Many stories in the fandom treat the relationship between Fingon and Turgon as one strained either by the difference in age between the two, the influence of the sons of Fëanor on Fingon, or a combination of the two. While I can go either way with Fingon and Turgon's relationship, in this piece, I am choosing to treat their relationship as one that has been estranged. Here I am exploring the origins of that estrangement. So it follows that I see elves, especially the Noldor of the First Age as fallible, very fallible. In rereading the Silmarillion I am always struck by all the nuggets Tolkien left for us to explore. Laws and Customs Among the Eldar is certainly the guidepost by which many choose to hang their hats on in regard to many of the tropes we find in fanfiction, but I am not one of them. In fact, in my mind—and in agreement with many others out in our fandom—I choose to see the Laws and Customs as records that have come down through the line of Men, retelling what they have heard, read, about these aspects of Elven life a sort of palimpsest.

Findekáno- Fingon




Chapter 1: Day at the Square

1466 Year of the Trees

Findaráto and Findekáno were walking the Great Square. It was a lovely day. It appeared that all the elves of Tirion were walking the paths of the Great Square. Galathilion, the White Tree, flanked by the Mindon, the great tower of Ingwë, stood bright and tall. The cousins made quite the pair, one golden haired, the other raven, both tall, clearly sons of the House of Finwë. They circled the square deep in conversation, ignoring the giggles and whispers of groups of elven maidens that passed them as they made their way in the opposite direction.

Indeed it was a favored pastime of the mostly Noldor populace of Tirion to flock to the Great Square on certain High Days, dressed in elegant yet casually charming wear and walk around the Great Square. Families would take little ones and enjoy the puppeteers that would set up stages at different points of the Square. Food vendors appeared selling the latest favorites of the city folk. Others offered their wares to those interested in silken handkerchiefs, arts and crafts, jewelry fashionable amongst the young of Tirion, books, and more. Down the marbled steps that led down from the Great Square were a series of intimate amphitheaters and during the High Days the great crowds of Tirion could sit and watch musicians and playwrights perform their latest creations. It was a sight to behold, full of color, laughter, and life—an endeavor wholly Noldorin.

Young elves took the opportunity to meet with lovers, sneak a glance, share a smile with one's object of affection, or in the case of Findaráto and Findekáno, sigh with the greatest sentiment of unrequited love for it was known that these two Lords were not to be bothered. Findaráto, for his part, was in love with Amarië, daughter of a noble Vanyarin family that dwelt in Tirion as part of Finwë's courts, ambassadors of the High King Ingwë.

But those elves a little bit older, not prone to the tender love struck ways of those nearing or just passed their majority walked the square with more confident airs, looking for different types of pastimes, more mischievous in nature. Thus Findekáno, for his part, was not interested in catching the attention of love struck maidens fresh from the lavish parties that celebrated their coming of age. He was interested in something of a different sort.

"Tell me cousin, when are you going to find that special someone," Findaráto spoke, with not a hint of amusement, though the twinkle in his eyes said otherwise.

Findekáno groaned, "Not you too. My atto and amil have been badgering me of late. What is it with the lot of you!"

Findaráto turned to study Findekáno's reaction. He was running his hands through his hair, his hands extended punctuating his words, eyes bright blue grey shining brightly as he went through his well rehearsed list of why he had not married. Findaráto, sensing Káno wasn't going to let up, came around him putting his hands on his shoulders forcing Káno to an abrupt stop.

Káno now focused on the golden haired elf's face that was a mere inches from his.

"Cousin, it was in jest. I only meant to elicit a bit of colour from you, but what I have gotten is a litany!"

Káno's face relaxed as he stared at his cousin, the twinkle in Findaráto's eyes brighter. "No, what I sense here is Arafinwën deviousness. You seek to divert my attention from a deeper cause. I am no maiden Ingoldo, you cannot offer me sweet words with one hand and with the other seek your true will." Káno lifted his chin in a show of playful defiance. The cousins always tried to get a rise out of each other.

Findaráto dropped his hands from Káno's shoulders, laughing merrily. "Astaldo, of course you see through my words." The two began circling the Great Square again. "It was a transparent attempt on my part," Findaráto continued, with a casual shrug.

"So then, what is it you really want to ask me Ingoldo?" Káno astutely guessed.

The color now rose to Findaráto's cheeks, "Káno you must say yes." He now looked at Káno his face clouded over with the look of one who was bound to an ill-fated love.

