Hey everyone :) I know I'm a little late but here's a new chappie :)

p.s they have human features

Disclaimer: sadly I don't own anything :(

Kissing in the rain

"Thanks", Boomer said paying the taxi driver as he got out with suitcase on hand.

It was 12am when Boomer finally got home. He was suppose to arrive at 8pm but his plane got delayed. But he was finally home. It has been 8 months since he's seen his home that he shares with his girlfriend of two years.

As he stood there admiring his home it started to sprinkle. An idea popped into his head. He gathered rocks from his lawn and started to throw them at the bedroom window.

"Hopefully it's the right window" he whispered to himself as he continued to throw rocks.

After 5 minutes he began to wonder if it was the bedroom window he was throwing rocks at.

But after the 20th rock he saw the window open and a familiar blonde haired beauty.

"Mark don't make me call your mom again you already know it's past your bed time and she doesn't like you disturbing the neighbors" , Bubbles monotonously said with her eyes closed.

"Who's Mark?" Boomer replied with a smile plastered on his face.

As soon as Bubbles heard this familiar voice she instantly opened her eyes to see if it was who she thought it was. And when she did see it was Boomer in his navy uniform she ran to the side of the bed to put on her boots and ran downstairs to the front door like a child on Christmas.

Boomer stood there waiting in the rain till he saw the front door open. Bubbles soon came out and ran to him as he opened his arms to embrace her.

"Boomer you're finally home" she cried into his chest.

"Yeah and I'm finally here to stay" he whispered in her ear.

Bubbles face lit up and she began giving him pecks on the lips while saying "its about time I was getting lonely".

"How do you think I felt 8 months around hundreds of guys" he jokingly retorted back.

"Well now you have me" she remarked reaching up to kiss him.

"Bubbles?", Boomer mumble through the kiss


"Can we go inside now, it's starting to feel like a Nicholas Sparks movie and I don't want you getting sick especially I that outfit" he suggested eyeing her pajama shorts and white tank top.