AN: I don't own Soul Eater or The Breakfast Club

"...and these children that you spit on, as they try to change their worlds are immune to your consultations. They're quite aware of what they're going through..." - David Bowie

The Dead Soul Society

Maka's POV

Death city, Nevada or as many locals called it, "dead city" because of how scorching hot and lifeless the small town is, is practically in the middle of nowhere. To no surprise, the city only holds 3 high schools; two public and one private, Death City Academy of Arts and Business. That one private school is exclusive to the smartest and brightest students in Nevada, that's what they claim at least. However like any other high school it does have its bad apples, but if you've got bank you're pretty much in. Long story short, that's where I go.

Let me clue you in though, I'm not a rich kid in the slightest. I live pretty modestly since my father works at that school as a teacher and I work also, so our income is pretty decent for it being just the two of us. I got in through a scholarship I was accepted for because of my grades through grade school. Three years of high school later and I'm finishing 11th grade currently, so far it's been a shit year. I've never once in my entire record as a student gotten a detention. I know I sound like a total neo maxi zoom dweebie, but if you've had a clean record with perfect attendance, straight A's since elementary, and not a single behavioral problem then it would seem like the end of the world, at least for me that's what it felt like.

But I have no one to blame but myself. At the same time, as depressed as am for getting the damn consequence I'm proud of myself for doing something outside my comfort zone for the 1st time. In other words I felt like a badass for what I did, I just wish I hadn't gotten in trouble for it. It wasn't even anything heavy. All I did was ditch a whole day, whoop-di-do, but the damn administrators wouldn't look past it. I mean 50 kids probably ditch every day without getting caught. Anyways there's nothing I can do about it now as my dad drives me to school. At 7:45 in the morning. On a Saturday. Great right?

He pulls beside the campus and waits for me to grab my things and head out. "I know this is just a phase you're going through and I hope for your sake you don't keep this up." I roll my eyes and give him the silent treatment. "I'll be back at 12 o'clock to pick you up here alright?" A give a quick nod and leave as he goes in for a hug. He knows I'm mad at him yet he tries to pretend like nothing's wrong, either that or he's stupid. I get out and hear his car leave just as another car starts pulling in where he was.

I quickly make my way towards the library, my messenger bag slung across me. As I walk inside I immediately release a breath I hadn't realize I was holding. I look for an empty seat towards the back and make way towards it and sit. I recognize the people who are already sitting. I'm surprised to see Kennedy Reaper who everyone knows as "Kid" and is the son of principle Seth Reaper, sitting across from me in the front. Kid was known for being extremely OCD about every little thing; he was a perfectionist in every sense of the word.

I've never personally interacted with him besides this one time he complemented me on my hair which I've always worn in two pig tails. I was confused but I blushed and took the compliment and walked away. Most of the girls I ate lunch with had big crushes on him though it seemed like he rarely interacted with people in general. Unless it was for some school related thing. Even I thought he was cute but he was totally oblivious to some of the really pretty girls that flirted with him therefore I figured it was pointless.

This boy Conner Gorgon I have for my English class was huddled all the way in the back on the other side of me. He was a peculiar kid, I always saw him alone. In fact I don't think I've ever heard him say a thing. He had strange choppy pink hair which ironically made him stand out, but I'd never seen him with anybody. He was picked on a lot because of his hair and tall lanky stature. I felt really bad for him and always wanted to go up to him and say something, but this one time I turned to look at him and smile, he gave me a look like I was some frightening weirdo. His eyes widened and he ducked his head into his arms on the desk. So I figured human interaction just wasn't his thing.

Two rows down from him were the Thompson sisters. Now talk about total opposites personality wise. Liz was the oldest and a 12th grader while Patti the youngest was in 10th. Patti was your typical blonde haired, blue eyed, bubbly cheerleader though she was nice, I rarely talked to her. Her sister Liz, also blonde hair and blue eyed was more of a tough chick. I've seen her hang out with some of the trouble makers here at school, but usually she was off own her own or with Patti. I had Liz for my Human Anatomy class and from my experience she was nice. Either way no one messed with her.

In the middle row was Tsubaki Nakatsukasa who everyone just called "Sue". She was a really tall and really pretty transfer student from Japan. Despite the fact she transferred three years ago, she spoke fluent English and hung out with the populars at school. Unfortunately, though she was really soft spoken, she was labeled a bitch because of the people she was friends with. Rumors aside, I never saw her being mean to anyone.

"Hellooooo douche bags!" I looked towards the door and see Black Star in all his blue haired glory, yeah that was legitimately his real name. His parents named him after a color and a shape. Wow. I personally call him B.S though because he's full of it. Anyways, he's the most narcissistic, obnoxious, and cocky asshole I've ever had the unpleasant privilege to know. Oh, but he doesn't hold a candle to the arrogant, albino, red eyed, stoner looking ass-face standing next to the blue haired annoyance. Soul Evans. With that trademark smirk on his stupid face that I'm tempted to throw a book at. The day will come.

I frown and then sigh. Soul glances at me and I swear his smirk gets even wider, if that were even possible. I roll my eyes and look in the opposite direction. I hear feet shuffle in my direction and realize the asshole is gonna sit in front of me. My head in my hand, I look up. Black Star already took a seat behind Sue and I know he must be throwing perverted one-liners at her from the look on her face. I look back at Soul who's straddling his chair to face me. "What's happening, flat tits?" I sigh again,This is gonna be a long morning.