James Bond sighed as he sat down on a park bench in the middle of Mumbai. It was hot and humid, and James could feel the perspiration rolling down the back of his neck and soaking into his shirt. With a disgusted groan, he sipped at a bottle of water in his hand and poured a little over his face, the cooling liquid calming the secret agent and allowing his frustrations to suddenly seem to diminish. Closing his eyes, 007 attempted to relax on the metal seat, breathing deeply as the pounding in his head dispelled slightly. There was a light thud on the seat as someone sat down next to him, although it was the only indication anyone was actually there. James cracked one eye open and glanced at the young man sat brightly beside him, marvelling at how on edge the youth looked. The usual sleek, wavy, black hair was slightly dishevelled and his face was even paler than normal as James observed the tense exterior and definite frown on the man's face.


"007." Q replied, his eyes never meeting Bond's as he settled next to him.

"What are you doing here?" James asked curiously, scanning the wandering crowds subconsciously.

Q huffed slightly and smiled almost amusedly "Some imbecile decided to send me in person to hand over your equipment, despite the explicit arguments of M, myself and most of MI6. I don't mean to sound vain but an important asset such as myself, should not be in the field… absolutely no exceptions."

"You almost sound…annoyed, Q?" James chuckled quietly "Don't fret too much, might give you more spots on that teenage complexion of yours."

Q fiddled awkwardly with his usual, woollen jumper that was completely dry and immaculate despite the heat and adjusted his thick-rimmed glassed. James noticed a number of people looking over in their direction and recognised them as Q's probable protection detail during his short, temporary stay.

"Very funny 007, but I rather feel we're heading slightly off topic." Q spat, his voice laced with incessant frustration as he patted out a crease his trouser leg.

James just chortled, laying his head back and examining the darkening sky "You really don't like being out of HQ, do you?"

"Let's just say, I haven't had many pleasant experiences outside the safety of MI6."

James nodded briefly, acknowledging the fairness of his comment and glanced over at the young genius.

"So, what have you got for me?"

Q turned to face him with a hint of a smile and pushed a black, plastic briefcase into James's grasp.

"Please don't break these 007, it's taken me days to rebuild the last set of gadgets you damaged recklessly…"