This is my first Hetalia fic, although it's a short drabble-ish thing... So, yeah... Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't, and never will own Hetalia.

England laid his head in his hands during the World Conference. Sealand had made a reappearance, demanding he be recognized as his own independent nation. England had declined, like all of the other countries present. It wasn't just that he thought Sealand couldn't handle it- which he obviously couldn't- but the fact that Sealand reminded England of someone.

A bespectacled, blond hero in particular.

It wasn't just the eyes, though they were the exact same shade of clear blue that the Englishmen loved. It was the mannerisms, the fights. It was almost like it was a father and son, America and Sealand. It made England a little sick.

Sealand wanted to be recognized as a country. Wanted to break free from being just a hunk of metal in the ocean to a nation. Of course, it wasn't going to happen. But England couldn't say anything, for he had the same thoughts about America. Look how that turned out.

Sealand wanted to be a hero. To do something so big, that he'll be a true country. It wasn't that he wasn't capable, but England kept on pushing him down. It wasn't that England hated the idea of Sealand being country- though it was a bit horrifying- it was more that the nation didn't want to lose another territory. Another possible friend. Or lover.

America was the same way. He never needed the older country's help. He always was the hero. Always so independent. He almost didn't accept any of England's gifts. Except for the wooden soldiers. First gift he had ever accepted, and where are they now? Probably sitting in a dark room collecting dust.

Sealand reminded England too much of a colonial time. He wasn't ready. He was just a child.

But then again, so was America.

That's a wrap! Read and review! If you hated it, review. If you loved it, review. If you want me to write more, review. If you have any pointers, review!

Until Next Time,
