Just one thing you need to know before you start reading: I have the best readers in the world!

Thank you for the lovely reviews and your constant support. I love you all :)

What is the difference between Tsuruga Ren and Fuwa Sho? They are both young, good looking, talented and successful in their respective fields, so what is it that makes them so different?

Kyoko knows the answer. It's love.

Sho's never known how to give love. He only knows how to take it, how to swallow it and then ask for more.

Ren, on the other hand, has never failed to reciprocate the love Kyoko gave him. Even if it is just as a senpai or a friend, he's always been there. Sometimes the love he gave was in the form of a harsh truth or a scolding, but Kyoko has felt it even then.

The truth behind Kyoko's hatred of love is also painfully simple. She gave love to a person who didn't know what love is, or how to give it back. She was so blinded by her own love that she couldn't see she lost herself in that love. Everything she did, she did for that love.

Kyoko realized something else while listening to Shoko: She is neither the victim nor the culprit.

It's not her fault she loved Sho so much, she didn't know any better. She probably should have, but she didn't. She's not a victim either because she could have put a stop to the destructive relationship a long time ago. She could have, but she didn't. She's moved on, though, in so many ways, and Sho is still there, stuck in the same place he's always been.

In Kyoko's eyes Sho was a god whom she worshipped and cursed, but now he looks like a lonely abandoned boy, standing all alone in the empty hallway. He's not dangerous; if he were, Kyoko would've been in a far worse state than she was. Aside from her broken heart, which she helped break, nothing else was damaged. He couldn't have inflicted any real damage because he's a lost boy, just as lost as she was.

He has so many fans who would give up everything for him, just like Kyoko did, but would it last? Probably not.

A question is making Kyoko's heart heavy; why didn't she realize this sooner?

She slides to the floor and hugs her knees tightly as tears pour down her face. The memories come rushing back, but this time it's the good memories. Of course there were times when they were happy – when Kyoko didn't need to work two jobs to support them and before Sho's ego completely took over his life.

Sometimes they would sit on the living room floor and watch comedy shows while eating delicious pudding.

Kyoko is crying for those times, sharing the silence with the boy she once loved.

"Hello, Sawara speaking… Mogami-san?... No, she's currently taking a break… Oh, I see. I'll contact the President then and get back to you."

Sawara dials the President's direct line number and the President soon answers.

"Hello?" he says and sniffles.

"President Takarada?"

"Oh Sawara, this is just so-so-" he sniffles, holding back his tears "So sad. Rika-Rika-chan she-She's goooooooooooone!" the President says and bursts into tears.

Sawara shouldn't really be surprised as this is not the first time this has happened, nor will it be the last, but he is surprised nonetheless. "Should I call later, sir?" he says after getting over the initial shock.

After a few moments of crying inconsolably, President Takarada composes himself enough to give Sawara a reply. "No, it's-it's fine." he says and sniffles again.

"Right. Well, I just got a call from the producer of "Kimagure Rock" and he would like Mogami-san to appear on tonight's show. Apparently her replacement has been in some sort of an accident and they cannot find anyone on such short notice. As Mogami-san is currently taking a break from work, I thought I should contact you first."

The President sniffles, his mind barely registering Sawara's words. "She-She can go." he says and sniffles again.

"Alright, I'll contact Mogami-san then. I'm sorry for the… the disturbance, sir."

"It's-it's fine." the President says, his voice already cracking under pressure so Sawara, in fear of another outburst, quickly hangs up the phone.

He sighs and shakes his head before looking up Kyoko's number. As he waits for Kyoko to answer his call, Sawara glances at the clock.

It's almost six o'clock and he would be grateful if she were to answer right away. The show starts at nine, so there is plenty of time, but if she can't make it, he has to let them know immediately so they can get back to trying to find a suitable replacement.

Distracted as he is, Sawara doesn't realize that the call got connected until Kyoko's second confused "hello".

"Hello? Mogami-san?"

"Rika-chan, why did you have to break my heart like that? It's so-so-so" he sniffles, just barely holding back the river of tears "So crueeeeeeeeeeeeeel!" he cries out and starts sobbing while hugging the game box.

"Wait a second." he says, suddenly completely serious. "Mogami-san!"


Ever since Ren's surprise call, whenever Kyoko sees Sawara's name on her cell phone a nervous shiver spreads through her body, even if she just glances over it while scrolling through the contact list. It's not a very positive sensation, but it's not particularly negative either.