"Stop with your supplications cousin," Káno slapped Findaráto on the arm. "You are delicious my cousin, but your charms will go no further here," Káno offered, a sly grin gracing his handsome face.

Findaráto offered him a cheeky grin in return. "Well then I'll come to it, but you still cannot say no. I need you to come with me and Amarië to the shows tonight."

"No!" Káno immediately exclaimed. "I will not be your minder. You are both adults. Findaráto you live on your own. Amarië stays with you there."

Findaráto was now honestly disconcerted. "I know," he groaned, "but she has just returned from Taniquetil. You would not believe how challenging her parents make it for us to court. Their damn Vanyarin codes of behavior are ludicrous, ludicrous!" Findaráto's eyes were now storming. "Amarië has never been to the late shows and I want to take her their so badly," Findaráto implored his older cousin.

"And why not Turukáno? He and Elenwë would most certainly join you. Wait, I know, Elenwë has the same strictures upon her. I hear Turukáno wailing about it. I always tell him, like I tell you, serves you right for mixing up with those stiff backs."

Findaráto replied, "It is always an extreme with you Káno. They are not all so bad. They can be insufferable but also delightful. Just look at my Amarië."

"Yes and we both know what happens when a Vanya marries a Noldo, they become one of us, not the other way around. Amarië may be confined by Vanyarin dictates but the moment you marry, their customs dictate she is now of your House." Káno paused, Findaráto said nothing. He continued, almost speaking to himself, "I will never understand why those damn stiff backs hold their women with such low regard. They take a gift and lock it up, the true nobility and strength left to wither, never to reckon the learning of skill, exploring the many paths of potential."

"And we Noldor provide that for our women?" Findaráto replied, in agreement with Káno's assessment of Vanyarin gender roles, but also aware of the limitations of his own.

Káno held up his hand in acquiescence. "It is true, we are not yet learned enough to offer women their rightful place, but we are debating it. Just in council the other day your sister and mine presented a most eloquent and successful petition to be allowed into trades heretofore closed to women, with the support of anammë [grandmother] no less." The notion that Indis offered the women support was not lost on the two cousins.

Findaráto smiled, a look of pride overtaking his countenance, "Yes, I heard, though I also caught wind from Írissë that you were very helpful offering them insights as to what the naysayers would most certainly counter with."

Káno blushed, "Írissë and Artanis have as much right to choose their own path as you or I do. If by my will, my heart, and my hand I can help them achieve that, then I will."

Findaráto placed his arm around his cousin's shoulders, embracing him as they walked. "Can you imagine Ingwë's surprise to hear from his representatives that his own sister lent her name to the petition?"

Káno snorted, "Oh how I would love to see his face. Grandfather was just as surprised, but he voted in favor. Indeed most of our council agreed that it was time. Maedhros was there as representative of his father. I must say the scoundrel was most eloquent in his support of the bill."

"Were you there Káno?" Findaráto asked.

"Yes, I was in the gallery. I was waiting for…" His voice dropped off.

"For the scoundrel?" Findaráto astutely guessed, eliciting a snort from Káno.

Káno held his gaze ahead of him, offering no further words.

"Fine," Findaráto gave up, "we shall not speak of that. But please do say you will join us?"

Káno laughed, "I was going to ask why you have not cajoled my brother, but I know he would dare not cross Elenwë's parents and dream of taking her to such a scandalous place."

"Exactly," Findaráto replied. "Turukáno was mortified with the mere thought of taking his beloved and risking the ire of her parents." Findaráto paused, looking for a way to say what he was thinking. "Káno?"

Káno's interest was now piqued. He knew this tone of voice coming from Findaráto, always thoughtful but to the point.

"You must speak with Turukáno. He risks the ire of Elenwë. She is not like Amarië. I know they have just begun to see one another, but Turukáno is behaving rather oddly."

Káno was massaging his temple with his fingers, groaning, "Dearest brother, ready to fuck up another relationship before it has begun?" Káno now looked expectantly at Findaráto. "And have you spoken to him about this. You two are close."

Findaráto sighed, "I tried, but you know how stubborn he is. Once he has set his way to something he thinks is right he does not move, like a damn boulder."

Káno laughed. He knew his brother's stubbornness too well. Káno had given up offering Turukáno advice as he simply dismissed it. Turukáno did not believe Káno could offer any helpful advice as he was more the consummate bachelor, while beloved of maidens, never one to explore one flower closely. The brothers were close in other regards, hunting and riding together, helping their father build their home in the country, along with Írissë, but when it came to matters of the heart, the divide was great. Only Írissë could bridge that space between the two.

