Chapter 1
"Ugh. Just tell me what you want, Justin!" Alex cried, exasperated.
She was going to the mall with Harper in a half hour and Justin's birthday was tomorrow. She'd put off buying his present until the last minute because she had no idea what to get him. She'd tried to ask him, but whenever she talked to him lately he acted weird. He would turn kind of red, refuse to meet her eyes, mutter something and then practically run away. Now, Justin was always weird, that was true, but this was too weird even for him.
"I'm going to the mall, so if you want a birthday present at all this year, you'd better speak now or forever hold your peace," she warned him. "Whatever it is you want the most, I will get it for you, promise."
Justin just quietly stood there at the counter where he was making himself some lunch. When she'd first walked into the kitchen he'd dropped the ham from the inside of his sandwich right onto the floor. Now he was scrambling to make another sandwich. She didn't know why he was so nervous, but she wasn't budging until she got an answer.
"Justin!" she nagged.
"Why? Why do you care so much about my birthday this year?" he asked.
"Because! You've hated every birthday present I've ever given you!"
"I did not."
"You did, too! You always smile and thank me but then shove them at the top of the closet never to be seen again!"
"That's not true. Hey, I wear the t-shirt you got me last year all the time."
"Yeah, under a shirt and a jacket," she pouted.
"It's pink, Alex," he pointed out.
"So what? Pink is a...manly...color..." she tried to assert.
"It has a kitten on it."
"Hey, that kitten was cute!" she growled. Then she threw her hands up and sighed. "See? You hated it. I just don't want you to hate your present this year, too."
"I didn't realize you cared about me this much, Alex," he said, happily.
Alex's inner fluff alert went off, reminding her that she had said something too sappy and now she had to make a wisecrack to cover it up or else Justin would start to think that she actually liked him, or something. Can't have that!
"I don't really," she said, with a smug look. "It's just that dad said my birthday gifts are selfish, because I always buy people what I'd want, not what they would want themselves. So this year I am giving you exactly what you want so dad can see how happy you are and then I'll win!"
Justin shook his head. "How is that not selfish again?"
"Because you're the one getting the awesome present, hellooo?" she asked, waving her hands around. "So spit it out – what do you want most in the world?"
Justin's face took on a wistful look as he was obviously thinking about what he wanted. But then he shook his head.
"Whatever you get me will be fine, Alex," he said, and quickly turned his back to her, putting the finishing touches on his sandwich.
Alex walked up closely behind him, her eyes squinting in distrust. "What are you hiding from me?" she asked.
"N-nothing!" he said. She kept walking, intending to press him up against the counter, but when her body touched his he jumped like he'd been burned and scooted away from her.
"Al-ex!" he scolded.
"Just-in!" she replied, with an impatient eye roll. "Why are you being so weird lately?!"
"I'm not weird, I'm normal. You're the one being weird!"
"You know what? Don't get me anything this year. It doesn't matter. It's the thought that counts, right? Right!" he rattled off nervously.
With that, he ran upstairs, leaving his sandwich behind.
Alex reached out and grabbed his sandwich taking a big bite of it. Hm. That was tasty. But what was up with him? How could she get him to tell her? And quickly, before Harper showed up? She didn't want to miss out on any of the deals and sales at the mall.
There was only one way to get Justin to talk to her: Magic. She knew she shouldn't, but the dork had left her no choice.
She went upstairs, polishing off the sandwich on the way. Then she went into her room and got her wand. She sashayed over to Justin's room and didn't bother to knock. She entered quietly with a devious smile. Justin was sitting at his desk with his back turned, working on some homework with a very self-satisfied look on his face. Which was just perfect, because he didn't see when she raised her wand and pointed it at him.
"I need answers one way or another, let me only hear truth from my older brother," she quickly recited.
The magic took effect and Justin turned around in his chair.
"What are you doing, Alex?" he asked.
"I want to know what you want," she said, sitting down on the edge of the bed across from him. She crossed her legs and interlocked her fingers over her knee. "For your birthday, that is. What is the one thing that would make you the happiest?"
Justin scoffed. "That's easy, how about not being a virgin anymore," he said.
Alex rared back in shock and lost her balance. She flailed then fell off his bed onto the floor with a loud thump.
"Oww," she groaned.
Justin wanted...
He was a virgin?! But he was a guy! And he was turning eighteen! How was that possible? She'd thought surely he must have done it with Juliet. Why not?
As she was wondering these things, Justin appeared leaning over her, concern in his pale green eyes.
"Alex, are you alright?" he asked.
Were his eyes always that pretty?
What am I thinking? Ugh!
"I'm fine, just help me up," she said, putting her hand out.
