Curses and counter curses, red and green lights. Block. Dodge. Fire. Run. Hermione kept her usually wandering mind entirely focused on the task ahead. She knew that one mistake could cost her the lives of her friends. A single mistake could end her own life.

Screams filled her ears. Screams of pain and suffering. Screams of anguish as a student found a loved one lying still, and screams of students being tortured mercilessly with no one to save them. Left and right friends fell at the hands of masked enemies. The Light was outnumbered and quickly dwindling.

Hermione lost her concentration as she witnessed her professor and friend Remus fall at the hands of the man who made his life a living hell. Greyback stood covered in Remus's blood, sneering down at his still body.

Hermione saw red. "You son of a bitch!" She screamed sending a strong stunner his way. It hit him in the face and turned his full attention to her.

"If it isn't my favorite mudblood come to play." He crooned stalking toward Hermione like a wolf would its prey. Hermione backed up, only to shoved into the ground from someone behind her.

"Back for more, mudblood. I thought I did a fairly good job with you last time, but maybe it wasn't enough." The voice made Hermione's blood run ice cold in her veins. Bellatrix Lestrange. The woman who single handedly scarred Hermione for life and dutifully haunted her dreams even since. "Oh look," Bellatrix laughed, "the little whore is scared of me."

Hermione spat at her feet and paid dearly for it. "Crucio!" Bellatrix and Greyback both shot the spell at the young witch simultaneously. Hermione let out a shrill scream as the pain shot through her body. She fought to keep her mind and not scream, but the pain was too much. She didn't notice that she clawed her clothes to shreds and then her skin as she struggled to find purchase to something, anything. Right as the blackness threatened to overtake her, the spell was removed, and Hermione lay in the fetal position breathing heavily.

The sound of Bellatrix's cackling laughter blocked out every other sound, so she was given no warning before a warm body was on top of hers. She opened her eyes slowly, and gave a blood curling scream once she saw who laid on her. His red hair was matted with blood, his face white as a sheet and frozen in a look of terror. Ronald Weasley, her best friend, the boy she planned to marry was gone. Dead. Another victim in a war none of them were prepared to fight. Hermione shook as the first sob overtook her. She cradled Ron's head in her arms and buried her face in his shoulder.

"No. No. No. Ron. Please. No." She repeated over and over praying that there was some way he could come back to her. Hermione knew she would give anything to see him smile at her again. She would never complain that he didn't do his homework or that he ate with his mouth open, those things seemed so trivial now that he would never do them again. "Why you. Why. Oh god. Ron. Please."

"Get up filth." She was dragged away from Ron's lifeless body by her hair. She ignored the pain, and fought against her captor with all her might. But Greyback was too strong, and his steel grip positioned her neck right under his mouth. Hermione knew what was going to happen the moment she felt his hot breath on her. Knowing what was going to happen did nothing to brace her for the pain she felt as Greyback's teeth broke the delicate skin on her neck and chomped down on it. Again and again he bit and again and again she begged to die. Anything to escape the pain. Anything to escape the reality that the Light was screwed. She was not that lucky. Once Greyback had his fun, and Hermione lay at his feet frozen in pain as the poison from the bite made its way through her system, Bellatrix decided to join the party.

Crucio after crucio until Hermione was coughing up blood. Cutting hexes nearly severing limbs off. Bellatrix took her time with Hermione's form until an announcement broke up the party.

"Harry Potter is dead!" The snakelike voice called out in her mind. "The Boy-Who-Lived now rests at my feet where he and all those who support him belong!" Hermione couldn't believe it. She wouldn't. There was no way Harry was stupid enough to risk himself. He knew that it wouldn't stop Voldemort from killing every last person who had ever opposed him. He knew that it would mean the Light would be down a very valuable soldier.

"No. Harry wouldn't." Hermione managed to croak. Bellatrix cackled loudly in her ear.

