I'm sorry guys. I know how disappointing receiving an update and then realizing it's only an author's note is, but I thought I should just update you so that you know what's going on.

I tried very hard to write a one-shot on Jack's origin story. Tried and failed. So now I have yet another multi-chapter story among the fifty or so I already have on my hands to work with. This means a few things.

One: I won't be posting it until I'm done or nearly done with it. I've learned my lesson form the first couple of stories I've posted. So you may not hear from Jack the Grim Reaper for a little bit while I wrap up the prequel.

Two: It will be posted as a separate story. Therefore, this story is officially complete and will be marked as such. I do believe I'm calling the prequel At Death's Door. So look out for that.

Three: as stated, I am working on about fifty different ongoing, multi chapter stories. (Just for this fandom alone let's not even mention the others) So, it may take quite a while for ADD to come out. For that, I apologize.

Thank you for your patience and for reading and/or reviewing! I'll see you next time I update!