"No, please, stop!"... The room was completely dark and all I could feel was the hands as they indulged on my skin and my heart as it tried to jump out of my chest.

People say that before death you see the world flash before your eyes, this happened to me, the only problem was I didn't die after, as much as I wish I did.

"Stay still little slut and this will end quicker than you think," the man snarled at me.

I fought back, I kicked, I screamed, I punched, I sincerely tried. But at the end of the day it wasn't enough. Maybe it happened to me because I was asking for it, that's what my brother told me the next morning when I showed up on the front step to our house in ripped up clothes, with a black eye and bruises and cuts everywhere. He looked me in the eye and told me those exact words. Every now and then I tend to beleive them but the only thing that stops me everytime, is the few seconds in which my life flashed before me.

I saw my Mom and Dad's wedding picture, the only picture I ever saw in which they were happy in.

I saw my brother playing cards with me, before his constant drinking that ruined his life.

I saw my best friend Mia pushing me to try on clothes that I would never wear and begging me to let me be her doll for the day.

I saw the garage I worked at everyday with all the people and things I loved in it.

I saw Mr. Toretto telling me I needed to finish up a car, and Vince making kissy faces at Mia as if he were a 5 year old. I saw Leon and Jesse betting money on who would get laid first that night, and lastly I saw Dom.

The one person who could make me see red. Whether it be him ticking me off with his larger than life ego or him giving me a cocky ass grin that I knew I couldn't resist even though most of the time I couldn't stand him. I knew at the end of the day he was it for me, though I'd never admit it.

Those few moments in time when my mind traveled to these people was what reminded me that I didn't want what happened to me, that I said no, and that I'd continue to fight.

The mans hands continued to touch me, he whispered in my ear as he pressed down on my mouth so I wouldn't scream. The words he said never left me..."you deserved it.."

"Letty, get the hell up! If you keep missing school child protective services are going to get involved, you know I don't need them on my ass!"

"I'm up, I'm up!" I yelled back at my brother Sam, I knew he was trying to get himself together again after our mom died. He had quit drinking and was trying his hardest to be there for me. And I appreciated it, I really did, but I needed more time. More time to adjust to what my new daily life was.

I remember when I used to wake up everyday go to school, get home and go straight to the garage and work on cars while I listened to Dom and his boys talk some trash about the party they had hit up the night before and the girls they'd done. Then Mr. Toretto would walk in and slap Dom on the head with his wrag and I'd laugh as Dom gave me his 'menacing' look which I just smirked at.

I'd hang out with Mia on weekend afternoons as she schemed the parties we could crash, Dom's parties. I'd always try to convince her against it, but the Toretto's were known to be stubborn asses.

I remember when things were just that simple.

Now as I drive to school I don't hear Mia singing along to the radio beside me or rambling about her newest crush. I hear the sound of the air streaming through my car with windows rolled down. Now after school I go straight home and lie on my bed until it feels like rocks beneath me, I barley have an appetite and do nothing but mope around.

And as much as I miss it all, I can't get myself to go back to it, because that would mean I'd have to face them all again, and I couldn't do that without breaking down.

So what's another day in a life of life in the hell hole called High School? I wouldn't know because I ditched once again, I know my brother is going to kill me once I get home but at the moment I'm pretty content in the parking lot blasting music as high as it goes in my ears.

That is until I hear a knock on my car window, I jumped a bit scared to look over and find a teacher or someone else ready to give me another detention.

But when I look over who I find is worse.

It's Mia, looking at me with eyes that are screaming, her long black hair is messy in a low bun and her eyes have bags underneath them, her skin isn't as effortlessly tan as it would be any other summer when school starts. It had been months since I last saw her or spoken to her, I guess I was selfish to let her know we weren't friends anymore by ignoring her for months, but I didn't know how to deal. I wanted her to give up on me, it wasn't hard for alot of other people, but for some reason she cared.

"So are you going to roll down the window or not?" She yells at me with a tired expression on her face.

I knew I'd regret this later, but right now as much as I knew I couldn't go back to the life I had before I had to roll down this window and talk to Mia, simply because I owed her that much.

Little did I know how much was about to change.