Chapter 3

Ciel P.O.V.

I immediately got up, and heard more terrible screeches tearing through the air. There were sounds crashing furniture, and the sound of a glass or porcelain item crashing onto the floor. Banging open the door, I ran through the hallway, the cries growing louder. It was all too familiar; it was Ariyama's. "NO! NO! STOP! PLEA-" Her voice was suddenly cut off, followed by a thump on the floor. When I opened her door, she was lying in the middle of a pool of blood, her multi-colored eyes glazed over and a mosaic of wounds on her body. The room was a complete mess, with a mix of blood and water from the shattered vase on the wood floor, staining it pink. There were porcelain shards everywhere, especially on her head, so she must've been knocked unconscious by someone throwing the vase at her head. Ariyama must've also been dragged out of bed also, since Sebastian put her to sleep. And, to top it all off, her clothes were ripped. "My, my. I just cleaned this room too. What a pity." My butler stood behind me, silent as ever. "Mmm. But we should worry about Ariyama. She probably was terrified. No, terrified is an understatement. Anyway, we need to find out who did this. An assassin? Or is someone after her?" Sebastian sighed. "Well, we need to help him." "Him? Ariyama is a girl!" To my shock and anger, my butler (with an obsession with cats) picked up a golden furred feline. "Him." Now thoroughly pissed, I walked over to the unconscious female myself. "Fine. I'll take care of her, then." I picked up Ariyama bridal style, and carried her to the bathroom, ignoring Sebastian's surprised look. Easing her onto a stool, I started the water. Keeping in mind that she is very scared of men, I began to write a note to her. Placing it under her so that when she stood she would find it, I quietly left the room, closing the door softly.

Ariyama POV

A room white with steam was awaiting me when I woke. In contrast, my skin was sprinkled with wounds, some new, others reopened. Webs of crimson were wrapped around my porcelain skin, and I was sitting on something. I rubbed my eyes, which proved ineffective as I was smearing them with blood, blurring my vision even more. Upon standing (which took a miraculous amount of balance) I realized I was in a bathroom. It was richly decorated, being that the Phantomhives were wealthy, and the bathtub's feet had carvings of lion's heads. The sink was huge, and everything was so clean it was sparking. Really, if it wasn't so foggy in the room, I bet I could see my reflection on the tile. It was a bit insulting to the room that I was there, all torn up and bloody, hindering the clean and flawless appearance. I wobbled to the source of the steam, and found a tub filled with water. My clothes were still on, so Ciel or someone else must have carried me here and filled the tub. Apparently they wanted me clean. I snorted. Wouldn't want me dirtying the house, would they! As I began to ease myself free of what I used to call my nightgown, I found a neatly folded up paper on the stool I realized I used to be sitting on. On it was surprisingly neat writing that was Ciel's.


We found you lying unconscious in your room. You were...unclean, so I request that you take a bath. If you need any assistance, call for Meiyrin (she's a female, so don't worry) and she can help you. I hope you werent too hurt.


So I was right. They do want me to bathe. No matter; I'll do as I'm told. For now.

The water was warm. And pink. As soon as I got in, it turned that clearish pink hue. As I proceeded to bathe, the water got darker and darker from my vigorous scrubbing. When I got out, my skin felt raw, and the cuts were clearly visible, but not so gruesome as they were with the blood. I smirked. 'Aric, a job well done.' 'All for you, miss.' He responded, pleased in a way.

'Mmm? What happened now, Mr. In a Good Mood?' I thought as I began putting on the outfit laid out for me, white stockings, low black heels, a mint colored dress that flared out from the hip and had a tight bodice, and a white sash. The dress sash down had a layer of green lace, and was ruffled on the bottom. The top had long sleeves, and the opening for the hands were wind, and had white ruffles. It had a scoop neck with small white ruffles. There was also a white headband with a mint coloured rose. 'I believe I have fooled Sebastian. He has a fancy for cats.' 'Huh. We can use that against him.'


The small ginger feline soon came into view from behind the huge dresser. I smiled evilly.

This is a fun game, Aric. And you know how much I love playing games.

He padded toward me, and wrapped his body and tail around my pale leg.

Yes, mistress. Games are fun.

I stroked his head, earning a purr.

But...the most important part...I wonder who will win. This deadly, exhilarating game.

It will be us, but of course.

"Yes..." I whispered aloud. "Let's play, Sebastian. Ciel. The stakes are high. The game is set. You ready?"

I looked for my old clothes, sadness suddenly coursing through my body. I found them on a table, and reaching into the back pocket of what used to be called jeans, I located the item I was looking for. A silver locket, the outside shell not whole but made up of vines. There were gaps in places that were not filled in by thorns. You could see the sapphire tear-shaped jewel inside. I put this on, ignoring the icy coldness I felt when it came in contact with my skin. A tear formed on my eye when I thought of-


Quickly wiping that tear away, I patted down my hair, gave a quick check of my appearance on my vanity before pushing open the massive door. The hallway was dimly lit, signaling that it was late. I must have been out of it for a while.

Ne, Aric?


Is there a music room here? I want to play.

I believe that there is. This is the Phantomhive estate, after all.

Where? I asked, my patience growing weary.

Down the hall from the left, the third door down on your right.

