This story is purely going to be PWP One Shot Category. Well. There's a little plot, but not for long. Anyone who strikes me as a valid option. Tess. Ellie. Requests and prompts are welcomed.

AN: Okayy, so.. I'm taking another attempt at a romantic scene =) People really seemed to like Interruption so I'm writing another for you =D

Honestly, I can't blame them. I won't sit here and deny it isn't on my mind all the time either =) You can't help it.. I've got a reviewer who has even requested a Joel and Ellie one.. I want to be sure of that one so it'll take me a while to write that properly. It demands respect.. so for this one it'll be another unnamed character. I'm sorry, but I can't wrap my head around Tess. I might try one day but, not now. Since Joel seems to have quite a temper I've decided that I'll try writing it =) I mean, how many arguments does he have with people in the game? The smallest things set him off so.. I'm attempting my very first time in this type of category..

– – Page Break – –


You felt your blood cease flowing through your veins at the sound of someone shouting for you. This was not expected..

You halted mid-step and swiveled your head in the direction of the person calling for you. It was a safe assumption to think that, you and Joel were the only one's on the street.

You shot him a questioning glance as you turned around. He seemed just as worried as you were as he followed your actions. Normally deals went off without a problem, but sometimes people had issues.

You locked your eyes onto the figure standing a few feet away from you. The man held his hands out and motioned with them as he walked closer to you 'Where'dya think you're goin' to?'

'Home.' you answered back boldly.

You saw Joel shift out of the corner of your eye and chance a look at you quickly. You knew it wasn't a good idea to talk back to these people, but they got on your nerve enough to deserve it once in a while.

He scoffed at that 'Sure. Right..' he nodded as his gaze dropped to the ground before rising back up to meet yours 'As soon as I get the rest of my stuff.'

'What are you talking about? You got what you paid for.' you barked back firmly as you inclined your step toward him.

It prompted him to come at you a bit more boldly as he spoke this time 'You don't seem to understand, I want the rest the stuff.' he said as he motioned to the pack you were carrying.

You felt your hand involuntarily grip it a bit tighter. You slowly brought it up and held it in front of your chest 'This? You want this?'

He nodded, taking another step toward you.

You debated for a few seconds what to you as your let your hand extend and retract a few times like you were really considering letting him have it.

'Mm' .. no..' you finally decided as you pulled it back to you.

That made him upset.

'Stop teasing him..' Joel inclined his head toward you in a harsh whisper.

You didn't bother to look at him as you shook your head, instead keeping your attention focused on the man in front of you.

He held a finger up toward you and advanced on your personal space again 'I'm only gonna' warn you once bitch.. give me.. the fucking.. pack..'

You bit the inside of your lip and gave him an unimpressed look while you shook your head 'No.'

'Then you deserve what's coming to you.' he rasped harshly.

It was the only form of warning you got before he lunged at you.

You acted on instinct and tossed the pack at Joel as soon as you realized the attackers intentions, hoping that he would manage to catch it as you ducked down and dropped on your back, kicking at his heels.

It sent his feet out from under him and toppling onto the ground next to you as he splayed out in a awkward position. He quickly righted himself and made a dart for you again. He landed successfully on top of your torso, he adjusted himself, using his knees to pin your shoulders back and prevent any movement.

You weren't about to give up so quickly.

Leveling all your weight onto your upper back as you raised your legs up near his elbows, you hooked them across his chest and pushed back with all the strength you possessed. He hadn't gotten a firm hold on you and it easily pried him from his stance as he fumbled backward.

You used the opportunity you'd just created to back yourself up to a safer position.

He caught himself on the ground and shot you a warning look.

You braced your hands on the ground behind you and panted as you tried to catch your breath as you returned the visual.

It was like making eye contact with a wild animal. Not something you should do unless you wanted a fight.

He made his way at you again, but this time you were prepared. You reached forward and grabbed hold of his jacket sleeves when he was close enough and set your feet just above his kneecaps and forced yourself backward pushing out with your legs.

The momentum had him tumbling over your head and out of sight. You took the momentary reprieve to catch your breath. You didn't allow yourself too long though and turned onto your stomach to observe the situation behind you.

He'd landed on the ground harshly, but it appeared that wasn't going to stop him either. He was in the process of raising himself to a stand when the pack fell down in the front of your vision.

It didn't take Joel long to dispatch the man. A powerful knee to the nose and a hit to the side of his face had the guy slamming into the wall.

Maybe you should have let Joel take point on this.

Taking a handful of the man's jacket he finished with a forceful push into the stone wall. As soon as he let go of the fabric the man slid to the floor and shuffled as fast as he could away from the intimidating presence of Joel as he shot him a nervous, scared look. He got up a few feet away.

You pushed the palms of your hands onto the ground and used your leg strength to push your body the rest of the way up.

He exchanged a look between the two of you before startling his way back down the alley he'd came from.


'Come on. We need to leave.'

You nodded and bent down to retrieve the pack from the floor.

