I looked down the street to the Torreto's house before deciding I'd have to face them sooner or later, and they're the only option I have left.
My ego shrunk with every step I took toward that house knowing nobody probably wanted me there. Thinking that just last week I lyed in bed with Dom's arms around me almost seemed like a long distant dream, the reality of now was that I'm fifteen feet from what has been my home for almost 5 years and I feel like a stranger, uninvited.
I walked towards the front of the house when Vince's loud voice stopped me.
"Dude, seriously I'm sorry! I shouldn't have told her that,"
"It's a little late for that."
"I didn't think she'd get drunk off her ass, I didn't know how much she liked you!"
And that last sentence was all it took for me to see red.
How could he have just sold me out like that? Maybe I was a bit delusional to think Vince would side with me over Dom but still...it hurt.
And now he knew.
I don't know how things will change but I hope he still looks at me the same way, and not like a 5 year old girl who has a school crush on him.
I was about to knock on the door when I decided there was no point when they were all in the garage working on their cars anyways.
I walked down from the front steps and to the side of the house before clearly making myself known.
I walked into the garage and dropped my bag on the floor to have both of their heads snap up at me in acknowledgement.
"Letty? What are you doing here, Dom told your brother we were giving you the day off, plus it's not even noon yet." Vince told me his voice sounding almost annoyed but his eyes told a different story, he definitely felt bad about yesterday.
"Well Sam kicked me out, so if I'm not interrupting your little pitty party I'm going to spend the night here. Just tonight though, I'll figure out what I'm going to do for the rest of the time," I told them bluntly before picking my bag off the floor and heading to the door.
"Letty, wait. He can't be serious." Dom told me as I turned around to face him. His eyes pittied me, I hated it. He'd never looked at me like that and I had Vince to thank for that.
"Maybe if you hadn't dropped me off like a UPS package at my house yesterday when you decided it was time to get rid of me none of this would've happened!" I yelled at him.
Honestly I knew none of this was his fault, I was just so angry and had to blame someone.
"Maybe if you hadn't gotten so trashed I wouldn't have had to!" He yelled back at me just as angrily.
"You're right Dom. Next time one of my so called friends gives me their words of wisdom I'll behave like a perfect fucking lady." I told them both glaring at Vince.
"Leticia? Watch your mouth," I heard Mr. Toretto say as he opened the office door and walked out. I wondered just how much of that he had heard.
I turned around to face him and caught an 'I'm sorry' look in his eyes.
"You're sleeping here til you and your brother work things out, no objections," He told me walking towards me looking like he was about to give me a hug but didn't I guess my face didn't really scream 'hug me'. He conformed with putting his hand over mine before letting go and walking back inside after glaring at Dom and Vince.
"Letty...I'm sorry." Vince told me his eyes begging me to forgive him, but there was no way in hell I was letting him make it up to me that easily.
"Yeah, whatever," I scoffed at him before sitting on the couch near the office and pretending to be occupied by my phone.
Vince and Dom and Mr. Toretto left for work at the garage at noon and I decided to stay. My head was still throbbing from yesterday and anything I ate made me feel the need to throw up. After they left I decided to go inside and try to get some rest.
I found Mia sitting on the kitchen table doing her homework, she looked over at me before telling me to come sit down with her.
Things with Mia and I had changed so much in over a year, we went from being inseperable to ignoring her to becoming friends again to whatever we are now.
"I heard about yesterday..." She told me while she worked on her math.
"Hasn't everyone?" I told her sarcastically and could see a smile playing at her lips as she finished the problem.
"Letty they're both assholes, you know that," She told me as she closed her textbook and looked up at me.
"Yeah, you'd think I'd be used to it by now huh?" I told her as I smiled for the first time in what felt ages.
"Nothing is going to change," She told me placing her hand over mine and as I looked up to her I knew exactly what she was reffering too.
"We'll see," I told her before I got up wanting to change the topic.
Mia suggested we make dinner, and I agreed knowing my mind would wander to dark places if I didn't distract myself.
In less than an hour everything was ready and we could hear engines being turned off outside.
As the guys walked in one by one and sat down at the dinner table I began to think how akward this dinner was going to go.
Thankfully Mr. T and Mia supplied most of the conversation and kept the mood light and easy while being subtle. Though we all knew the tension was still there between all three of us we just played along the role of a happy family for the sake of Mr. T. The least we could do is not yell at each other in front of his face.
To my surprise dinner was over pretty quickly and everyone dispersed. Mia going upstairs to work on 'school stuff' though knowing her she was probably talking to some guy on the phone. Mr. T went to bed early and Vince and Dom were on the couch with some girls they had invited over. I sat on the recliner chair willing myself to be interested in the movie that was playing in front of me.
