I'd been checking on my human everyday since I'd reserved him, his pregnancy seeming to make it longer.

He was going to give birth soon; I knew it. He was turning paler, and weaker everyday, vomiting the food up I and the staff gave him.

I was happy to know that he was soon to give birth to a male; healthy, just like his father. I was scared for its temperament though; the OTHER father was highly aggressive; what if he was the same?

Rock had soon become one of my friends; explaining humans, what they need, what they eat, and even once told me how to breed them. He told me about the young male he'd adopted numerous months ago, and had asked me on several occasions if I wanted to see him, every time I'd accept. But he'd always be too busy, or his schedule too full.

I look at the animal, soon to give birth. He's lying on his side, breathing gently, occasionally scraping his paw against his belly.

I bend down, and press the button which slides the glass away. He rolls over,and whines a sound of recognition.

My servo reaches out, and strokes his fragile body; its soft, as normal. I run my digits over his swollen stomach, and rub circles into it. He relaxes further, and closes his eyes, dozing off.

The aggressive one seems agitated; He's pacing up and down his cage, pressing his face against the glass, pawing at the corners. He seems to know that the time is nearing.

I hear heavy pedes attempt to tiptoe.

"Hello Rock," I say quietly as not to wake the human. "I have a question."

"Hmmm?" I take it means a yes.

"What do pups look like?" He replied quickly.

"Adorable, chubby, poofy, cute, whatever...Trust me, they're little decepticons when you get to know them,"

I nod, interested, but puzzled by why he called them little decepticons..

"You must have seen many pup births here?" I question.

He nods.

"Tons." He says slowly. He frowns at my human. "Tons..." He says more quietly. I stop stroking the human, startling him slightly. He freezed up slightly.

Its my turn to frown now.

"Whats wrong?"

He stutters slightly.

"In the correct terms; 213 will give birth in approximately 2 hours,"

We stare at him, amazed.

"I-I'll get the staff.." He said quickly, loping out of the room. I rub more circles into his belly.