
It had been a fairly normal day in the life of Sawada Tsunayoshi. That is until…

"Ve~" slipped from Tsuna's mouth.

"Did you say something, Judaime?"

"Hmm? No."

"Yamamoto?" Gokudera turned to Takashi.

"That wasn't me."

"Hmm… Weird." And the three set back to working on homework.

"Ve~~" Again came as Tsuna relaxed.

"Okay, that was defiantly you, Tsuna." Yamamoto said turning to look at a dazed Tsuna. Tsuna snapped out of his daze.

"What? What are you guys talking about?" Tsuna said honestly not hearing his cute moan.

"What do you mean 'what?'? You keep doing these 'Ve~' sounds." Gokudera demanded. Tsuna paused to think about what Gokudera said.

"Hmm… I guess so," Tsuna shrugged, "Oh well." And went back to attempting a hard [in his mind] algebra question. Both Gokudera and Yamamoto sweat dropped at his remark.

The incident didn't repeat itself for some time, but even Tsuna noticed his increasingly odd behavior. He started to really love pasta and offered to help cook for the family much more often. It even surprised him to find he was really good with food, especially Italian dishes. Tsuna had become fond of siestas and cats. He fought hard not to let out another Ve~ when petting them and not let his eyes close.

The most shocking thing for Tsuna's friends was when he started caring more about his appearance.

One day Tsuna sat in front of his mirror glaring at his reflection. Gokudera had come up to wake Tsuna and was shocked to find Tsuna already up. "Ah Judaime, you're already awake! That is good to see! What are you looking at?"

"I don't know…" Still glaring. Gokudera lifted an eyebrow at this, but Tsuna continued, "Something feels wrong. Like I should look different."

"You look fine to me, judaime." Said Gokudera trying to comfort him.

Tsuna faintly nods and then speedily grabs the hairbrush and comb. He furiously drags the brush and comb through his hair and doesn't settle till his hair is smoothly parted down the middle and lost a lot of its afroness.

Gokudera just stands shocked at watching his Judaime tear at his hair. "Ju-Judaime, don't you think that's quite a drastic change."

"Well Gokudera, change is necessary sometimes. That hairdo was tacky and out of style. Now this… This is perfect." He said extremely satisfied with hair. "Now, lets go get some food, shall we?" and raced down to devourer some breakfast. Gokudera could only gape at Tsuna's behavior.

Reborn was mildly shocked to see Tsuna's change in hair, but Bianchi, Lambo an I-pin are completely blown away. The only one who didn't pause in step was Nana. "Oh Tsu-kun, You look so cute with your new hair!" She said coming over and running her hands through his hair. "Oh? You missed a hair." She said finding a thick curl of auburn hair. That's another thing, Tsuna's hair had gotten a bit more auburn over the past couple months. Blushing Tsuna grabbed his mother's hand quickly before she could do any more to the odd curl.

"Pl-Please don't touch that." It was Reborn's turn to lift an eyebrow at Tsuna's behavior.

Later Tsuna was walking with Gokudera and Yamamoto, who had also gotten quite a shock and Gokudera, who's shock had worn off, got to laugh in his face as he gaped at his changed friend. From behind Haru and Kyoko, who had just been out cake tasting, spotted them.

"Hey guys!," the louder of the two shouted and ran up to them, " So who's this cutie with you two? Aren't you usually with Tsuna?"

Tsuna blushed, "Is my hair change really so strange [Hey, that rhymes!]."

"Tsuna! Is that really you?!" Kyoko said having finally caught up with the others. Tsuna nodded shyly. "Aww, I love it!" Tsuna muttered a thank you. An odd thing that Tsuna noticed is his feelings for Kyoko have been diminishing, Not enough for him not to act shy around her, but enough to stop really like-liking her.

