Hetalia Senior! Scotland x Sophmore! Reader- She's a Rebel

Chapter 2

The next day y/n went over Allistair's house…again. She wasn't happy about it, but his house was better than hers. She wouldn't admit it, although she didn't have to, Allistair could see right through her "rough and tough" exterior, but she liked the attention she got from being included in the family's dinner conversations. But like the expression goes, time flies when you're having fun, and she had to leave after what felt like 20 minutes.

She slowly walked out, but was brought out of her mopey trance by a stinging pain on her cheek and the sharp pain of the sidewalk reaching up to smash her on the ground.

One eye opened and y/n looked up to see Danny, red in the face and glaring at her. "So this is where you've been…"

"What's that supposed to mean?" she growled.

"I know what you're doing with him, you're disguting," he came towards her, but all y/n was worrying about now was the door she had just heard open.

The shocking pain came again and her face felt on fire until she heard a familiar yell, " 'ey! Leave 'er alone!"

Danny looked up, afraid that he was caught and ran to his car to leave. Y/n stayed on the ground, not sure what to do. It was silent so she went to get up, but was stopped by Allistair, "let me help ya."

She was still short of breath from being knocked over since it had knocked the wind out of her. He picked her up bridal style, making her blush, and carried her inside. "Thanks," y/n muttered.

"Dun' worry 'bout it," he replied. He left and came back with a painkiller and some water that y/n gulped down.

"Sorry you had to see that," something was different between them since he knew what happened on a daily basis. Allistair shook his head and hugged her, making y/n want to cry, but she still couldn't trust him. "I think I'll go home now-"

"But-" he contradicted.

"I'll be fine, my mom is there," she told half the truth.

"Okay…" Allistair relented.

~time skip to y/n's house~

Y/n had almost slipped into her room when her mom called her name. "Yeah?"

"That boy you were with…I don't want you going out with him or hanging out anywhere. He's a senior, 18! You're only 15, it's not right. And I hear all terrible things about him. He smokes and he's always getting in trouble," she said.

"I don't care what you think of him. I like him… You don't care what I thin of Danny!" Y/n yelled and ran to her room. She liked him? Since when did that happen? She didn't understand where this was coming from. She hated him yesterday and now she was telling her mom that she like him. She didn't know what was going on. Y/n crawled into her bed, unable to deal with the unfamiliar emotions.