Back at the Apartment

You grabbed hold of the door and gave it a firm push to gain access to the other side. The door lock had been broken for some time and you never bothered to get it fixed. Spare parts weren't readily available anymore.

Once you were both securely inside you shoved your shoulder harshly into the door again to force it back shut. You secured the chain you'd installed on the wall next to it and turned to the open space in the living room.

'.. that was fun and exciting..' you enthused as you leaned your back against it for support as you threw the bag with the questionable contents onto the table in the middle of the room. Your apartment was small, it wasn't a large distance.

You let your eyes scan over the space until you spotted him. Joel had gone straight into the kitchen and was currently bent over with his face in his hands, elbows on the edge of your sink. It looked like he was trying to keep a lid on his temper and barely succeeding.

You'd really done it this time.

'Joel?' you questioned as you pushed yourself off the door and headed toward him.

'Joel?' you tried again when he didn't answer. You extended your hand out to touch him lightly on the back when you were near enough to him 'Look I'm sorry I – '

'Quit that right now!'

You jumped a bit as the words left him. You knew he was upset but you would've never guessed this much.

'I'm sorry?' you sputtered as you gave him a hurt and confused look.

'You're about to start defending your actions..' he shouted as he turned to face you 'There's nothing you could say to justify what you did!'

'He wanted the pack, Joel! I wasn't going to give it to him!' you yelled back as you waved your arm in the direction of the carelessly discarded pack.

'You didn't have to pull a stunt like that and tease him about it! ..Probably could have gotten out of that without a confrontation..' he huffed, mostly to himself, as he turned back around to the sink to grip the edge of the metal lining tightly as he sucked in a breath.

'You really think that? There was no way to get out of that without a fight..'

He rounded to face you again, the disbelieving look on his face set your own temper to flare.

'He was going to come after me any way we handled that situation!' you shouted, still defending your actions vehemently.

He didn't say anything in response.

You took a few moments to observe him. He was frustrated and upset. You didn't do this on purpose to make him mad, but sometimes he was just a little too – you tilted your head as you looked at him, a sly smile coming to play across your face.

'I know what this is about..' you mused.

He tried to not appear interested but you could see it play across his eyes.

You chanced a step closer to him and saw him visibly tense up.

'You're either worried about me..' you offered as you looked up at him, coming to a halt in front of him. You crossed your arms and leaned a bit closer to him. His expression softened a bit as his eyes wandered about behind you, actively avoiding contact.

'Or you're upset you can't keep your woman in line..' you teased him with a conniving smile.

You watched as a frown marred his features and his eyes settled firmly on yours. You held the connection for a moment before making a noise of distaste in the back of your throat 'You are unbelievable, Joel..' and shook your head as you backed away from him.

'You're just upset you can't make me listen to what you want?' you asked as you turned around and started to head back to the living room 'Well that's just too fuck – '

You didn't get time to react before you felt his wrist encircle yours. You briefly thought he was just trying to stop you from leaving this way. Those idea's were soon forgotten as you felt the firm and strong pull he gave you backward sending you off balance.

'J-Joel..' you gasped as he gripped you by your upper arms in the span of a mere second, his strong fingers digging into you as his eyes bored into yours.

This was the first time you'd ever been scared of Joel.

He leaned forward and his mouth came down upon yours roughly. His tongue immediately lapped at your closed lips. You weren't sure you wanted to open them as his teeth barely grazed the skin there in impatience. His beard was abrasive and rough as it brushed along your skin with each movement. In the shock of it all you let yourself give a little at his actions when you were unresponsive too long for his liking and he jerked you against him slightly.

He took advantage of your momentary distraction and slipped his tongue into your mouth. Apparently Joel was not in the mood to wait as his tongue rubbed aggressively at the roof of your mouth.

His hands came up behind your back and smoothed down until they were just barely at the top of your thighs. He dipped down to grab hold of the back of your thighs. You barely processed him lifting you.

You yelped at the sudden contact when he dropped you. It was effectively silenced when he tugged your shirt up over your head and pulled you against him by the legs. He started in on your neck, licking down to your collarbone, leaving harsh nips in his wake.

Those would surely be difficult to explain later.

You weren't capable of much thought past that as his tongue laved at the junction of your neck and shoulder.
You ran your hands over his chest in what little space there was between you, fingers working their way under the collar to tease with light motions against his collarbone before you grabbed a hold of his shirt and pulled him against you. You gasped when he failed to contain a desperate groan that echoed in your ears that set your body aching.

You were getting impatient.

You pushed him back with the same fist, he wouldn't move.

His hands left your thighs and traveled back up your spine to the nape of your neck, his hand tangled into the hair there, harshly tugging your head back until you were looking up at the ceiling. You arched into him, compacting your lower halves tightly.

You felt him shudder against you as another ragged groan tore from the back of his throat. His grip in your hair tightened to an almost painful point before it relaxed slightly. You lowered your head to face him as you felt his mouth travel up your neck.

You let your eyes wander to his. He leaned in close to your mouth keeping the eye contact, briefly letting his eyes drift to look at your mouth before resuming their stare at you.

