Disclaimer: I do not own any Final Fantasy VII objects, Characters, Vehicles and such other stuff.

Nibelhiem Mansion in November was a Horribly lonely place, Winter hit earlier there than any where else because of the mountain next to it.

Vincent stared at the fire, he rested his head on his hand and sighed, he had to admit that he had enjoyed the company of AVALANCHE, now he was all alone again.


"My lady, please the people are asking to see you," Chekov bowed to the new leader of Wutai,

"Yes, I will see them now," The young women stood forward out on to the stage

They all cheered, Yuffie welcomed the applaud, she put on a smile to face them,

"Dear people of Wutai, as you may know Lord Godo was killed in battle two day's ago, as the last living Kisaragi I shall take over his position as leader of our fair land, please do not judge me for my former ways, tomorrow I shall turn 17, I will try to rule in a way that shall bring pride to leviathan, to Da Chao, to my father and most of all to you, my people, Thank you," she turned round and walked back into the pagoda.

Shake, Gorky, Chekov and Staniv stood in front of her, they all bowed.

"We will always be here ready to assist you in any mean's possible," Staniv said eventually.

"My Lady, will you be moving into the pagoda?" asked Gorky, Godo had lived there instead of at Yuffie's house.

"No, I don't think so, I will be here a lot but I wish to remain in my house, I've grown to love it over the years," Yuffie answered, she had lived on her own since she was 8.

"Very well, we will see you later then?" Chekov asked

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry, you are dismissed," Yuffie blushed, she didn't ever think that she'd be the leader of Wutai, she thought Godo would live forever so it was all very new to her.

They walked away to there separate levels of the pagoda.

Yuffie turned to leave the pagoda, she was going home to get some rest.

she stepped out side and past the village, the villagers smiled and bowed to her, Yuffie smiled and waved, she was so glad she could just shut the door.

She threw herself onto the bed and sobbed herself to sleep, in all honesty she was not even over Godo's death and she was definitely not ready to take over.


Vincent had decided to go to bed to keep his mind of being alone, he pulled the covers up over his chest and went to sleep.

Vincent's dream:

it started off like a normal nightmare of Vincent's, Chaos was tormenting him by laughing evilly, suddenly Chaos stopped and started screaming, tear's were streaming down the face of the beast, the tears turned to blood, Chaos started to fade from view, the next scene was a flash of a lightning and a city in flames, and a dead women lying in the flames.

Vincent shot up in his sleep, sweat and tears were streaming over his body, he panted and gasped for air. he laid down again and started to wonder what this meant, he almost had remembered the location and women that appeared in his dream when he heard a loud knock on the door shattering most of his memories of the dream, he grabbed his dressing gown and went to open the door, he wondered who would come to see him in the middle of the night.

He opened the door, his draw drooped when he saw Tifa standing in front of him, she had a bag with her.

"Hello, may I please come in, I have no where to go,"

"Yes, of course, please you must be freezing," Vincent stepped aside to let her in

he lead her into the living room, she sat silently for a moment.

"Cloud and I had a row, This time it's finished for good, he chucked me out," she said finally

"Oh, I'm very sorry to hear that, if you don't mind my intrusion, what was your row about?" asked Vincent

"Uh, no not at all, he said that I couldn't except that he needed space now and again, and that I was smothering him and that we should just spend some time away from each other, when I refused he finished it and throw me out, after we had had a fight," she explained, hold up her arm to show Vincent, it was lightly bruised, he cast a cure on it.

"Well, alright you may stay here, you must be tired I will show you to one of the guest room's," he said standing up

"Oh, you didn't happen to be watching the TV earlier did you?" she said as they walked

"No, why?" he replied

"Yuffie was crowned as leader of Wutai," she replied

Flashes went inside Vincent's head, The City in flames was Wutai,

"It's just a nightmare," He told himself

"Are you okay?" Tifa broke his thoughts

"hmm, yes, well it's a big responsibility for someone so immature to take on," Vincent opened the door to the guest room

"Good night," He walked away

"Yes, good night," Tifa called after him


Yuffie couldn't sleep, it was now way past mid night, but still she lay sleepless on her bed.

Never before in her short life had she felt this alone, she had no family and no friends, she only had her people, she would probably fail them as well.

she rolled over and took some pictures out of her draw, she gently ran her fingers over the cheek of her Mother, she had died when Yuffie was Three, she moved her hand down to the baby boy in her Mother's arm's, Yuffie's twin brother, he had also died when she was three, she moved her hand across to her father, He had died three days ago. She covered everyone up so that the only thing left was the baby girl sitting in the carry chair on the floor, that was her.

