. Preety weird right now. I just want to be myself. But i only go to school for one week and i already got a girlfriend(secretly). Cat sent me like toons of messages saying:

Cat: OMG! Beck you are so lucky, Jade is great girl."

Me: Yeeh, i know Cat."

Then she was like

Cat; Yeey! Beck thanks for making Jade happy.

Me: you welcome kitten."

I was acting like Andre all day it was fun. Then i went home.

Im so sorry for not writing but i was on holiday. I don't think i will review quickly next week because secondary school starts. Eally sorry but i didn't have ideas for this chapter that's why it's so short. Sorry.