Hello my readers! So I know I put this down as complete before but I couldn't help myself. I love this AU too much to just stop writing it. Also helena0804 on DeviantArt requested this. So this is dedicated to her.

So this takes place a week after Dancing and Bow-Ties and is Cloud and Zack's first date. Enjoy!

Diclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy or any of it's characters.

Sorry Zack, Saturday isn't going to work. I forgot I had a family thing going on. Maybe next week?

Zack blew out a sigh as he rested his head on the kitchen table. It was a Friday night and home was really the last place he wanted to be. It wasn't that he disliked his home, not at all, there was just some place else he would rather be.

Like at a club.

Perhaps dancing.

Possibly with his soon to be boyfriend.

Yep. That was definitely where he wanted to be. There was just one problem. Cloud was busy. Cloud had said he had a family thing almost all day and evening on Saturday and he couldn't stay out late on Friday. So Zack was stuck doing nothing. His friends had offered to bring him along with them to a movie that night, but Zack just wasn't in the mood.

"Well don't you look miserable?" Zack looked up to see his dad walk into the kitchen. Zack grunted in response.

"What's wrong with you," his dad asked as he sat down next to Zack. Zack sighed.

"Cloud can't go out this weekend." Zack's dad thought for a moment.

"Is he that boy you were telling me about?" Zack nodded.

"Yeah, he said he'd go on a date with me, but he's busy this weekend. I don't know if I can wait another week and he won't go out on a school night." Zack's dad gave Zack a pat on the shoulder.

"Things come up Zack. I'm sure he has no say in the matter. You've still got next week and Cloud will still be there." Zack sighed again.

"Yeah, I guess." His dad ruffled his hair a bit.

"So since you're free tomorrow, how would you feel about going to Jonathan's wedding with me?" Zack looked up at his dad with a quizzical look on his face.

"That's tomorrow?" His dad nodded.

"Yeah, you up for it?" Zack shrugged.

"Sure, why not?"


"Mom! Is the bow-tie really necessary," Cloud whined as his mother tied his sky-blue bow-tie for him.

"It's a wedding Cloud! Your cousin's, no less! You have to look nice!" Cloud looked at himself in the mirror just as his mother finished with his bow-tie. He was wearing the exact same thing he had worn to the school dance just a week ago. His eyes went to the sky-blue strip of fabric around his neck and the heat in his cheeks flared. It wasn't so much that he didn't like the bow-tie, it was just that every time he looked at it or thought about it, thoughts of dancing with Zack popped into his head. He really needed a new bow-tie or maybe just a normal tie.

Cloud didn't have much more time to think before his mother grabbed his arm and dragged him out the door.


Zack pulled at his collar and tie as he sat down in the back pew with his dad. Why did he agree to come? He must have been pretty desperate to agree to this. He'd forgotten how boring weddings can be.

"Just gotta hold out until the reception," Zack muttered under his breath. With nothing better to do, Zack looked around the large church, his mind wondering as he thought about where else he'd rather be.

He was about to close his eyes and doze off when something in the first couple rows caught his eye. It was a messy head of bright blonde hair.

"Huh," Zack muttered, "His hair looks just like. . .Cloud's." Zack's eyes widened as the young man turned to talk to somebody in the row behind him.

Holy Crap! It's Cloud!

His blue eyes bright and happy as he laughed at something somebody had said. Zack's breathing hitched as he saw what was around his neck.

He's wearing the bow-tie.

Cloud had sworn to Zack that he was going to throw it away and never wear it in Zack's presence ever again. A smirk grew on Zack's face at the delight of proving Cloud wrong. Zack went to stand, but was quickly shut down when his dad grabbed his shirt and yanked him back into his seat.

"It's starting," his dad whispered in his ear. Zack groaned inwardly at the thought of having Cloud right in front of him for an hour and not being able to do anything about it.


The next hour was agony for Zack. He had never been good at sitting still to begin with, but having Cloud in the same room did nothing to help it. As soon as the bride and groom walked out and the wedding ended, Zack shot up and was about ready to make a run for it when once again his dad grabbed the back of his shirt. Zack looked at his dad with puppy dog eyes.

"Come on Dad! Cloud is right there!" His dad shook his head.

"Zack, if this is a family event for Cloud, then he's probably going to be busy talking to family members for a bit. Wait until the reception. I'm sure he'll still be there." Zack sighed in defeat.

"I guess," he mumbled. Zack filed out of the church behind his Dad, his head hung.


"Can someone please shoot me," Cloud mumbled under his breath. He was currently sitting alone at one of the small reception tables, watching everyone and their mother dance to some upbeat song Cloud had never heard.

While Cloud didn't think his family was too bad, he hated family get-togethers and events. It hadn't been that bad when Cloud had been younger and his cousins would play with him, but with Cloud being the youngest out of all of his cousins, they didn't really talk to him anymore. They were all married now, leaving Cloud alone and bored.

Cloud buried his face in his arms and leaned on the table. He'd thought about joining everybody and dancing, but it just wasn't the same without Zack there.

Cloud sighed. As much as Cloud teased Zack about how he would have to convince him to be his boyfriend, Cloud was already sold. He just wanted to get Zack back for the stunt he'd had Kunsel pull, which Cloud refused to believe Kunsel had done on his own.

It had physically pained Cloud to tell Zack he couldn't go out this weekend. He would've happily skipped the wedding but his mother had decided otherwise. Cloud closed his eyes and started to daydream about dancing with Zack again.

