My Guardian

A/N: This is the final chapter! Honestly this story went on for longer than I originally planned, which was like ten or fifteen chapters. I really hoped you guys enjoyed the story and will remember it always. I'm glad so many of you stuck with it and kept encouraging me along the way. And now that this story is finished I'll be able to work on my other two and take on another story! So thank you all so much for all the support and I hope to give you more stories in the future!

Chapter 30

~One Year Later, High School Graduation~

It was loud in the banquet hall. Families filed in, taking their seats behind the velvet rope that separated where they sat and where the graduates would sit.

Dad Egbert, Bro Strider, Roxy Lalonde, and Grandpa Harley all sat together right behind the velvet rope, holding cameras and tissues.

After the last few people hurried in, the familiar music that plays at almost every graduation ceremony began. First came the valedictorian which happened to be Jade. Her grandpa held up his camera, filming as she walked with her head held high.

Following her came the school's NHS representatives. John, Rose, and Dave (with a lot of help and tutoring from John) were part of this group, following Jade to their seats on the stage. They all took their seats and waited until every last graduating senior took their seats.

The principal stood; walking up to the podium and welcoming parents and families before going into a long winded speech that she said every year. After several minutes passed, she called Jade to the stand for her speech.

The new graduates gathered outside with their families and friends, taking pictures together. Dad Egbert was going on and on about how proud he was of John, Bro pat Dave's shoulder in a congratulatory fashion, Roxy was fanning her face trying not to cry, and Grandpa Harley kept taking pictures.

Dave walked up behind John, resting his chin on top of his head and wrapping his arms around him. "We're finally free from high school," he said quietly.

"Mhmm. You know, I never really decided what to do after I graduated," John chimed, turning around to face Dave.

"Well you have a while to figure that out," Dave stated with a smile and a light kiss on John's forehead.

"Oh yeah, how's your apartment search going?" John asked, looking up.

Dave sighed, "Not well, all the ones I've been looking at are too pricey. But if someone were to room with me, I think I could make it work," he said slyly.

John giggled, "Are you hinting at something?" he inquired with a wide smile.

"Just say you will," Dave replied, pursing his lips.

John stood up on to the tips of his toes and pecking Dave's lips, "Do you really have to ask?"

Dave wrapped his arms around John's waist, lifting him up and spinning around. John laughed as Dave spun around.

Dave set him back on the ground smiling down at the one he loved and receiving a wide, dorky smile back.

~Five years later~

"Well, Mr. and Mr. Strider, your place checks out! It is probably one of the best homes I've seen and it's absolutely perfect for Aleks," a lady said with a smile.

John and Dave looked at each other happily. It had taken forever to get everything together and now they were finally able to bring Aleks home!

"Come by the orphanage tomorrow and you can help him get everything ready," The lady bid them farewell, and left.

John jumped, wrapping his arms around Dave's neck. Dave held him tightly, a small smile on his lips from his husband's happiness. He pulled back, gazing into John's eyes. All the pain and sorrow from years ago were long gone and replaced with joy and love. He placed a hand on his cheek, leaning down and kissing those familiar, soft lips.

A/N: Yes… Yes I did make them married. AND THANK YOU WOLFCHILDE FOR THE WONDERFUL ENDING IDEA! You made the story possible and I thank you so much for that! I hope you guys check out one or both of my other stories (I recommend NNNC if you want a real feels-y fic)

I bid farewell to this story, but not to all of you. You should have seen how nervous I was in the beginning! But y'all are so sweet that my confidence skyrocketed :3

Love you guys!

~Savvy K.L