Hello Everybody! Happy early Clack Day! Yeah, I know this is early but I have a sequel planned and I'm really hoping that I'll be able to have it done by the actual day. So fingers crossed!

Anyways, I hope you guys like it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy or any of it's characters.

Warning: If you don't like yaoi, then why the hell are you here?

Cloud rubbed the back of his neck and shifted uncomfortably. How had he gotten himself into this? Oh right, Tifa. She had practically dragged him here.

Cloud was currently standing in the gym of Midgar High. It was semi-formal and Cloud had been forced to go against his wishes. He didn't have a date and due to the fact he was quiet in school, he didn't have a lot of friends to hang out with. The fact he was gay didn't help either.

Cloud looked down again at what he was wearing. He hadn't really had a choice when it had come to his attire that evening. Tifa and Aerith, damn them, had come over to his house and had just about dressed him themselves before they shoved him out the door.

For the most part, he was okay with what he was wearing. Black dress shoes and pants, a white button down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. It was the thing around his neck that he had a problem with. A bow-tie. An actual bow-tie. It was a simple sky blue color, not something crazy, but it still made Cloud cringe.

Did the girls want the whole school to know he was gay? Did they want him to be ridiculed and bullied? Must be. Cloud scanned the crowd. The room was dark with the exception of the bright different colored strobe lights. Music Cloud had never heard made the whole room shake and in the center of the room was a mass of horny teenagers grinding against each other. Or at least, that's how Cloud saw it.

As Cloud was scanning the crowd, something caught his eye. Or rather someone. The guy was rather tall and muscular with longer black hair that he had in a ponytail. Cloud racked his brain trying to think if he knew the guy, and nothing was coming to mind. He couldn't make out much due to the lack of light and everybody moving around, but Cloud could definitely make out enough to decide that the guy was hot.

The guy seemed to be right in the middle of the mass of people and was dancing right along with everybody else. Cloud would've been happy to just admire him from afar, but his plan was shattered when the guy turned to look right at him.

The guy's piercing gaze seared into Cloud. Cloud tried to look away, but couldn't bring himself to do it. Cloud couldn't quite tell, but he could've sworn the guy had a huge smile on his face and Cloud started to panic when he realized something.

Oh my God! He's coming straight towards me!

Cloud tried to tell himself that it was okay and that the guy was probably just going to get a drink or something.

As if Cloud was that lucky.

The guy weaved in and out of the masses of people with ease as he made a beeline for Cloud. His gaze was so intense that Cloud just wanted to become as small as possible until he disappeared, but he still couldn't look away. His brain kept telling him to turn and walk away while there was still time, but Cloud's feet had other plans.

Before Cloud knew it, the stranger was standing right in front of him with a million-dollar smile on his face. Cloud had to remind himself not to drool as he quickly reexamined the guy now that he was up close. Cloud wasn't disappointed.

He had a handsome, narrowish face with indigo eyes and a small scar on his lower right cheek.

Cloud was speechless as he stared up at the stranger, who was about half a foot taller, unsure what to do. He was actually thankful when the stranger started talking.

"Why aren't you dancing," he asked, raising his voice to be heard over the loud music. Cloud shrugged.

"I don't know." The stranger raised an eyebrow and frowned a bit.

"Well, that's no fun. Besides, I'm sure a cutie like you would be a great dancer."

Did he just call me a cutie?

Cloud decided to pretend that he hadn't heard that part and quickly shook his head.

"No, I-I don't really know how to dance." The stranger smiled again.

"Well, that's an easy fix! I can teach you! Come on!" Cloud suddenly found himself being pulled into the large crowd by his arm. As they maneuvered through the throngs of people Cloud felt awkward as he seemed to bump into everybody. They finally stopped when they reached the middle of the mass of people and the boy turned to him.

He pulled Cloud close and leaned in right next to his ear.

"Now, the first step is to just feel the music. Okay? Don't try too hard and don't worry if you're doing it wrong. Just go with it. Got it?" Cloud could feel that his cheeks were on fire as he mindlessly nodded.

With that, the guy lightly wrapped his arm around Cloud's waist and started swaying to the music. Cloud started swaying his hips to mimic the stranger.

"Good, good," the boy cooed into his ear, "See, it's not that hard is it?" Cloud took a deep breath before he closed his eyes and started to relax. He started moving his hips in time with the music.

Little by little, Cloud felt himself letting go. He stopped caring and worrying about everything. And he loved it. Then a thought popped into Cloud's mind. His handsome stranger wasn't near close enough.

Then, Cloud did something that baffled his mind. Before he could stop himself he wrapped one hand around the boy's neck and pulled him closer so that their bodies were pressed against each other. That's when Cloud started to grind and thrust his hips against the boy.

Cloud was holding his breath and waiting for the rejection, but it never came. The boy tightened his hold on Cloud's waist and started grinding right back.

