Let me hold you, for the last time,
It's the last chance to feel again,
But you broke me, now I can't feel anything,
When I love you, It's so untrue,
I can't even convince myself,
When I'm speaking, It's the voice of someone else,
Dean and I were sitting in diner eating when Cas popped in. We both jumped in surprise. "I bring news," he said in that overly serious tone again, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. When does he ever come just to hang out or say 'hello', doesn't even check in. Castiel only ever came when the visit served a purpose and it was usually when heaven needed something.
"What's up?" Dean asked, mouth full of food.
"We have learnt that Azazel had more psychic children then we first thought," we stared, how could no one possibly know that?
"How many more?" I asked, noticing how tense Dean got.
"Eighteen have been discovered so far and six have been destroyed."
"Do you know where they are?" I asked, frowning. "How come they weren't in the game?" I wasn't sure what to call it, I just knew that's where Azazel put us, and then made it obvious it was a competition.
"They weren't triggered when you were, and this generation is younger then yours was, we haven't been able to figure out why though."
"How old are they?" I had been around twenty one when the migraines started, any lower and they'd be kids.
"eighteen," Dean and I shared uneasy looks.
"And you guys are killing them all?" I asked in disbelief.
"Their age is irrelevant, their abominations, nothing more," I glared at him, along with Dean. He had pretty much just called me an abomination.
"There are several that haven't been found, will you help us track them down?" he asked, giving us a level stare.
"We'll help, but were not letting you kill a bunch of kids," Dean said giving him a pointed look.
"There's a girl that resides in Forks, Washington. Her name is Isabella Swan, we haven't been able to get into the town without being attacked, there is a pack of shifters that live in a nearby community. Her natural ability is shielding, we've been unsuccessful in trying to pass through it."
"Who else?" I asked, debating whether or not we should consider splitting up.
"Another girl, Mara Petrelli. She lives in Chicago, she has no living family, and we were unable to find out where she lives. We do however, know she is very close to a man named David Castello, he owns a lot of real estate."
I spent the night researching their names. You'd think two teenage girls wouldn't be that difficult to research. But Mara had dropped off the grid when she was twelve and hasn't been heard from since. Isabella had also disappeared only to reappear back at her mothers after a two year period passed. I couldn't find anything on them during those times. Which struck me as odd, and I got the feeling there was a lot more to this then we originally thought. I was also getting the feeling that we were out of our league on this one, but then again, I'd felt the same way when we realized we had to stop Lucifer.
Oh it tears me up, I try to hold on, but it hurts too much,
I try to forgive, but it's not enough to make it all okay,
You can't play on broken strings,
You can't feel anything that your heart don't want to feel,
I can't tell you something that ain't real,
Bella POV
"We can't keep doing this," Mara said silently, as all of us sat around in the living room.
"Doing what?" I asked, rubbing at my face tiredly.
It had been a long night, we were all exhausted, covered in blood, most of it wasn't ours, and battered to hell. We'd been attacked by two groups of people tonight and Mara had been scarily silent once they'd finally found me. During the chaos SWAT and the FBI created, Lochlan and his merry band of assholes had grabbed me. Mara hadn't had enough time to get me before they'd overwhelmed me, hit me over the head and drove off with me. Boy was I pissed when I woke up.
"All of this fighting. We nearly lost you tonight Bella, if we'd been a moment too late," she shook her head, running a hand through her hair. It was a clear sign that she was stressing.
"But you always make it in time," I reminded her. She always had, all of them do regardless of whose in trouble. We just sought each other out as if we had personal trackers in us or something. We'd always been that way and we always will be, unless of course one of us dies.
My words, though true and what i hoped would be reassuring, just went right over her head. "I think it's time we face facts. The whole world is gunning for us and sooner or later one of us is going to get killed. I'd never forgive myself for that, we wont always make it in time to save one another and when that day comes, one of us will be dead. It's time to split up," she sounded so calm and sure that for a moment I thought I'd misheard her. Everyone must've thought they miss heard because we all shared confused looks.
"Are you insane? No way!" I protested as it settled in my mind.
"Where will we go?" Tyler asked in horror, standing up instantly.
"Mara were stronger as a group, we need each other," Adam insisted, backing me up.
"Were family, we can't just split up!" Chris said glaring at her defiantly.
Brandon was silent, watching and calculating, like he always does. Sometimes I thought he knew Mara better then me, but that was impossible. Mara was my other half, and there was no chance in hell I was leaving her.
"We dont have a choice, being together is going to get us killed and we wont last much longer, especially if we lose someone. We can't function properly as a group and there's no chance in hell we'd still be in one piece if one of us died. Fuck guys, we almost got Bella killed tonight!" she argued, sighing heavily. "We dont have a choice and im not giving you one."