"Want to bet mudblood?" She hissed. Hermione felt herself being levitated out of the hall and outside. A crowd was gathered around, but they parted way for Bellatrix as she brought Hermione Granger to see for herself. Hermione was unceremoniously dropped at Voldemort's feet where another person lay as well. One look and Hermione knew. One look and any hope Hermione had buried in her hope was forgotten. Harry Potter, the Chosen One, the savior of the wizarding world was defeated by Voldemort. The war was lost. She had failed as a friend and as a soldier. She had failed the entire wizarding community.

"Harry.." Hermione dragged herself closer to him, her tears mixing with her blood. She gently reached out and closed her best friend's green unseeing eyes, and then arms weakened she fell onto his body. She saw something shiny fall out of her jacket pocket and into her hand, and then welcomed the darkness that called out to her.

"So Padfoot, who is gonna be your lucky conquest this year?" James Potter teased as him and his friends made their way into the Great Hall for another welcoming feast. The students parted ways for the famous Marauders, and giggled over their good lucks and obvious charm.

"You mean you haven't shagged every girl in the school yet?" Remus asked offhandly, nose stuck in a book like usual.

"Moony, you wound me dear friend. Of course I haven't shagged every girl in the school. What a low opinion you have of me." Sirius paused before loudly whispering, "There's still the lovely Professor McGonagall for me to wow."

"Leave Minnie alone, Sirius. How many points do you want to lose for Gryffindor this year?" Remus scolded, half joking and half quite serious.

"Oh shut it. You bloody well earn them all back anyway." Sirius grumbled, having heard this lecture one too many times. He quickly claimed her usual seat at his usual table and gestured for his friends to do the same.

"What are our plans this year?" Peter squeaked excitedly. His round sweaty face turning beet red as he imagined all the mischief him and his friends would get into this year. After all, they had to make a lasting impression on the school they would sadly be leaving in only a year's time.

"Lily is going to agree to marry me this year." James sighed just as Lily Evans walked in, her bright red hair swinging behind her.

"Why don't you work on getting her to go on a date with you first, James. You know baby steps." Remus suggested gently. Even though James always put on a brave face after being let down, four years of it was starting to put a strain on him emotionally.

"You're right." He agreed. Then standing on the table shouted, "Lilykins go out with me?" To which he got a huff and a flash of the finger. Remus shook his head at James's antics. He knew that at this point Lily was never going to go out with him.

"Nice try." Sirius offered as a way of comfort. James shrugged and frowned slightly as Dumbledore began his speech.

"Attention! Students and staff I would like the welcome you back to another year here at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. First, we are going to have our first years sorted, as they are all looking very green with excitement, and then we shall begin the feast. Now let's seeā€¦ Abrams, Sara."

All attention was on the little first year when a loud pop sounded through the hall, and something came hurtling from the ceiling landing directly in front of the Marauders. Every student and staff member froze and stared open mouthed as the figured let out a strangled scream and a groan. Blood seeped from the figure onto the table, and a brown mane of hair was tangled and covered in dust and grim. Remus was the first in action, slowing taking to injured person into his arms, and making a slow trek toward the door. The person stirred and then frantically struggled in his arms falling to the ground with a thump. All eyes were focused as the pale freckled face of a girl no older than eighteen came into view. She held a wand in her shaking hand, pointing it directly at Remus's heart.

"Who are you?" Came her harsh voice. The girl was struggling to stand, yet she held her wand as if she were under attack.

Remus, confused as to what to do, held his hands up in a surrender position. Dumbledore, who was now behind him, did the same.

"Am I ... dead?" She asked this time softer. A small crowd gathered around the girl amazed at her strength and curious to see what was going to happen.

"Hey, it's okay." James said calmly, stepping forward next to Remus. The girl took one look at him, muttered what sounded like 'Harry' and tipped backwards unconscious. Dumbledore spared a hard look at James before gently scooping the stranger into his arms and running to the direction of the Hospital Wing.