"Yeeeeessssss," he hissed into Cloud's ear. Cloud smiled and continued dancing.

The DJ played song after song and they danced for each one, never missing a beat. Cloud came to love the boy's touch. How it was possessive and gentle all at the same time. Not to mention the fact that Cloud had to bite his lips multiple times to contain his moans while the boy thrusted against him. Normally Cloud would've been worried about getting yelled at by the chaperones, but they were right in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded on all sides.

After a while, their positions changed so Cloud's back was to the stranger's front as they moved in perfect sync together with the boy's hands having a tight grasp on Cloud's hips. Cloud was in ecstasy and he never wanted the moment to end. With his stranger's arm around his waist and his other hand resting low on Cloud's hip, Cloud actually felt wanted. Nobody had ever reached out to him like that before. Part of Cloud was terrified that it was some big joke and that it wasn't real. That his mystery man was just playing with him.

These thoughts left Cloud's mind when he felt one of the boy's hands leave his hips and go up to his neck while the other one slowly started going south.

"Cute bow-tie," he whispered into Cloud's ears as his fingers quickly undid the bow tie and popped open the top button on his shirt. He gave the collar a rough tug to loosen it a bit, revealing more skin. Cloud could barely contain his low moan when the boy lowered his lips to his neck and started trailing kisses all up and down his neck.

But Cloud lost it when his man lightly brushed his hand across Cloud's crotch. He quietly cried out as his head tilted back to expose more of his neck and his hips thrust forward.

Cloud reached behind him and wrapped his arms around the stranger's neck to pull him closer.

Cloud was having the time of his life as his stranger's warm lips pressed gentle kiss's on his neck and his hand rested between Cloud's hip and crotch. Then the DJ decided to be cruel.

A slow song came on.

Cloud froze up, unsure what to do. Surely the boy didn't want to slow dance with him. Slow dancing was completely different than regular dancing, right? Cloud started to step away, planning on following the countless other kids off of the dance floor.

The boy's grip on Cloud's hips tightened as he pulled Cloud back to him.

"Why'd you stop dancing?" His voice made Cloud quiver.

"It's a slow song," Cloud whispered back, his voice hoarse.

"So?" Cloud stuttered for a moment while he tried to come up with an excuse. The boy chuckled.

"Come on cutie, you've been grinding on me all night. I think you owe me a slow dance." Cloud couldn't help but blush at the bold statement before he slowly nodded.

His stranger maneuvered around Cloud so that they were face to face again. He lightly rested his hands on Cloud's hips and pulled Cloud closer. Cloud hesitantly wrapped his arms around the boy's shoulders. It was awkward at first, with about a half a foot between the boys as they slowly swayed back and forth. As the song went on, Cloud found himself relaxing and melting into his stranger. Soon their bodies were lightly pressed against each other with Cloud's head resting on the other's shoulder.

After the slow song stopped and the DJ started playing the faster songs again, the two slowed to a stop and looked each other in the eye. Cloud could feel himself shaking when his stranger gave him a sweet smile before he leaned down and kissed Cloud.

Cloud would never admit it, but it was his first kiss and it was so much better than the first kiss horror stories he had heard from Tifa and Aerith. His stranger's lips were warm and firm. Cloud could tell that his partner knew what he was doing as he slowly coaxed Cloud's mouth open with his tongue. Cloud couldn't help but smile into the kiss as his tongue shyly met the stranger's. The kiss was slow and intoxicating, but it had to come to an end sometime. Cloud pulled back, not quite confident enough in his kissing skills to further the kiss. Cloud gave the boy a blinding smile and looked away shyly.

Then he happened to look over his stranger's shoulder. Just barely through the crowd, Cloud could see Tifa and Aerith standing there, trying to get his attention. Tifa was actually at the point of jumping up and down while Aerith was waving her arms around.

Cloud's brow furrowed as he tried to figure out what they were so upset about. Then Aerith pointed to her wrist in the universal symbol for time. Cloud's eyes widened. He had completely forgotten about his curfew. His mother had told him to be home at midnight. Cloud had no idea what time it was, but by judging the girl's antics, it was probably coming up soon.

Cloud looked back up at his partner, who was looking at him with concern now.

"I-I have to go," Cloud said as he slowly backed away, out of his stranger's safe embrace. The boy's brow furrowed further.

"Okay, can I have your number or something?" Cloud shook his head as he backed away faster.

"No, sorry, I have to go now. It was nice to meet you and thank you for getting me to dance with you. I had a really good time tonight. Bye!" With that, Cloud turned and ran, making a beeline for his friends.

As Cloud ran away, his loose bow tie fell to the ground. Cloud didn't look back to see his stranger reach down and pick up the sky blue bow-tie.

