A/N: Hi guys! This is my first attempt at a Gruvia fic. I'm trying hard to make all the characters stay, well, in character lol. This fic doesn't actually have a particular time period, but I'd say it happens some time after the Grand Games Arc.

She watched him from a distance. All tall, lean, strong muscles, with a mop of black hair. So handsome he made her heart flutter. He was brooding. He was always brooding. She took a sip from her mug and continued her scrutinization of him. The guild was warm, despite the fact that outside winter had settled and the air was cold and crisp. Despite the warmth inside the building, everyone was wearing sweaters and warm gloves. That was: everyone except Gray-sama. He was completely comfortable in just his pants. Not that she was complaining... much. She loved looking at the way his muscles bunched up when he moved... the way they rippled in his back, under his deliciously tanned skin. But she wanted to be the only one to see that beautiful sight. Of course she knew that was impossible. Everyone in the guild had already seen Gray-sama naked. It was a sort of tick she learned he had, and he was unable to control it. She didn't mind. She loved naked Gray-sama. She loved all of him. Everything about him was wonderfull to her. Even his broody nature. She watched Natsu-san approach Gray-sama and thump him hard on the back, causing the ice-mage to slosh his drink all over himself. She knew what was coming. They would insult each other, then start brawling, then the whole guild would be involved. To her surprise, Gray-sama shrugged it off... and what was more, Natsu-san's brow furrowed and they began to talk. It seemed serious. She wanted to know what they could be discussing, but then Erza-san approached. Sitting next to the Dragon Slayer, the Fairy Queen leaned in and joined their conversation. Juvia stared curiously at the trio. Suddenly Erza smacked Natsu upside the head, making him thump his head against the table which made Gray-sama guffaw loudly. Erza then turned her eyes to Gray-sama which caused him to sober up immediately. She said something to him... something that made him hang his head and look away. For the briefest second, Erza-san's eyes met Juvia's before looking away again. Juvia sighed and pushed her mug away. Smiling and thanking Mirajane for the hot chocolate, the water mage stood and went to the board where all the jobs were posted. Rent was coming up soon, and while she could afford the rent, it would leave her purse completely depleted, and she still had to eat, right? She scanned the postings and was about to give up when one caught her eye.

Wanted: Mage with Water and Ice capabilities!

Level: Easy

Objective: To create a ring for ice skating for the upcoming birthday of Sir Westly of Red Rose Towne.

Reward: 500k Jewels

Note: Please arrive at Red Rose Towne on or before December 8th!

500k jewels? Why, this was right up her alley! She would ask Gray-sama if he would join her on this job, and they would split the reward and he would be so happy at how easy this job was that he would take Juvis in his arms and... Juvia shook her head. She was letting her imagination run away with her again. She didn't even know if Gray-sama would accept. She had two days to convince him. She unpinned the request and slowly began to make her way towards Gray-sama. Right then Lucy, her love rival, sat infront of the ice-mage. Juvia watched them, the jealousy starting to creep in. And why not? Despite the cold outside, Lucy was wearing one of her very revealing outfits which made her breasts almost pop out of her shirt, showing Gray-sama all her cleavage! And she knew Gray-sama noticed because the tip of his ears had grown red.

"... Natsu is?" Lucy was saying.

"Natsu? He just left. He and Happy said something about going looking for you" Gray responded casually.

"Oh... well... I'm gonna go look for him. If you see him again, please tell him to wait for me at my apartment, will you?" Lucy said, turning slightly pink. Gray-sama raised his eyebrows but agreed to deliver the message.

Juvia waited until her love rival was out of sight before approaching Gray-sama again. She sat down in the seat Lucy had just vacated. She was suddenly breathless and the butterflies in her stomach had began their usual Gray-sama dance. She cleared her throat.

"Oi, Juvia... you ok?" Gray asked her.

"Yes, Juvia is fine. Juvia wanted to ask you something, Gray-sama" she began nervously. Was it her imagination, or had he tensed? That made her heart flip, but not with joy this time. It made her falter. "Y-you see... Juvia has to pay rent soon, so she has to go on a job. Well Juvia found the perfect job and it pays 500 thousand jewels!" she explained, but to her horror, Gray-sama was looking bored. She tried to hurry with her explanation. "Juvia wanted to know if Gray-sama would—" but she was cut off by Natsu-san.

"Yo, ice girl! Has Lucy been through here?" Natsu called out. Gray-sama clenched his fist.

"Yes, flame girl, she was here, asking for you... said something about meeting her at her place" Gray bit out.

"Thanks a lot, ice queen" Natsu said, turning to leave and waving. "By the way, put on some clothes, nobody wants to see you naked" he added. But he was wrong... wrong wrong wrong wrong. Juvia wanted to see Gray-sama naked. But as it was wont to happen Gray attacked Natsu... and the brawl began. Juvia sighed and calmly moved out of Elfman's way, who was shouting something about real men knowing how to rumble. It was late, and she was tired. She decided to try again tomorrow, when Gray-sama was alone. Pulling on her gloves, she stepped out of the guild. The wind was chilly and bit into her skin, having emerged from the warm building. She turned her fur collar up and made her way to Fairy Hills, thinking of a way to ask Gray-sama to accompany her on the job, without sounding totally creepy.

A/N: Alright, there's the first chapter, I hope you all liked it! Please review! I promise to update as often as I can :) xoxo