Warren Warden

These Plot Bunny scenes are things that wouldn't go away but I couldn't figure out how to turn them into a story. If you manage to do so I would like to read them. Some may be musical and/or have songs from youtube to play with them

Friends and best friends

Sum: Harry Luna Neville Hermione Draco Ginny and Ron, (my ever beloved playthings) have received amazing elemental powers in their own reality and have been relocated to another, in this reality their alternate selves are dead but only believed missing (No Bodies), They spend their time frightening their teachers/families. They can change the ages of their bodies for whatever reason and are at least 40's with the attitudes of 20-year-olds who did everything together from infancy.

Pairings are only changed within the group.





What would be fifth year but Lockheart's signing a new book and the DADA teacher is just an auror, not Umbridge.

"Lockheart didn't last this long in our dimension." Harry grumbled to Neville. Harry's parents and the other two 'true' marauders, as well as Neville's and Luna's parents would be meeting them later at Fortescues and they were hanging out. Poor Ron, Ginny, and Draco had to return to their families the week before. But all of their families were alive so none complained.

"Pity." Neville stated rubbing his chin; he missed the goatee he had back at home. "I want to hit him quite badly Rea."

"No kidding." Hermione and Luna stated.

Crash. Ron's books went down with him and Ginny jumped out of the way.

"Goodness sakes Weasel, don't grovel, you're quite low enough already." Draco Malfoy may have been their friend but since he and Ginny were 'together' he and Ron… yikes.

Ron reached for his books after hiding a snort. "And you're nose is high enough to hit the ceiling. Have you scraped it yet?"

"Your attitude is no skin off my nose Hothead." Draco looked up warily and then caught himself, and pretended not to. (at both the action and the pun.)

"Is there something wrong here boys?" Mr. Weasely recognized that Draco looked a lot like Lucious Malfoy.

"Absolutely nothing." Draco looked smug, "Yet."

"Watch yourself Drama Queen." Ron had his books back and placed them in his undetectable expansion bag.

"I'm not a drama queen, you are." Draco folded his arms.


"No you,"

"No you,"

"No you,"

"No you,"

"You are."

Someone made to interrupt but Ron cut them off.

"You can't escape the title; it's obvious it's you." Ron said showing no sense that he had entered a childish argument.

"Fine." Draco startled everyone listening. "But I'm a good queen, and you're King."

"One, did you just win the argument by conceding? You are a cheat and two, Oh Kami the images with that…"

"I did not cheat I exaggerated the rules for my own benefit at the time when said exaggeration occurred, and you brought the images upon yourself."

"Fell win oh bipolar one…" Ron nodded regally.

"I know, I am amazing and so thou art, and the conversation at an end." Draco and Ron bowed shocking everyone there with how friendly they were acting even though the words they said spoke of enemies or rivals

"Ah go screw thyselves." Ginny shocked the rest of the Weasely's even more with the statement. "I heard something about my boyfriend paying for ice-cream." She hugged Draco and then turned to Ron. All of them ignoring the shock of their audience, they left the bookstore. Lockheart's books had been forgotten even by their author.