Zack Fair blew out a sigh as he let his head hit his locker. He was pretty sure that he was going crazy. He'd spent all of homeroom asking around about his cute little blond, but no one seemed to know who he was. Did he go to a different school? Would Zack ever see him again?

"You okay man? You're not looking so good." Zack turned to see his best friend Kunsel leaning on the locker next to his and shook his head.

"Still haven't found him yet." Kunsel sighed.

"Why are you so hell bent on finding him? So you guys danced, big whoop. You've danced with tons of guys. If it's the bow-tie you're worried about, then don't. You'd be doing him a favor by burning it."

Zack turned to Kunsel with a hard look on his face.

"You don't get it Kunsel, we didn't just dance. We clicked. We danced in perfect sync and I felt something, I swear I did. And the kiss, oh man." Kunsel just rolled his eyes.

"Alright, I get it. I get it. You found your soulmate and you want to find him so you can live happily ever after. I'll ask around for you." Zack smiled and clapped Kunsel on the back.

"Thanks man."

"WHAT?!" Tifa and Aerith looked at each other.

"You mean you had no idea who he was? Absolutely no idea," Tifa asked, raising an eyebrow at her blond friend's stupidity.

"No! I-I had no idea! I can't believe I didn't recognize him! Oh gods," Cloud squeaked, trying to keep it down since they were in the library.

"It'll be okay Cloud," Aerith assured him. Cloud quickly shook his head.

"No it won't! I freakin grinded against Zack Fair! The most popular kid in school! And the kiss! Oh man! He's probably laughing about it with his friends now!"

"You grinded? Really," Tifa asked curiously. Aerith waved her off.

"He wouldn't do that Cloud. I've had a class or two with him and he's really nice." Cloud sighed.

"Wouldn't it be adorable if he started looking for you? And then he asked you to be his boyfriend," Tifa asked. Cloud gave a sad chuckle.

"That's not gonna happen Tifa. I was just a fun time is all. I should probably avoid him for a while, until he's forgotten about me." Cloud picked his books up off of the table and walked out of the library, leaving his two friends feeling sorry for him.

Tifa opened her locker and started switching her books out for second period. She really wished that there was something she could do to help Cloud. He had looked so happy when he had been dancing with Zack. In fact, she couldn't remember ever seeing him that happy.

She was half-tempted to go up to Zack and give him a good punch right in the kisser. He was a real jerk if he thought that Cloud was just a good time. Tifa's thoughts were interrupted when a voice broke into her thoughts.

"Yeah, he has blond hair, blue eyes, and he's kinda small. He was dancing with Zack Friday night and Zack wants to find him." Tifa whirled to the locker next to hers to see Kunsel, one of Zack's friends, talking to some girls. The girls all shook their heads before walking off.

"You said you're looking for the guy Zack danced with last night, right," Tifa asked. Kunsel looked up at her and nodded.

"Yeah, you know who he is?"

"Yeah, he's my best friend. Cloud Strife." Kunsel's eyes widened.

"Really? Huh, no kidding. Thanks, I'll go tell Zack now." Tifa grabbed his wrists to stop him. Kunsel turned to see an evil smile grow on her face.

"Well, we can do this the boring way, or we can do this the fun way." Kunsel grinned.

"Talk to me."

Zack sighed as he pushed his tray away and rested his head on the table.

"Geez Zack. It was one boy, there are tons of them out there. Can't you just go find another one?" Zack looked up at his friend, Genesis, who was sitting across from him. Zack shook his head.

"You guys just don't understand. He was different. He wasn't like the other guys who came onto me. I had to convince him to dance with me. He looked so shy and innocent." Sephiroth raised his eyebrow.

"I saw the two of you dancing and he didn't look innocent to me."

"But that's the thing. That's what makes him perfect. He had all that fire hidden behind his cute little face. I want to be the one to bring that out of him," Zack shook his head in aggravation, "I sound like a freaking romance novel."

Angeal, who was sitting next to him, gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"Don't worry about what these two tell you Zack. If you feel that he was the one, then go after him." Zack gave a weak smile.

"Thanks Angeal." Zack was going to continue to watch his three friends eat their lunch when Kunsel walked up to him, with a huge shit-eating grin on his face.

"What's with that grin Kunsel," Zack asked, feeling a little uneasy.

"You'll see," Kunsel said in a singsong voice. Without another word Kunsel hopped onto their lunch table. He cleared his throat.

"Midgar High! May I have your attention please?" Kunsel's voice boomed throughout the entire cafeteria. Everyone turned to look at him. Including Cloud Strife, who was sitting on the opposite side of the cafeteria near the door,with Aerith and Tifa.

"As you all may know, at the dance last Friday night, Zack Fair danced with the boy of his dreams. Sadly, the boy ran off before Zack could get his name, leaving Zack with nothing but the boy's bow-tie that he had left behind. Now, Zack wants nothing more than to find this boy and ask him to be his boyfriend."