She moved on to the next picture, a picture of AVALANCHE, the people she had considered friend's, they had seen her just as and aid in battle and a stupid little child.

She sighed to herself, a cold feeling swept across her body, she sat up and stared out of the window by her bed, the stars were shining brightly in the sky, it was a beautiful night, Yuffie felt as though the planet was celebrating her misery.

"I really do deserve it," she told herself, hot tears welled up in her eye's, she allowed them to fall across her cheek's. She cried all that she could that night, until she collapsed from the exhaustion.


Vincent awoke feeling strangely low, he got out of bed and dressed, he went down stairs to see if Tifa had woken yet.

She had and she had made breakfast for herself and Vincent.

"Good morning, I made breakfast," She said

"Thank you, but why are you up so early?" Vincent took a seat and started to eat his breakfast.

Tifa sighed and sat down with him, "I couldn't sleep, I kept thinking of Cloud,"

Vincent nodded,

Tifa smiled, "I think it was the right thing for us to finish it, I just hope we can be as good friends as we were before,"

"Yes, you indeed were a pair," Vincent said, after swallowing his food.

They sat in silence.

"Do you mind if I put the TV on, for some background noise?" Tifa said breaking the silence

"Go ahead," He replied signalling to the TV.

Tifa pressed the on button, she changed the channels until she fond one that took her fancy,

"Live in Wutai the first interview with her Ladyship," The overhead on the TV pronounced.

"Lady Kisaragi, what will be your first move as leader?" The presenter asked.

"Uh, I will Begin, by um....uh, putting an end to the tourist business that has formed here over the years," Yuffie choked out

"Huh, I'm surprised she didn't say, "Make everyone gimme their Materia,"" Vincent grunted

Tifa giggled, "Yeah," she agreed

"Ah, but that was something your father was trying to increase," The presenter continued

"Yes, but I am not my father, and in his defence he was trying to support the country," Yuffie went on.

"I thought Yuffie hated Godo?" Tifa said

"Yes, I believe she called him an old coot," Vincent added

"You were known to be quite the wild child, are you ready to take on such a huge position in the world?" The presenter asked.

"If you are suggesting that I will bring shame to Wutai you are strongly mistaken, The old Yuffie is dead, like the rest of her family, I will do whatever it takes to protect Wutai, even ignore the nasty little snide's from people like you," Yuffie was hurt by this.

Vincent and Tifa remained silent this time.

The presenter knew that she had hit a nerve, so she continued,

"I meant you know offence, have you shed your Materia stealing ways?"

"Yes, and if you must know I handed all the things I have stolen back to there owners, and I would like to make a formal apology to the members of AVALANCHE that I bothered," Yuffie stared straight into the camera and smiled,

Vincent felt a strange pain in his heart, Yuffie's eyes were filled with the hurt she was hiding.

Another flash back of Vincent's dream hit him again, The women lying lifeless in the flames was Yuffie.

He gasped out loud.

"Are you alright?" asked Tifa as she turned of the television.

Vincent turned to Tifa, "I don't know, I just don't know Tifa,"

"What's the matter?" She stood up and walked over to him.

"It's nothing, really," He protested

"Tell me, or I'll beat it out of you!" She joked

"I Just don't think that Yuffie is safe," he explained

"Well, why should you worry, she was just nuisance," Tifa reassured him

"Hmm, I know, but I've just been so confused recently, I've been so alone," Vincent started to pour his heart out.

"You never have too feel alone, I'm here for you,"

Before Tifa could finish her sentence her sentence, Vincent grabbed her and started kissing her, Tifa returned it. Vincent pulled her closer and removed her shirt, before she could stop it they were halfway up the stairs.

Vincent lay in Bed with Tifa by his side.

"What have I done," he thought to himself

"Maybe I could learn to care for her," He told himself, he looked at her sleeping form, he felt nothing, He sighed, "I have to learn and quickly,

A/N: Gawd, I really shouldn't be starting a new fic, but I couldn't help it. I need a new one, even though I have three fic's on the go, but ta hell with it if i want to write another one I will.

oh yeah, Please R&R

oh and this is not, and I repeat, This is not a Vin/Tif story, I don't like that pair because they look to much like each other.