They continued to discuss day-to-day life and cheerily end their day on a good note. However Tsuna was not so lucky that night…

Tsuna had started having odd dreams, almost like memories. Some were sweet and left Tsuna feeling bright the next morning. Others were vicious nightmares that seemed to suck any rest for Tsuna. In the dreams, they were always from a view of a person who looked like Tsuna but wasn't.

His friends could see wear that was starting to show from them. It was only when he started sleeping during the day did his friends start to look for options. Haru had found out from Nana about a time when Tsuna had done a lot of drawing but had stopped because of bullying. They decided to buy Tsuna a sketchpad and color pencils in hopes they could get him to draw out his frustrations and maybe show them what he has been seeing.

As they predicted, Tsuna instantly became attached to the sketchpad so much so that he even toke it the school with him. Whenever Tsuna had a particularly memorable dream, he would always sketch it out. Sometimes going threw sheet after sheet of paper.

Tsuna's mood improved drastically after settling into his drawing therapy, but was always very guarded on what he drew. Sometimes he would easily give them away, others he would rip out and keep in a locked draw and keep the key on his chain necklace.

"Hey Judaime, can we see what's inside the draw of yours."

"Yeah! Yeah! I want to see what Tsuna-nii has been dreaming about!" wailed Lambo jumping up on the coffee table.

"Yeah! Open it so we can see what extreme dreams you have been having!"

"I'm kinda curious, too" Yamamoto said scratching the back if his head.

Tsuna sighed, "fine, but Lambo and I-pin have to leave the room because some of them are not quite age appropriate." Lambo and I-pin left the room, "If you also have a weak stomach then you should also leave." Kyoko stud and left even though Haru moaned for her to stay. "Good. Now I must warn you some of the images are fairly gory and some a bit lewd." Tsuna reached over and pulled the drawings out and placed them on the table.

The group instantly started looking at them, but after a minute or two Haru left to clear her mind from some of the more disturbing images. If Gokudera wasn't worried about Tsuna before, he was most certainly now concerned about this problem. But Gokudera wasn't the one to voice it.

"I think you need to see someone about this." Yamamoto's voice rang threw the eerie silence.

"Yes, I'm already signed up to start counseling later this week." Tsuna said not meeting everyone's eyes.

The counseling had not been very affective considering it was Reborn doing the counseling. But after awhile, the nightmares began to fade. Tsuna still had these memory dreams, but they became less frequent.

In response to the dreams fading, Tsuna's urges to be cute increased frustrating him to no end. He worked hard to not Ve~ when spacing out or not play with the kitties on the street and not close his eyes even though he's awake. His friends were too glad about the diminishing nightmares to notice his inner turmoil.

Tsuna finally decided that instead of fighting it, he let it slip in gradually. It felt good not to fight it, but toke a lot of self-control not to over do it.

Soon, Vongola Decimo's Familia didn't notice Tsuna's occasional Ve~ or closing of his eyes.

It hade taken awhile but Dame-Tsuna finally realized that the dreams were memories of his true identity, Italy Veneziano The Personification of Northern Italy.

'But how can I tell them? Should I go back to Italy? I'm sure Germany and Fratello are worried sick about me. The longer I avoid it, the more pissed he will be when I return. And Germany… Oh Germany… I finally kissed him before I left! God, he must hate me right now. Maybe I should wait for them to find me? That won't be hard seeing as I'm finally aware again. But I need to return soon. I'm getting sick more often. I can't stay to long away from Italy. I don't even know how I got here! Ugh, this is so frustrating!'

Tsuna, or should I say Italy, reached over and grabbed one of the now many sketchbooks and started drawing. This time he drew vivid color drawings of Venice, his yearning to return showing from the palette of colors.

It wasn't long till he was called down for a meeting with Reborn and the family.

"Great news," Reborn said cheerily, "We have Tickets to go to Italy!"

I'm stopping there because this has gotten really long now.

I've never written so much in one sitting, it's exhilarating.

And yes I'm Gerita fan and there will Gerita.

If there is anything on the Reborn side that you would like to see, I may look that over.

I always read reviews so don't worry.

PSML out.