"Why aren't you dancing?" Cloud shrugged without opening his eyes. He wasn't willing to leave his daydream just yet because some relative was trying to be sociable. Although, that voice sounded kind of familiar. Cloud racked his brain trying to place it.

"Well that's no fun. Besides, I'm sure a cutie like you would be a great dancer." Cloud's eyes flew open. There was only one guy on the planet who would use that line on him. Cloud raised his head to see none other than Zack sitting in the chair beside him, a large smug smile on his face. Cloud felt his face heat up.

"Wh-what are you doing here," Cloud stuttered. Zack shrugged.

"My dad works with Jonathan. What about you?"

"Elena is my cousin." Zack nodded thoughtfully.

"Ah, that makes sense. So you ditched me for this huh?" Cloud felt himself anger a bit at that.

"I didn't ditch you! Do you really think I WANT to be here? It wasn't my fault! My mo-MMM!" Cloud was then promptly shut up with Zack's lips on his. It only lasted a second before Zack pulled away, it was only a little peck but it still had Cloud as red as a fire engine.

"What the hell," Cloud half-whispered, half-squeaked, "What if my family saw?" Zack tilted his head and gave him a smile.

"Relax Cloud. Nobody saw, besides, I thought you said your family knew." Cloud thought for a moment, trying to find a loophole in Zack's logic. There were none.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean everybody's happy about it. Besides, last time I checked, we aren't even dating!" Zack clutched his heart in mock pain and pretended to double over in his chair.

"Ouch! You wound me with your harsh words Cloud! How will I ever recover from such a blow?" Cloud rolled his eyes and couldn't help but smile a little.

"I'm sure you'll get over it." Zack sat back up and leaned in his chair.

"So Cloud, you have me for the next," he checked his watch, "three hours. What are you going to do with me?" Cloud flushed at that, he knew Zack didn't mean it THAT way, but his mind went there anyways. Cloud thought seriously for a moment before he had an idea.

"Have you ever heard of Homestuck?"


They spent the next two hours just talking. About anything and everything. They learned quite a lot too.

They both liked Homestuck, although Zack didn't get very far before he got bored with all of the pesterlogs, but he was still an enthusiast. They both agreed Dave Strider was the best. Neither of them cared for rap, but while Zack preferred classic rock 'n roll, Cloud was more of an alternative rock kind of guy. They both liked Imagine Dragons a lot though. Cloud's favorite tv show was Supernatural while Zack wasn't really a fan of tv shows. Zack loved football, but Cloud was more of a hockey fan. Zack liked X-Box and Cloud spent 20 minutes trying to convince him playstation was so much better. Neither of them were very good at hand held games. Zack's favorite movie was Thor, but Cloud was more of an animation nut, so How To Train Your Dragon was more his thing.

Their conversation was then interrupted when a favorite song of Zack's started playing. Zack's eyes lit up and he grabbed Cloud's arm to pull him onto the dance floor. It nearly killed Zack to keep his hands off of Cloud. They still had a pretty good time though, even though they had to stay about half a foot away from each other.

After they had been dancing for about an hour, Zack's dad came and tapped Zack on the shoulder, telling him it was time to go. With a sad face and puppy dog eyes, Zack told him he'd be there in a bit and that he could go out to the car.

After that they both slowly made their way off the dance floor and started walking towards the door.

"So Cloud?"

"Yeah Zack?"

"Would you say that this was our first date?" Cloud thought about it for a moment before he answered.

"Yeah, I'd say it was." Zack grinned.

"You said that after our first date you'd tell me whether or not you wanted to go out with me. So Cloudy, what do you say? Be my boyfriend?" Cloud couldn't resist.

"I dunno Zack. You've never seen Supernatural and your favorite movie's Thor and-" Cloud went silent when he looked at Zack's reaction. The teen looked absolutely destroyed and his eyes resembled those of a kicked puppy. Cloud rolled his eyes as they walked out of the reception hall into the cool evening air.

Without any warning for Zack, Cloud grabbed his tie and pulled him in for a kiss. Zack was shocked at first but quickly got over it as he joined Cloud in the kiss. It didn't last very long before Cloud pulled away with a smug smile on his face.

"That answer your question?" Zack gave him a goofy grin.

"Yeah, I think it does." Zack was about to lean in again when a loud honk interrupted them. They turned to see Zack's dad waiting for Zack in the car. Zack sighed.

"That'll be me." He leaned in and gave Cloud a quick peck on the cheek before turning and walking to the car, waving before he climbed in.

Cloud watched Zack and his dad drive away before he started walking back inside. Cloud's cell started vibrating as soon as he stepped inside. Cloud chuckled when he saw it was a text from Zack.

So what are u doing next saturday my lovely boyfriend?

Cloud smiled as his fingers quickly got to work responding.

Hopefully going on a date with you. :-)

Cloud couldn't stop himself from laughing out loud at the next one.

So ur gonna wear that bow-tie on our next date rite?

So what did you guys think? Make sure you leave a review to let me know and fave it if you liked it!

Many thanks to all who reviewed on Bow-Ties are Sexy.

One last thing: Like I said, I really love writing this AU, so if any of you guys have suggestions or requests for this AU, then leave them in a review or message them to me. If I write your request or suggestion I'll dedicate the fic to you. There don't even have to be bow-ties involved. :-)

Happy Reading!