Author: The Wayward Angel
Story: The Horrors of Tarsus
Pairings: OC/OC, Spock/Jim, mention Sulu/Chekov
Chapters: 11/20
Word Count: 547
Trigger Warnings: Tarsus, Language, Starvation, Eating Disorder, Child Abuse, Torture, Rape, NonCon, DubCon, Violent Imagery, Angst, Slash, Explicit Consensual Sex, Vulnerable!Jim
Rating: NC-17/M
Summary: 'I'm going back. I'm really going back.' As far as Jim Kirk was concerned, Tarsus IV had been burned behind him when he'd been rescued, but now the name glared at him mockingly from his PADD. 'A coup is rising on Tarsus IV, led by Syvik Kodos, son of deceased Governor Kodos. This threat must be neutralized immediately.'
Disclaimer: I only lay claim on the OCs, nothing more.

The Horrors of Tarsus
Chapter Ten

~15 Years Previous~

JT lay slumped down on the grass as Kodos tossed the whip to the ground, the man panting to catch his breath. Blood covered the ground, running in rivulets from JT's torn back. The boy breathed deeply, gritting his teeth.

"Governor! Starfleet is here!" A man called and Kodos whipped his head up.

Kodos looked at his men, "Back to the compound." He snapped then pointed at one man, "You. Shoot them." He said before turning and running back to the compound, his men following behind him.

The man lowered his phaser, pointing it at JT's head. JT closed his eyes and kept his head lowered.

'No' Spock's voice drifted through the memory.

'It's okay' Jim's voice replied gently.

'You weren't going to fight. You were going to let yourself be killed.'

'I didn't want to live anymore.'

A phaser fired but JT didn't feel anything. No pain. Nothing. He looked up and the man was on the ground, dead with blood pouring from his chest. A man in a yellow Starfleet shirt was standing behind the dead man, phaser in hand. "Hey there Jim, we're here to get you."

"Who are you?" JT asked.

"My name is Captain Christopher Pike. But you can call me Chris." The man said with a gentle smile.

"The others. They-" JT struggled to turn to his friends.

Officers clad in red shirts were already helping the children up, carrying them back to the shuttles.

"Are fine." Christopher said, unshackling JT's arms and picking the small boy up, "You all will be. Your mission is finished, Jim. Sleep. We'll take care of the rest."

Behind them an explosion rang out and JT barely flinched, "But…" He said softly, clenching the Captain's shoulders, the Compound going up in flames behind him.

"Sleep, Jimmy." Christopher replied, carrying him to the shuttle.

Jimmy slept.

"Captain Pike was the one that saved you." Spock said, pulling back from the meld.

Jim nodded, his eyes glazed with tears but he held them back, "Yeah. After that he kept my records sealed and only the members of the landing party and the Tarsus Nine knew I was ever there. My mom apologized for years about it, but it wasn't her fault. I wanted to go."

Spock pressed a kiss to Jim's forehead, "You are a very strong man, James Kirk." He said softly.

Jim smiled slightly, "People keep saying that." He replied.


Allie: Their relationship will continue in the next story. Because of Tarsus. Thank you for the support on this story. I love you all!