Just now she found herself expecting to hear Ren's voice from the other side and was slightly disappointed when that didn't happen. Slightly more so than she was relieved.

"Good afternoon, Mogami-san. Do you have a moment?" Sawara says.

Kyoko was walking around, trying to clear her head. She's been crying an awful lot lately and that was taking a toll on her. The sudden call forced her to stop in the middle of the street.

"Yes, Sawara-san." she answers, curious about the reason behind Sawara's call.

Surprisingly enough, hearing from Sawara-san doesn't worry her as much as it used to. Probably because she's forgotten all about the dreadful audition, which, somehow, no longer seems as dreadful. In fact, her whole heart seems so much lighter and the sky seems to be much bluer than it used to be.

"Well, I wouldn't be bothering you otherwise, it's just that I got a call from the producer of "Kimagure Rock" and he asked if you could appear as Bo on tonight's show. I already talked to the President and he said it's alright."

People are passing by, completely unaware of everything that's happening in Kyoko's life. How could they know? It's a miracle she can keep up with her own thoughts and feelings.

"What should I tell them, Mogami-san?" Sawara asks, half-expecting the answer. Actually more than just half-expecting it, he knows Kyoko after all.

"Really? Oh, well, if the President says it's fine… I'd be happy to help, Sawara-san." she replies, excited to be working again, even if it is just as Bo.

"Alright, I'll let them know." he says, unsurprised by her decision, and pauses for a moment, hesitating. "So, how are your studies going, Mogami-san?"

It's more than obvious that he's concerned. The President hasn't told him anything directly, but just like Moko, he knows that he didn't get the whole story. He doesn't know what it is exactly that's keeping Kyoko away from work, but he's glad she sounds well and is still eager to work, even if it is just a Bo gig.

"It's going good. Thank you for asking, Sawara-san." Kyoko says gently, remembering Moko's concern and feeling very grateful for their care.

"Good. Great. Well then, I better let them know. Good luck tonight, Mogami-san. Good work." Sawara clumsily finishes the call.

Kyoko smiles, suddenly remembering her badminton match with Sho. It seems like a lifetime away, that day, that Kyoko.

She looks at the sky, feeling content and more hopeful than she's felt in a long time.

"Sawara, my friend!" the President yells as soon as he opens the door of Sawara's office. Six women dressed like belly dancers enter after him, all throwing red and pink rose petals in the air, rendering the employees speechless. Two jugglers and a man breathing fire also appear in the office and begin performing cheerfully.

Sawara is shocked and quite speechless. There is really no way of getting used to the President's shows. "President?" he mumbles.

The President is ecstatic and he has no problems relaying it to the people around him. "Sawara, my good man, tell me, is that Mogami-san on the line?"

"Yes, it wa-"

"Excellent!" the President exclaims, not bothering to hear Sawara out. He grabs the phone from his hand and puts it to his ear. "Hello, Mogami-san! I-" he manages to say before realizing that there is no one on the other side.

"It was, but I already hung up." Sawara explains.

The Presidents face sinks, showing his disappointment. He sits on an empty chair by Sawara's desk, looking completely beaten. The belly dancers stop throwing petals, the two jugglers and the man who breathes fire also stop performing.

"You could just call her yourself." Sawara tries to console him, but it doesn't work.

"I've already tried. Many, many times. Nothing works. My calls just won't get through." the President says, falling deeper and deeper into despair.

"Excuse me for just a moment, President, I have to let the producer know that Mogami-san has agreed to do the show tonight." Sawara says and dials the number.

The President suddenly perks up and stands up with much more force than necessary. Sawara falls backwards into his chair from shock. "That's it!" he shouts, clearly very excited about whatever idea he's got. "Thank you, Sawara my friend! I bid you farewell!" the President greets him in his unusually eccentric way and walks out of the office, followed by the cheerful belly dancers who start throwing the rose petals again, the two jugglers and the fire breather.

Sawara remains in his chair, the phone receiver hanging off his desk.

"Hello? Anyone there? Hello?"

"Kyoko-chan!" Hikaru shouts as soon as he spots her in her chicken costume.

"Good evening." Kyoko replies with a smile and respectfully bows.

"You'll never guess who's coming on the show tonight!"