All Right everyone remember
I don't own anything except my story. But that story is based on someone else's story. Therefore they own that story and all the charachters in their story So does that mean they own my story?

I'm confused now. Oh wait! I stay confused
The TV show Castle and all the players belong to ABC/Marlow/Disney and not me

Now for this story. I have grown tired of ALL the horror stories about Kate leaving Castle and moving to DC and them breaking up, and then going back together only to have more heartbreak, etc,etc

I like fun

I am going to try to make this more to my liking

FUN (I hope)

Friday afternoon, newly appointed Special Agent Katherine Beckett has arrived at her assignment desk in Washington. She has just completed her orientation and training. Since she moved from a major metropolitan city police department, she was not required to complete the normal 6 month training for the job

As she exits the elevator onto the floor, she sees rows and rows of desks with no separation. She was told that once she arrives, she would be able to find her desk with no problem. She has to walk down several rows before she finds her assigned location. There is barely enough room to sit down at your desk and get your chair to roll under you, let alone move after you are seated.

After she finally located her position, buried in between other agents, she drops her bag at the desk that already has her name plate and turns to meet the man whose desk is right beside hers.

"Hello I'm Katherine Beckett but you can just call me Kate" as she extends her hand to the man who finally looks up from his seated position at the adjacent desk

It is obvious from the look on his face that he is taken back by her appearance

"Well! Good Morning Kate! "He says with a large amount of excitement in his voice "I am Jess. Jess Wellborn" as he takes her hand into his." and it is my pleasure to meet you. Did you just get here? I mean to the unit?"

"Yes I just finished my orientation yesterday and was ordered to report there today. I need to find the supervisor. Where's the boss' office so I can check in with him?"

Pointing toward a closed office on the opposite end of the floor "The chief is Victor Gonzales, but he is not here this afternoon. You will have to meet with him on Monday. But you still need to drop off your transfer papers with his assistant, June" He indicates a blond haired woman sitting directly outside the closed office

"Thanks" Beckett responds as she turns to walk to the opposite end of the floor

As Beckett begins walking another male agent, Ted Harrington, steps up beside Wellborn "WOW! Will you look at her! We haven't had an agent that good looking since…"

Wellborn finishes the sentence "I don't remember. And no ring. I checked her hand. You know I don't remember the last time I saw a woman that smokin' hot come in here. There hasn't been any female agent coming thru the door that good looking in a long time. Man oh man. I think I am going to ask her out for drinks tonight."

"Not alone you won't. I am not letting you get started on her without a fight"

While these two men are fighting over who is going to score a date with Beckett first, another agent, this time female walks up to join the conversation "What are you two scheming?"

"Hey Barbs. We were just wondering about the new agent, Kate Beckett. What do you know about her?"

Barbara Allen is a seasoned senior agent with the group. Her position with these two men is similar to what Beckett had with Ryan and Esposito. Allen has been leading the team for five years and she has seen these two try repeatedly to get dates with new female agents as they arrive. And actually they have both been able to at least get a dinner date with almost all of them or at least take them out for drinks. Sometimes it went farther, most times it stayed all business.

"I believe that you two had better leave this one alone. I understand she is one tough cookie. Top detective in her department solving homicides. She is not afraid of anyone or anything. She faced some of the worst killers in New York City and never, ever backed down. In fact, I understand she survived a sniper shot to her heart a couple of years ago You might consider giving her some space before she takes you both to the ground"

"Oh I am so scared!" Jess comments with a chuckle without even looking up

The woman just laughs as she walks back to her desk. The two men see Beckett returning to her desk after dropping off her paperwork to the SSA's assistant.

