Viventibus Mortem

Still own nothing :p

XVI Home

Hermione once again stood before her childhood home, taking in the bricks that made up the outside, the vines that covered the red bricks on the left side of the house. She smiled and looked to see Ayame eyeing her with concern. She squeezed his hand to reassure him that she was fine, more then fine because she had her family and surrogate family with her.

"Can we just go in already?" Kyo muttered. Hermione chuckled and led the group into the entry hall.

"I should just remind you-" Hermione started worriedly.

"We already swore," Kyo interrupted her. Hermione glared at him, inwardly smirking when he squirmed.

"Would you like to be a mouse again?" She asked. He blanched and closed his mouth.

"You have a lovely home Hermione-san," Tohru smiled.

"It is your home now too Tohru," Hermione smiled back. "Remember, here in this country it is just Hermione without the -san." Tohru nodded, determined to use the correct greetings and names.

"Thank you Hermione," Yuki said quietly.

"You're home now," she smiled at him. "As long as you want this to be your home it will remain so," she said softly to the three teenagers.

"Hermione!" A red streak barrelled into said witch.

"Ginny," Hermione breathed from loss of air. "I missed you too," she whispered hugging Ginny back.

"I'm so glad you're home. You have to see James!" Ginny gushed over her own child, not noticing the buggy standing next her and Lucius, with two matching pairs of grey eyes looking up at the redhead.

"James?" Hermione asked. "Harry's and your son?" Ginny nodded, pulling Hermione into the sitting room where she was grabbed by Harry and tightly embraced.

"We wanted to wait until you came home to ask you," Ginny smiled.

"Ask me what?" Hermione asked, rubbing her already sore ribs.

"To be James's Godmother," Harry smiled. Ginny elbowed him.

"I wanted to be the one to tell her!" She pouted. Hermione laughed.

"I will say yes if you two say yes," she smiled.

"Yes to what?" They both asked. Hermione turned towards Lucius and he pushed the buggy closer to the Potter family. Ginny gasped and Harry turned purple, glaring at Lucius.

"If you would be Ambrose's Godparents," Lucius drawled.

"Of course!" Ginny squealed.

"What did you do?!" Harry hissed at Lucius. He lifted a neatly groomed eyebrow and smirked.

"I simply brought my wife and children home," the blond wizard answered. Harry's fist was planted in his jaw the next second.

The document for this chapter sat open on my laptop for over a month before I finally decided that I was not going to add anything else (^.^') so I just left Lucius with a bruised jaw, a smug Harry who hid all the bruising salve, and a fussing Hermione who decided she had to brew more salve because Severus thought Lucius looked better with the black bruise and Draco just kept smirking, to Lucius's annoyance lol...

Anyway...I just want to say thank you to those who took the time to read this short story and, again, thank those who decided to leave a review (^.^)

Thank You!