Hello everyone. Here is my new fanfiction. I thought about it a few days ago. It's a funny story this time. No drama, no tears, no pain and no sadness, just fun and romantic moments. I hope you'll like it. If you could review you all would be adorable.

Good reading :)

I don't own anything. No copyright infringement intended. Just entertainment here on this long hiatus.


Chapter 1: Bad Luck.

Kensi and I have to drink a coffee together this morning. It's her birthday today and I've been thinking for days about the gift I can possibly give her. A gift that would not be too personal but not too unpersonal either. Callen and Sam haven't been really helpful with it. Sam brilliant idea is to offer her a book. Actually it's the fifty shades of Grey trilogy, which means three books. Those books are the favorite ones of all women according to him. Well, I know Kensi and if I dared give her those books as a birthday present, I'd be a dead man. Callen genius proposition is to offer her a vacuum. Come on, we all know she doesn't clean that much. It's a terrible idea and it's so not me.

Well, I'm sad to point out that I babble too much even in my own head. I am in this Starbucks shop with my partner and we're waiting for our turn to come. Kensi's really pretty today, as every day and given the fact that this is her day. I decide to compliment her as much as possible.

"You're really pretty today partner." I declare a huge smile on my face.

"Because I was not pretty the other days?" She looks at me insulted.

"No! You know that's not what I mean. You're always pretty but it's your birthday today so I don't mind telling you." I add a smirk on my lips.

"Aw, thanks Deeks that's cute." She says, smiling. "Well, I also have a compliment for you this morning. You're hair almost looks like it has been brushed this morning. Congratulations." She grins and can't contain a laughter.

"Okay. I don't mind if you're mean to me today because it's your day. Do whatever you want. I will be pleasant. Just don't forget that it won't be your birthday forever." I smirk back.

It looks like we've been waiting for our turn to come for forever. I've planned one hour for our little breakfast but we will be late if I don't do something.

"Excuse me Kens, I'll be back in a sec." I say before stepping toward the cash desk.

I head to the nice woman who take cash and credit cards against those coffee and donuts Kensi particularly loves. Once I am in front of, I look at her badge, Tracy. I can feel someone glancing at me. When I turn my head to see who this person is, a creepy woman is giving me a furious look. Whatever. I focus my attention on the nice lady and ask her to make an exception to give me my orders. I usually hate to take advantage of my work which have made me save the world a couple of times but this is an emergency. I show her my LAPD number plate and she smiles at me.

When I come back with donuts and 2 cups of coffee Kensi screams with joy. She's starving. Actually she's always starving. Food is really important to her which makes me believe that she's a sugar addict which also makes me her sugar dealer. Wow. I frown.

"You took my favorite donuts and my favorite coffee. Ow that's so sweet of you."

"You look surprised. I am adorable." I say a grin on my lips.

"You won Deeksy, today I'm gonna be nice to you too." She declares a little smile on her face.

When we sit in the table the creepy woman steps dangerously toward us. Don't panic Deeks, terrorists don't scare you. This old creepy and not showered woman isn't a threat to you or to anyone else.

"You should be ashamed of yourself Mister." The old woman says.

"I'm sorry what?" I answer calmly.

"Furynash Boyanda Vlakindula." She yells in front of me making scary expressions.

This woman is officially scarier than any terrorist or any murderer in this world.

"Is this Chinese because I only speak English." I add joking.

"I cursed you. This powerful spell will punish you for what you did. Terrible things will happen to you because of your terrible Karma." She says before leaving the store.

"Is she crazy or something?" Kensi says still not believing what just happened.

"I don't- I don't know." Don't freak out Deeks, spells don't have real effects on humans.

I shake my head and take a gift out of my bag.

"It's for you. Happy birthday Kens."

She's surprised. Her eyes are wide open and she looks amazingly beautiful at this exact moment. She grabs the gift and shake the box slowly to hear how it sounds. She's adorable with this box in her hands.

"Ow dude, this is too much. Thanks a lot. I-." She stands up and opens her arms as to hug me. "Come here."

She takes me in her arms tenderly. It doesn't last more than 5 seconds but I feel that our thing is getting more intense lately.

"I appreciate it. What's in the box?" She says trying to find out without opening it.

She smells it. She shakes it carefully another time and she even tries to find any clue on the box.

"Open it and find out." I tease.

She laughs and put it on the table.

"I'm having a little déjà-vu." She smiles.

"You don't want to open it?" I say surprised.

"Of course I want. But not now. I want to wait for the perfect moment." She says seriously.

"When will be the perfect moment?"

"When I blow my candles out. My mom insists to celebrate my birthday properly. She ordered a cake and I wanted to invite you tonight. Except if you have other plans of course."

I'm honored to hear that.

"I have plans now." I wink at her. "Are Sam and Callen also invited to your party?"

"I don't know. They're so going to mock me tonight."

"You mean that it will be just the three of us." I can't stop a smirk from appearing on my face. "Just me and my girls. I like the sound of it." I can't believe I just said that out loud.

She chokes with her coffee. She coughs to breathe again.

"What does that mean?" She asks feeling better.

I can feel my cheeks burning. I turn pink and try to find a stupid explanation about what I said.

"Just joking!" I say not inspired.

I suddenly feel a pain in my arm. That's hot.

"I'm sorry Sir." A teenager says confused, she spilt her hot coffee on my arm.

"That's okay." I simply say.

"Oh my Gosh, you're okay?" My partner asks worried.

Kensi jumps to see how my arm is. She takes all the tissues we have on our table and rolls up my sweat shirt sleeve. She slowly clean my arm and orders me to go to the car.

She takes good care of my arm and puts a cream that sooths skin burns.

"Here! Does it hurt?" She asks before starting the car up.

"Not that much." I answer. "Thanks Fern."

"You're welcome. Just don't burn the other arm." She jokes.

The second chapter will contain more funny scenes.

How will everyone react to THE curse? Will Deeks freak out? What's in Kensi's box?