"There's always a choice, your just choosing wrong," Tyler said knowingly, and then just shook his head at her and exited the room.
"I'm not leaving you," I said stubbornly, preparing for one hell of a fight, despite my being the only one angry of the two of us. But that was the problem though wasn't it? We always wanted to fight, but Mara was still wrong, we were weaker separate, we never thought rationally when we'd been apart too long. Jesus, even a few hours not seeing any of them made me edgy and irritable. It was like being addicted to them or something.
"Then I'll leave you," she countered, sending me reeling in shock all over again. I practically bolted from the room in fear, straight up to ours. As if running from her would somehow keep her from leaving me.
Why would Mara want to leave me? Have I done something wrong? Was it my fault she was forcing us apart? It didn't make sense, nothing was making sense. I felt my eyes water as I found myself in our bedroom, a bedroom that would soon be just hers. Or no one's. I hated the idea of both. Where my home be, if these people were my home? If we all went underground my family would be lost. I would be lost. All of us had always been lost, but we were lost together.
I must've spent hours replaying the last few years over and over again in my mind, trying to find where I'd gone wrong. Had she stopped loving me? She still said it every day, knowing I needed to hear it, and she'd never lie to me. So what did this mean? For the first time in what seemed like a life time, I cried. I cried simply because it felt good to let go. Mara was everything to me and now she was abandoning me. What would I do without her?
Mara and our brothers were the only thing that made sense to me. Even though we were all quite psychotic, we still loved each other. What's a life without the love of your family, without any kind of peace?
"You'll live," her soft cool voice said from behind me. I hadn't even sensed her that's how deep into my own despair I'd gone.
"Why are you doing this to me?" I whispered, pain lacing up and down my entire being. Mara was my lifeline. I needed her as much as I needed to breathe. What was happening to us?
"Because I wont let who we are together destroy us," she said simply, a voice I hated during times like this.
I stood turning on her angrily. "You've already destroyed us, each and every one of us! Were monsters Mara, you created us and in way that made us belong together because there's nowhere else in the world for us anymore!" I shouted.
She kept that poker face on though, and I could see the pain in her eyes. She clearly didnt want this, so why? "I wont be the cause of your death Bella, and I refuse to sign off on it and let it happen knowingly. You deserve to find peace and we'll never have it again. This is how it has to be."
"Your wrong Mara! Dont you care about what we think? How we feel?" i asked desparately, trying to find a way to reason with her.
"Of course i care, and as you so adaquately put it, i created so yes, i know how you feel. We need freedome Bella, you know that, we all crave this. With the rest of the world hunting us, being tied down to one another. That isn't freedom. What happens when one of us dies? We get sloppy, we'll lash out. Someone else gets hurt, killed, the rest of us end up in jail or worse and any fleck of freedom we have now is gone forever."
"Dont do this to me Mara, please," I said, eyes watering again.
"Would this be easier if I made you hate me?" she asked eyebrows raised. "This is happening Bella. Tell me something, would you like to die?" I glared at her stupid question, "would you like to spend the remainder of your life in prison?"
"Stop asking stupid fucking questions," I snapped annoyed.
"Then listen to what I'm telling you! Those are your options if we stay together. Were too goddamn dangerous to the rest of the world, we have been since the moment we met. Sooner or later were going to die because of what we are. I fucking love you Bella but I wont be your downfall, you have to understand that."
"We protect each other, we always have! Let me stay with you, please. We can change, I'll change, just dont force me to leave you. We can go anywhere, obey the law, bake cookies for a church bake sale for all I care as long as I have you," I pleaded, hope glimmering at the thought of living a peaceful life with her. Even though I knew it was more or less impossible. We were sadistic and we thrived during chaos, peace wasn't exactly in the cards for us in the near future. Or ever apparently.
"I dont want you to change for me Bella, I want you to live, i need you to live," she said quietly, looking away. "Your life is more important to me then my selfish need for you."
"Will I ever see you again?" i asked, voice hollow and my thoughts pleading with her, she would know how my mind was spinning right now. She always just knew howi thought. An open book to her and a pretty million piece puzzle to the rest of the world.
"No." I swallowed thickly, that dull ache bursting in my chest as I realized what was to come was inevitable whether I liked it or not. "I'll hate you if you go threw with this," I said harshly.
She gave me that dark smile that I loved and yet hated now, "good."
Oh the truth hurts, and lies worse,
How can I give anymore, when I love you a little less than before,
Oh what are we doing, we are turning into dust,
Playing house in the ruins of us,
But we're running through the fire, when there's nothing left to save,
It's like chasing the very last train, when we both know it's too late,
Let me hold you for the last time, it's the last chance to feel again