Here is part 2 as people asked for it :P Here you are


Phil's POV

My eyes flickered open quickly, my eyes stinging slightly at the bright light pouring through my window. I stretched my arms out and yawn tiredly. I felt a lot better now, in fact I felt barely ill at all. I suddenly became aware of a pair of arms around me and I turned to see Dan's face scrunched up as he slept peacefully beside me. I smiled but blushed at the thought of him waking up to see me gazing at his face. I lifted his strangely hot arms from me and slipped out of the bed to go and make myself some coffee. Affter making it I decided to leave Dan for a while. He deserved a lie in after loking after me.

After it turned 2pm I was starting to get worried. Dan may sleep in late but never to this extent. Turning the tv volume down, I stood up and went into my room where Dan was still lying.

"Dan? Come on sleepy head, you need to wake up now." He barely moved at the sound of my voice so I climbed onto the bed and poked his cheek before recoiling slightly at the heat.

"Phil?" He croaked quietly, opening his eyes slightly. I brought my hand up to his forehead, shocked that anyone could be that hot. I pulled the covers away but he protested feebly. "I'm cold."

"Dan you're too hot."

"I know but I didn't think you saw me like that." He laughed jokingly before breaking off into a coughing fit. I ignored his comment before deciding how I could bring his temperature down.

"I'm going to run you a cold bath, ok? It should bring your fever down to something." Dan grumbled and pulled the covers back up to his chin, shivering. "Dan, stop, ok? You can't have a duvet on when you're as hot as you are." He opened his mouth, probably to make some other joke, but instead coughed and sneezed. I fetched him a glass of water, helping him into a sitting position so he could drink it, before leaving to run a bath.

A few minutes later a small cold bath had been run. "Dan, I know this might be awkward but I'm going to have to stay in the bathroom with you in case you end up passing out or something happens, ok?" He nodded feebly as I helped him into the bathroom. I shut the door and sat him down on the side of the bath. I motioned to him to put his arms up and I pulled his shirt off followed by his trousers, boxers and socks, trying hard not to feel awkward myself. I helped him into the bath as he yelped.

"It's c...cold. Please..." He whimpered. It made me feel bad but it was to make him better.

"You don't have to stay in too long, just long enough so you cool down." He said nothing more but allowed me to wash the water over him. I hadn't just put cold in as I didn't want him to be completely frozen by it, so I had put in a little bit of warm in beforehand. When I was convinced that his temperature had decreased slightly, I helped him out and wrapped him in a warm fluffy towel. However he still looked very ill. I sat him up in his bed as he sniffed and rubbed his eyes. He then put his arms around my waist and pulled me beside him onto the bed, lying his head on my arm. "Dan I can't move."

"That's the point." He sniffed. "Thank you for looking after me."

"You looked after me. I'm sorry for giving you my illness, it seems to have effected you in a different way though."

"I'm going to make some food, do you want anything?" He mumbled a reply. "What?"

"Can I have Ribena and Soup? My mum used to give it to me when I got ill." I smiled and nodded, leaving him with his tv turned on and Adventure Time playing. I set to work making him some Minestrone soup with some Ribena and a bag of Malteasers for good measure. I also brought in a box of tissues for him as he'd been sniffing earlier.

"Here you go, Mr Sniffles."

"Shut up." He smiled weakly. "Thanks by the way." He nodded towards the tray of food and drink, his eyes widening at the Malteasers. "You got me Malteasers? Thank you so much." He motioned to me to sit down beside him so I got under the covers and stole a Malteaser. "Hey!"

"Sorry, they were calling to me." Dan giggled and finished his soup quickly. He put the glass of Ribena on the bedside table before lying down, his head in my lap as he yawned. I stroked his hair softly until I noticed that he'd fallen asleep. I slid out from under him, planting a little kiss on his forehead and leaving the room. I fetvhed my laptop and began to plan the Radio Show for later. I knew I'd have to ask Dan whether or not he was up to it, so I called up Chris Stark to see if he was able to do it with me in case Dan couldn't.

"Hello?" Chris' voice was heard through the speaker.

"Hey Chris, it's Phil. Dan and Phil, Phil."

"Oh you alright mate? Heard you were ill yesterday."

"Yeah I'm a lot better today thanks to Dan. Unfortunately Dan is now really ill, so I don't know if he'll be able to do the Radio Show tonight."

"Oh right. Well I'm free if you need me, I'm at the BBC this evening."

"Thank you so much. I'll have to get back to you about whether or not Dan will be doing the Radio Show tonight later."

"Alright mate, well wish him my best and I'll see you later."

"Ok, see you later, bye." I hung up the phone and dropped in on the sofa beside me. I really hoped that Dan would be better. As much as I loved Chriss helpfullness, it wouldn't be the same if Dan wasn't there.

Suddenly out of no where there was a loud cry coming from Dan's room.

"PHIL? PHIL WHERE ARE YOU? PHIL?!" I jumped up and sprinted to his room to find him looking around, covered in sweat and tears.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" I moved forwards and sat on the bed, pulling him into a hug as he cried into my chest. He didn't normally cry in front of anyone, but when he did I was always there to comfort him.

"I...It was horrible! You'd just disappeared and no one knew who you were. I tried to get them to remember but everything to do with you had vanished. Then when I woke up you were gone and I thought it was happening in real life." I rubbed his back as his breathing slowly calmed down.

"It's ok Dan. I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I'm here for you and I will look after you until you get better." He nodded silently. We sat there in a comfortable silence as he started to feel better until I remmebered what I needed to ask him. "Hey Dan, do you think you'll be able to do the Radio Show tonight or do you want to stay here for the evening?"

"NO! I don't want to be alone."

"Are you sure? You're unwell Dan."

"I want to come and do the Radio Show." He protested. "And I'm feeling better." I had no choice but to give in.

"Ok, fine, but if you get any worse then you're not allowed to continue and I'll find someone to fill in whilst you stay in the green room or something." Dan nodded in agreement.

"Well I feel a lot better than I did earlier, so I think I'll be fine."

"Except you sound like a goose."

"Shut up."