It was a horror movie and the two skanks were screaming their little heads off. I was about to fall asleep at how boring the movie was.
I had to keep reminding myself not to look over at Dom, because I knew what I'd find, him sucking faces with someone else. I couldn't let him affect me like that anymore, especially because now he knew and I couldn't bullshit him though I know I would anyways.
"Hey Let, isn't it passed your bed time?" Vince told me as he paused momentarily sucking faces with his skank.
"Vince," I heard Dom warn him.
"I just flicked Vince off and stayed perfectly positioned on the recliner. But it gave me a chance to look back at them and when I did I got the exact response I didn't want.
I couldn't stop gawking, they went at it for minutes before Dom looked to me and I let my gaze fall completely embarassed.
"I..I'm sorry, I'm going to sleep, night." I told them before walking towards the stairs as fast as I could not daring to look back, though I could feel Dom's gaze follow me upstairs.
"Letty?" I could hear a very sleepy Mr. T call out for me from inside of his room.
I opened the door slightly and found him sitting up in bed.
"Want to go for a drive?" He told me as he got up from his bed and put on shoes.
"It's one in the morning," I told him clearly confused.
"Your point is?" He laughed at me as he walked out the door meeting me in the hallway and grabbed my arm as he tugged me downstairs.
He slapped the back of Dom's head which made him seperate from his skank.
"Where are you going?" He asked out of breath.
"For a ride with Letty, they need to go," He said pointing at the two girls. "I'll see you in the morning son, don't wait up for us."
As I walked out the door I could feel both Dom and Vince eyes follow probably just as curious as I was as to what this was all about.
I got in the passenger side of Mr. T's challenger and admired it's interior. I've always really liked his car but never once have ridden in it.
"You like?" He asked me as he caught me looking down running my hands over the leather seat.
"Uh..yeah, your car is sick." I told him honestly.
"Good, because you're driving back," He told me as he turned on the car and it roared to life.
I looked up at him to see if he was serious and he just winked back.
After about five minutes after heading out and he hadn't said anything I decided to speak up.
"Why exactly did you bring me here?" I asked him as the car came to a stop as he parked near a cementary.
I had never been here before and would never admit how scared I was to be at a cementary in the middle of the night.
"Follow me," And so I did as he lead me past 20 tombs before finally finding the one he was looking for.
It read "Maria A. Toretto R.I.P".
I looked over at him not quite sure what to say. Dom barely ever talked about his Mom and when Mia mentioned her she always got all sad so I stayed away from the subject, because I as well could easily relate.
"She was my everything," He said quietly to me after we had walked back to his car and we sat inside it still parked in the parking lot of the cementary.
I looked up at him and could see his eyes gleam in the very dim light and knew he was on the verge of tears.
"I'm sorry...She was a very lucky woman." I told him placing my hand over his like he had done this morning.
Never in my life had I seen Mr. Toretto show his weak side, never have I seen him like this.
"You know Letty I looked at her the same way you look at Dom," He told as he looked over at me.
I didn't know whether to feel embarassed or to act as if he was crazy to think that.
"It's not wrong," He told me as I finally let myself meet his gaze.
"None of that matters, if he dosen't look at me the same way I look at him," I told him. "But don't worry, I'll get over him. Someone else will make him really happy someday, and at the very least I'll get to see him happy, even if I'm not the reason why." I told him looking straight ahead of me knowing I couldn't bear look in his eyes as I exposed myself like this.
"Oh Letty, don't you see that's the exact reason why you'll make him happy. Because you're willing to suffer if it means his happiness. That's love."
I looked over at him after he said the last word and could see him smiling at me as I looked over at him questioningly.
"Letty, you'll be the greatest thing that has ever happened to him once he realizes it, take care of him." And that was the last thing he told me before getting out of the drivers side and walking to my side of the car before opening my door.
He kissed my forehead before handing me the keys, which was the only thing that brought me back to reality and out of my thoughts.
I grabbed them and looked up at him before giving him a tight hug. He's the father I've never had and I couldn't help but let my gaurd down at that moment.
He hugged me back before telling me to get to driving.
I sat in the drivers side pulled out and headed home feeling the soft hum of the beautiful car underneath me. Once I got home I headed upstairs after saying goodnight to Mr. T.
I slept in the guest bed and drifted off to sleep with the last words Mr. T told me that night.
"Letty, you'll be the greatest thing that has ever happened to him once he realizes it, take care of him."