Findaráto shrugged his shoulders, "I guess he will not hear it from either of us." Findaráto now looked at Káno with a devilish grin, "Elenwë just wishes Turukáno would take her into a nice meadow and TAKE her. She's rather bored and ready to offer up what she calls her ironic state of virginity."

"And what, pray tell, does she mean by that?" Káno snorted.

"I shouldn't be sharing this with you," Findaráto winced, a bit embarrassed by his own need to gossip. "In fact Amarië would kill me as she was herself sworn to secrecy."

"I'll hear none of that," Káno hotly demanded, "out with it!"

"Fine, fine. Elenwë just wants Turukáno to fuck her brains out."

Káno had to stop walking as he doubled over with laughter, motioning for Findaráto to finish his sordid tale.

"But your brother is so damn consumed with her Vanyarin honor and this and that nonsense that he is clueless."

"Oh dear," Káno breathed, trying to regain self-control, "Turukáno! He can be so blind some times, my big oaf of a brother." Káno straightened, smoothing out the simple blue tunic he wore, very unlike those favoured in Noldorin society. Káno was a bit of a trailblazer, finding that fitting in was boring. He favored boldness and vision instead. Yet ironically Káno was more committed to ideas and so consumed in working towards his visions that the thought of putting too much effort into appearance was secondary. As a result he received much push back and advice on how to represent his station. This chaffed Káno, and he found that what he wore was like the first hammer strike in a rock, enough to get elves to rethink simple things before moving on to bigger issues. In that regard some said he was like Fëanor, but Káno rebuked that comparison. If anything he was his father's son, thinking about fomenting circumstances that would allow the Noldor to grow in ways that might not be perceived.

In fact, many of the maidens who wistfully cast their eyes his way saw a bit of a rebel who wore his hair with simple plaits, woven with striking threads of gold, but his hair otherwise loose. Other elves had discreetly started imitating his clothing, asking tailors to create the look so favored by one of their Noldorin princes. Fewer still were bold enough to mimic his hairstyle, all except the sons of Fëanor. It started a bit in jest, but the simplicity of it won them over and they too found the easiness of it appealing.

It wasn't that Káno didn't respect tradition, the meaning of the plaits of a house or deeds of valour. He just found that his generation had not done much to earn them. He felt they had become simply ornamental.

"Very well then, I will go with you," Káno declared, eliciting a hearty approval from Findaráto.

"Excellent, then I will meet you at the amphitheaters at dusk?" Findaráto replied, now dancing with excitement.

"I will be there," Káno offered, a knowing smirk on his face.

With that, Findaráto departed, quickly making his way to his bachelor apartment. Káno continued walking the Great Square, stopping to eat and talk to acquaintances here and there. He spied his mother perusing one of the vendor's booths, speaking with her close friend and mother of Findaráto, Eärwen.

"Amil, onónëamil," Káno greeted his mother and aunt.

"Yonya," Anairë replied, kissing her son's brow, "are you on your way home?"

"No ama, I was just enjoying the day. I will stay with you if you like," Káno added hopefully, feeling quite like the child needing his mother.

"Of course Astaldo!" Anairë answered, happy to spend time with her son.

"Onónëamil," Káno directed himself to Eärwen, "I just left your son off at the southern steps. I am sure if he would have known you were here he would have joined us."

Eärwen laughed, "Indeed Káno. I spied the two of you going on about Elbereth knows what!"

Káno blushed, feeling more and more like a child being found out at something naughty. He buried his face in his mother's arms, feeling comforted by the familiar smell of her.

Anairë patted his head, "Now look Eärwen. You've made my Káno cry."

Káno offered a muffled laugh, unwilling to tear himself away from his mother.

"As much as I am enjoying you leaning on me, I'd like to move on but you are quite heavy yonya," Anairë giggled as Káno was resting his weight on her.

Suddenly Anairë's feet were off the ground, tightly held in Káno's arms. "Then I will carry you ama."

"Put me down!" Anairë shrieked, her beautiful Káno's spirit a radiant star that inspired much brightness.

Káno gently set his mother on his feet and offered Eärwen if she too would like to be carried like the queens of exotic far off places. The three spent the remainder of the afternoon, exploring the Great Square, pausing to speak to the folk who came to them to offer traditional Noldorin greetings of reverence.


Onónëamil- sister mother/aunt

Yonya-my son