Thank you.

Closing the door behind me softly, I tied a mint colored ribbon on the handle. It was included, but I didn't want to wear it, so it should serve another purpose.

So I can find my room in this maze.

I admired the richly furnished mansion, that never ceased to amaze me. The family's wealth was just dripping off the walls, from the expensive carpet to the golden trim. When I reached the music room, I grasped the handle when I heard Aric hiss softly. I could feel his fur stand on end against my leg.

We've got company.


Demonic company.

I silently sighed, and wasn't surprised when I heard Sebastian's overly polite voice over my head.

"Miss? If I may ask, what are you doing at this time of night?"

This time of night?

It's 3:00 a.m.


"I wanted to explore a bit. Am I being a bother?" I asked sweetly, turning around to face that horrible butler. There was a candle holder in his gloved hand that held three glowing sticks.

"No, no. But please, try to be quiet as you explore. The young master is resting."

I smiled a sweet as syrup smile. It was a battle of words, with both of us treading on a tightwire.

"Yes, of course." he replied.

I bowed.

"Thank you for treating me so kindly, after all the trouble I've caused. I am in your debt."

Sebastian smiled.

"It is only our hospitality."

Turning back to the door, I pushed it open.

"If you'd excuse me..."

Before I could hear him reply, I closed the door in his face, taking care to let Aric inside.

Sighing, I turned around to see a wonderland of instruments surrounding me. There was a white grand piano sitting in the center of the room, and various other instruments sitting around. Closing my eyes, I recalled the memory of us.

"Hey, Ari-chan!"

"What is it, Kaito?"

My cute older brother was grabbing my hand.

"I composed a new piece! I want to sing it together."

My eyes softened at his energetic expression. Only for you.

"Okay. Let's do it! Am I going to be doing piano or violin this time?"

"Piano for you. I'm doing violin." He chirped.

That memory blurred, and the song replayed again and again in my head.

In the cradle of time

Watching a cold dream

You sang

A kind, kind lullaby for me

What did you wish for?

-An unending world-

What I wished for was

-The end of the world...?-

The chosen voice

Wanders, laments

-Laughs, labors-


Sadness and pain

-Turn into happiness and smiles-

Will you rot away without any reward?

-I simply pray-

I just want to save you

-I will protect this world-

Our feelings don't intersect

I want to finish my life, everything, with these hands

-Peace and blessing to the circling world-

Ah, it won't reach

-It can't be conveyed-

The wish leaves nothing but futility

It begins

Why? Everything was stolen

-The future shines-

Even if I shoulder hurt and pain...

-An eternally continuing requiem-

Unopposable destiny

-Light, destiny-

Now, everything is released

-The darkness is released-

What did you wish for?

-Your future-

I wished for...why?

-That day can't return...?-

I chased after a kind smile

Even though that's all I did

Despair turns to hope

-An unending singing voice-

If continuing to scream will destine me to destruction

-I simply pray-

At the very least, let

-Endlessly, faraway, faraway-

A funeral song echo

Peace and blessing to the circling world

Light, destiny, darkness, release

Unending despair

-My singing voice turns it to hope-

Will you rot away without any reward?

-I continue to scream, simply praying-

At the very least, let

-Endlessly, faraway, faraway-

A funeral song echo

What you wished for...

What I wished for...

The voice left behind cries out

While thinking of you

Alone, I sing for your sake

Alone, I sing for your sake

If I put my life, everything, to sleep with these hands

-Peace and blessing to the circling world-

Ah, rotting away

-The end of destiny-

If I'm with you, this body can go anywhere...

The voice that begins makes everything come true

-The future shines-

Along with this body that perishes and falls

-An eternally continuing requiem-

Unopposable destiny

-Light, destiny-

Now, releasing everything

-Releasing the darkness-

We sleep within the light

The tears that I have been trying so hard to hold back finally fell.


Shut up. I'm fine.

I made quick work of my tears, and walked over to the piano. My hands moved on their own, and the melody was quiet.

I began to sing, the soft, mourning song I had written in my spare time.

The smell of winter, I heard closely the sound of wind

I started to hear, your voice, singing softly

We at each other, laugh together, and occasionally had fights

But because of your voice, softly spelling my name

I didn't realize (the fights) at all.

I want to hug you, just for one time

Even though I know that we can't meet each other again

A wedge in my heart that can't be removed

just with that single word, "regret".

What you gave to me was a time full of happiness

What you gave to me was a tender smile

What you gave to me was a past that simply can't return

What you couldn't give was a future for the two of us

How many seasons have passed from that time?

The flower we grew together had bloomed repeatedly at spring

Even though this bud had grown into a big tree

Your figure didn't change

Your smile on that day, in my deepest heart

Became a wedge which rooted without falling

What I gave was days of serenity

What I gave was fragments of tears

What I gave was memories on that very day

What I couldn't give was a moment for the two of us together

When I am in a lonely night

I remember your voice, singing

When I am struggling not to cry

I tried to sing the song you gave me

I don't want to make it a sad song

I don't want to make it a sad song

My dear, rest in peace

In this endless wedge from now on

What you gave, and what I have given

I won't ever forget

I won't forget

Your voice

Is here, even now

Is here

I always,


Love you…