I know what you're thinking, a whole chapter just dedicated to an Author's Note before the story begins? Well, sorry, but I think this story calls for it. This is NOT for people with delicate sensibilities. This is a very disturbing story that will be FILLED with TRIGGERS. That being said, I will list the warnings on this page and at the beginning of each chapter for the whole story. Now, if you like Tarsus stories and disturbing imagery and man love then keep reading, but if not then please turn around and go read something else. Thank you!

Author: The Wayward Angel
Story: The Horrors of Tarsus
Pairings: OC/OC, Spock/Jim, mention Sulu/Chekov
Chapters: 20
Word Count:
Trigger Warnings: Tarsus, Language, Starvation, Eating Disorder, Child Abuse, Torture, Rape, NonCon, DubCon, Violent Imagery, Angst, Slash, Explicit Consensual Sex, Vulnerable!Jim
Rating: NC-17/M
Summary: 'I'm going back. I'm really going back.' As far as Jim Kirk was concerned, Tarsus IV had been burned behind him when he'd been rescued, but now the name glared at him mockingly from his PADD. 'A coup is rising on Tarsus IV, led by Syvik Kodos, son of deceased Governor Kodos. This threat must be neutralized immediately.'

Tarsus Character List:

Cylan and Devin- 10 (Even and Starr)
Analyssa- 9 (Pixie)
Belladonna- 7 (Bells)
Dante-11 (Andie)
Stephen-8 (S)
Jimmy- 12 (JT)
Kevin-5 (Kev)
Eric-6 (Ric)
Geffery-10 (Snow)
Celeste-8 (Blizzard)
Jack-13 (JJ)

-The Wayward Angel