"So Beckett, feel like getting dinner and some drinks after work tonight? You know, get to know one another?" Wellborn asks

"Sorry, guys, but my best friend from back home is here and she and I are meeting later" As Kate looks at her watch she grabs her bag "In fact she should be downstairs right now" And she walks to the elevator never looking back

Watching the enticing Beckett walking away "SO? Best LADY Friend.? Maybe you and I need to make it a double" Ted comments

"Sounds good to me. Let's follow and see where she goes" Jess responds

The two men rush to the elevator and catch the next car and head down to the lobby. Once there, they follow Beckett as she leaves the building. Outside they see another woman waiting for her. Beckett stops and begins talking to Lanie. The two men do not notice that right after Kate and Lanie began talking that Lanie looked over at the two as if Kate had mentioned to her that she was being followed

The two women start walking toward the restaurant area. Kate mentions that there is a nice little Bistro just a block away. Quiet and it's somewhere these two can talk in peace

Once the pair get seated, Lanie starts up on her questions "So girlfriend, how is it been going?"

"Not to bad. The orientation was a total snooze. We covered everything from warrants to arrest reports. I promise if I ever see another Form 8212 I will scream. I thought it was bad in New York with the paperwork. This job makes the 12th seem like a breeze. It makes me wish I was back there already"

"So how many guys have tried to pick up you so far?"

Kate looks down to her hands and blushes a little" Lanie, don't ask such questions. You know I don't like talking about that"

"Well like those two that just walked in, don't ever seem to give up do they?"

Kate glances up from her drink to see the two agents she just met entering the door

"That can't be a coincidence now can it" Parish comments

Beckett smiles at Lanie before looking back down to her glass "Some of them never give up do they?"

"Obviously and especially not these two, because they are heading this way

"Ladies fancy seeing you here" Jess speaks up first. "Kate, who is this lovely lady you are with today?" he continues while indicating Lanie

"Dr. Parish this is Jess Wellborn and… I never got your name" Kate indicates while looking at the other agent

"Hello, I am Ted Harrington. Nice to meet both of you" he extends his hand to Lanie

"Same here. Agent Harrington"

"The name is Ted"

"OK. Ted"

Jeff looks at two empty seats at the table. Do you mind if we join you?"

Kate gives Lanie "The look". The look Beckett gave to Castle so many times when he was coming close to doing something he will wish he never thought about doing

"Of course!" Lanie answers "It will be so nice to have someone else to share the evening with tonight"

Kate gives Lanie a look that tells her that if she had her gun on her right now that the ME would be the next for target practice

Ted starts the conversation "So it's Doctor Parish? PHD, DED, MD?"

"MD. I am a medical examiner in New York. That is how Kate and I know each other. We worked solving crimes together. In fact we have known each other for a long time. A very long time. That is until this job came along and she up and left us all high and dry"

Kate smirks at Lanie

"So then you two have been friends…?" Jeff asks

"Forever" Kate answers

About this time the server comes up to the table to take the orders for the group. He first asks if this is to be one check or separate, the men try to pick up the girl's checks, but Beckett insists that she gets hers and Lanie's and that the men are on their own

Ted looks across to the two "I am old school. It is only proper for a man to pick up the check for the woman"

Beckett looks back at him with fire in her green eyes "Only if the man and woman are on a date" Then Kate says in a stern voice. "This is not a date"

After Kate makes the comment, she realizes these two are not so different than the pick up artists her and Rick encountered a couple of years ago. The only difference is she does not hear Bolero playing anywhere

During the meal the two men are working both women like they have plans for later. Jeff keeps talking to Kate and Ted is applying all of his efforts toward Lanie.

Finally the checks come and again the men try to pick up the tabs, but Beckett is too fast for them. She has done everything to send a message that she is not interested in any of their advances. But she has about decided that these two are going to have to just learn the hard way.

Jeff speaks as they start to get up "Ladies, that was fun. Would you two like to return to my place for drinks?"

"NO! Lanie and I are headed to 'girl talk' back at my place so I will see you on Monday" Kate waves them off as she and Lanie turn toward the Metro station and a train ride home

After they are out of earshot Lanie starts up on Beckett "Girlfriend! I have never seen such a full court press from two men before. Is this what has been going on since you've been here? Every man you see wants to take you home with him?"

"Sometimes it does. I just had no idea how hard that part of my move to DC was going to be. I thought I could just go to work and save the world. I didn't know I would be spending most of my time protecting my own honor"

"Well girlfriend I guess I need to find you a real man to come here and protect you"

"Would you really do that for me Lanie?"

"All you have to do is ask"