Zack rolled his eyes, of course Kunsel would try something like this.

"Now, would Cloud Strife please step forward! Zack Fair has an important question to ask you!" Zack's eyes widened. Kunsel had found him? Zack stood up and started looking around for him. Then, in the far corner of the cafeteria, he saw a familiar head of spikey blond hair.

Cloud Strife had just died. How did he find out his name? Cloud looked over to see that Tifa had a smirk on her face. The traitor. Cloud slid down in his chair a bit in an attempt to feel smaller.

"Well, stand up Cloud," Tifa said, pulling on his arm. Cloud jerked his arm away and shook his head.

"No." Cloud turned his head to look back at Kunsel and saw that Zack had stood up and was frantically scanning the cafeteria. Cloud prayed that he wouldn't see him. But it just wasn't meant to be.

It was only a matter of seconds before Zack laid eyes on him, his gaze just as intense as it had been at the dance. Cloud held his breath as their eyes remained locked for a mere seconds. Cloud couldn't stop the tears that started spilling from his eyes. It was all a joke, it had all just been a joke. Cloud somehow managed to break the eye contact and darted for the cafeteria door. Not caring anymore, he pushed the doors open and ran, letting the doors slam shut behind him.

"Cloud!" Zack took off after Cloud, weaving in and out of lunch tables. Everybody seemed to back up and create a path for him straight to the doors. Zack threw the doors open to see that Cloud was still running down the long hallway.

"Cloud!" Zack started running again as Cloud quickly looked back. Within a matter of seconds, Zack was right on Cloud's tail. Zack reached forward and managed to grab a hold of Cloud's wrist. Cloud's head whipped around to look at Zack, his eyes red with tears.

Zack pulled Cloud to a stop and wiped away his tears with his thumbs.

"Hey hey hey, what's wrong baby? Why are you crying?" Cloud's face scrunched up in anger and he shoved Zack away.

"Don't call me that! I'm not your baby!" Zack put his hands up in mock surrender.

"Fair enough. Now, why are you crying?" Cloud clenched his fists.

"Was Friday night just a joke to you? Were you just messing with me?" Zack's eyes widened in shock.

"What? No! What would make you think that?"

"Because I'm. . .me! I can't even get more than two people to hang out with me! Why the hell would you want me? It doesn't make sense! You don't even know me!" Zack's eyebrows furrowed.

"You're right. I don't really know you, but I want to change that. I want a chance to get to know you."

"But why," Cloud spat out, "So we danced. I've heard you've danced with a lot of guys. What makes me so special."

"Come on Cloud. Don't tell me you didn't feel it! We were perfect together!" Cloud couldn't stop the blush from creeping onto his cheeks. Zack laughed.

"You know I didn't mean it like that Cloudy! Geez, my cute, little, innocent Cloud has got a dirty mind." Cloud flushed even more and started to stutter as he tried to defend himself. Zack took this opportunity and took a step closer, so he was less than an inch away from the short blond.

"But that's okay, I wouldn't want you any other way." Cloud looked down, not sure how to respond. He could feel his shield slipping away. He so badly wanted to believe Zack, but he still wasn't sure.

"All I'm asking for is a chance Cloud. Just go on a date with me. Please?" Cloud looked up to see Zack giving him the biggest set of puppy dogs eyes that he had ever seen. Cloud covered his mouth in an attempt to hide his giggle. Zack smiled.

"Was that a laugh Cloud?" Cloud lowered his hand and smiled at Zack. He blew out a sigh.

"One date Zack." Zack let out a gleeful laugh and pumped his fist in the air.

"Yes!" Before Cloud could react. Zack leaned in and gave him a full kiss on the lips. Zack pulled away after a couple of seconds and smiled at Cloud. Then his eyes lit up.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Cloud curiously watched as Zack pulled something out of his pocket. Cloud groaned when he saw the small strip of sky blue material.

"I hate that thing."

"Awww, but you looked adorable in it." Zack leaned forward and started to put the bow tie on Cloud. Cloud was surprised that Zack knew how to do it, Tifa had to do it for him on Friday.

Once finished, Zack pulled away to admire his handiwork, the bow-tie mismatching Cloud's t-shirt horribly.

"You look pretty damn handsome Mr. Strife."

Cloud chuckled and started walking back towards the cafeteria.

"So Zack, where are you taking me for this date of ours?" Zack thought for a moment.

"Well, how do you feel about dancing?"

Cloud turned his head and flashed Zack a smile before continuing to walk down the hall.

Cloud couldn't help himself as he made an extra effort to sway his hips as he walked down the hall. He laughed when he heard Zack moan behind him.

So what did you guys think? Make sure you review and tell me! Please?

So anyways, when I post the sequel I'll post it as a second chapter. So if you want more, make sure to follow the story!

Thanks for reading! Happy Reading!