You felt yourself swallow at the intensity. No one did intense like Joel did.

His mouth barely touched yours as he moved himself closer. You could feel his hot breath coming in soft pants against your lips. You leaned forward to complete the contact. He pulled back when you did.

You edged back slightly to look over him closely. This was a game, designed to make you pay.

He slowly drew back, you were vaguely aware of his hands moving to the front of your jeans to work the button and zipper down, mouth softly grazing yours again with teasingly soft pressure. You slowly opened your lips against his as you let your breaths mingle.

Your mouth bumped into his as he shifted you, working your pants roughly over your hips. The action made you involuntarily cry out and his mouth came down upon yours, silencing any noises that would escape you. You whimpered at the feeling as your hands braced on the counter behind you. Lifting your hips up, making it easier for him to divest you of your remaining clothes.

His hand came up to your stomach to push you harshly back against the counter into your previous sitting position, causing another startled noise to leave you.
You sat up as best you could to watch as he worked at the buttons on his own shirt, you watched as he shrugged it loosely off his shoulders and let it fall to the ground with the rest of your clothing. He worked the button of his jeans undone and shoved them past his hips.

His arm moved with familiarity to secure itself around your waist as he closed the distance between you, curling the other under your knee of the opposite leg.

You felt the wristband of his watch scrape against the sensitive skin at your back as he pulled you tightly against him.

Lifting your legs, you wrapped them around his hips. The head of his erection nudged against your clit, making you hiss.

That seemed to be enough to set him off as he sank completely inside in one hard thrust. You gasped as your head fell back. He was thick, stretching you more than you were used to. His hands flexed their grip on your hips. The unexpected burn of his rough entry passed almost immediately.

Whimpering softly as he began pulling out of you. It turned into a moan hen he sank back in.

He swore harshly as he pulled you into his thrusts. Your legs squeezing his hips as he started to pound into you, shuddering as he growled into your mouth.

Your pants for air and desperate moans only drove his dedication higher to take you harder. His fingers dug into you harshly as his mouth resumed it's work at your neck once more. It started out with little nips that quickly turned into bites, it made you tremble. When he bit down hard on you a startled scream escaped you.

You weren't going to last long with this. The hard length of him pounding into you was rapidly becoming too much to hold out against.

you shivered as he hooked your legs over his arms, lifting and spreading you. Biting down on your lip, you tried to contain the noises wanting to leave you.

He grunted harshly, his hips already driving him deeper with each thrust

Shudders ripped through you as he nipped at your neck and shoulders. His teeth closed on you hard again, enough to leave bruises

You pushed him and this was his response. Domination with pleasure.

He angled his thrusts and he moved over you harder. Your eyes squeezed shut as his beard continued to rub the sensitive skin.

His body shook over yours as his thrusts became short and pointed. A low noise left from deep in his throat, his hot breath on your neck as pleasure washed through him.

Your own pleased cry was cut off as his mouth claimed yours again as he shifted, kissing you hard and desperately. You let out a small whimper as your fingers curled into your own palms against the rough surface of the counter.

He was still driving inside you as you orgasm rippled through your body sending waves of white hot heat through you with every rub of his body against your overly sensitized one. Your thighs squeezed against his hips. You didn't know if you wanted him to stop, or never stop. He was going to milk your climax for all it was worth.

He groaned into your mouth as his fingers dug into you, pulling you down hard on him one last time. A low noise left him as his hips rocked against yours, slowing down with each thrust. His mouth stilled against yours. You could feel the pounding of his heart against your chest. You were sure he could feel the same in yours.

He panted for air as he struggled for the strength to lift himself up to look at you.

You trembled as muscles in your stomach clenched and released as you tried to prop yourself up to look at him when you felt his movement.

'Texas, ..expect me to ignore you a lot more often..'

– – Page Break – –

AN: Okay, am I doing it right? I can't help but feel a bit.. off about this.. I don't know. I feel like a did something wrong but I can't figure it out =) I kinda wanted to do something like that for a long time. Maybe rough, hot sex isn't my thing =D It just worked so well and I couldn't help letting it run away on me. I kinda had thoughts about stuffing some flashbacks in here but I'm going to save them for 'Leave' they would work so much better there.. I'm just a bit nervous about the direction I was going to head down with that.. I might check that off some people. Like in this story.. Let me know please.. I figured foreplay was forfeited for this round and traded it for other fun stuff =)

Anywho =) Like I've said.. you want any more stuff like this, don't be afraid to send me a PM with a request =) Characters.. brief setting description.. y'know.. the basic stuff to any story. If you write me 'Tess and Joel' it's a fine start but I need stuff like 'Unnamed character and Joel before the outbreak, an apartment' kinda descriptions.. things just come to me easier when it's like that. Also.. just a note to all my followers =) .. THANK YOU! You guys and your enthusiasm for everything I write! =) It's stunning.. and I can't thank you enough for your words on my works =) It means a lot. Thank you! I'm really trying to get better at writing a develop a style =) Some of my stuff reads well, some of it doesn't Rest assured I'm working on it.