Justin pulled her up and then sat down on the bed. She stood there looking at him. He seemed more comfortable with her now than he had been in a long time, but now she was the uncomfortable one. How ironic. Still, she had to finish getting answers, she might never get another chance like this.
"Why are you still a virgin?" she asked.
"Because I never wanted to rush things with Juliet and just when it was finally getting to that point, well, you know what happened," he said, dropping his head with a sad sigh.
Alex felt for him so much in that moment for losing his girlfriend. She also understood that for a guy sex was a big deal. She wasn't sure how she could make this birthday present a reality, but she wanted to try. She sat down next to him.
"So, you want to lose your virginity. Do you have anyone in mind that you want to help you with that?" she asked.
"If it wasn't completely wrong and illegal in all 50 states, you would be perfect," he declared.
Alex spazzed and almost fell off the bed again. Justin reached out and grabbed her, both his hands on her waist. His hands on her felt somehow different after what he'd just said, but they still felt right. She still felt safe, protected, as always. Still, her mind was reeling. He'd actually considered her to be the one? Her?! She knew she couldn't blame him for what he said under the effect of the spell, but she couldn't understand how he could want to do something like that with her. She was his sister! How could he even imagine it? She tried to imagine it herself.
See, I can't! I can't even do it! I can't even imagine looking at Justin naked! Or kissing him! Or letting him touch me! Or touching him! Or...OH MY GOD, I AM IMAGINING IT!
"Are you okay?" Justin asked.
"Fine," she said, pushing his hands off of her. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and proceeded, gingerly. "Is there anyone else you'd want?"
"Not that I know of. I mean, I don't want it to be just anybody. It has to be somebody I love. And somebody I think is really incredibly beautiful."
"Y-you love me?" she asked, flabbergasted. "You think I'm beautiful?"
"Of course, Alex. You're the most beautiful girl I know. And of course I love you, you're my sister. I'll always love you."
Tears started to well up in Alex's eyes and she wasn't sure she could stand to hear anymore.
"J-Justin I don't think I can give you what you really want the most."
"But you promised, though," he said.
"I did?"
"You did. In the kitchen. You said 'whatever it is you want the most, I will get it for you, promise,'" he said, imitating her almost perfectly.
Alex mentally cursed his perfect nerdy memory. But she felt a pang of guilt. She did promise. Now she wasn't going to be able to keep it.
Well, how was I supposed to know his greatest birthday wish would be something that could get us thrown in jail, stripped of our powers, and most likely disowned by our entire family?!
"Is there anything else you want?" she asked, really hopefully.
Justin sighed.
"I understand. I mean, it's totally wrong of me to even think like that. I know, and I hate myself for it every time I do. It's just hard not to sometimes, because you've grown up so pretty. I swear, you get prettier every year. That's why lately I try to stay away from you. That way I won't think those things. I don't want to scare you."
Alex sat there in shock. In all the times she'd theorized what might be going on with him, she'd never thought of this.
"Besides, I know you don't like me," he said, quietly. "Like, at all."
"What? I-I like you just fine," she stammered, glancing around nervously, unable to meet his eyes.
"Then why do you always say mean things to me? Do you realize how much it hurts?"
Alex gasped, her heart felt like it was clenching. What was this strange pain? She hadn't known that it really hurt him, she always thought that he understood. Giving him a hard time was just her way of showing affection. Didn't he get that? Why was he trying to make her feel bad about this? Why was he hitting her with all of this now?
"Why are you being like this?!" she moaned, overwhelmed.
"Gee, I don't know, because you put a truth spell on me!" he said. "I'll probably be really embarrassed about this later..."
"I'm sorry, Justin. I really regret it now. When I take the spell off, please remember that I'm sorry?"
"Oh, Alex, you're not sorry. You're never sorry for the pain and misery you cause other people. And I know you're not going to keep your promise. You never keep your promises. You just find creative ways to weasel out of them without suffering any consequences. As much as I hate you for it I have to admit that I admire you for it, too. But that doesn't make me any less disappointed in you."
The clenching pain progressed to a sharp pain that made her feel like her heart was breaking in her chest. That was really how he felt about her? That was really who he thought she was? It must be true if he said it under the spell. But how could he love a person like that?
He must love me only because I am his sister. He only loves me because he has to. But he thinks I'm a horrible person. I'm not, though! There must have been other times when I did keep my promises, he just doesn't remember them! And then he goes and says something like this! Who is he to judge me? Well I'll just show him!
"Fine! Then I'll keep my promise this time. I'm going to give you what you want for your birthday, Justin. And then you will have to admit that I am the best sister ever!"
"Okay," he said.
"You have to say it in actual words. 'You are the best sister ever.' And you have to tell dad that I am entirely selfless and I keep my promises!"
She took the spell off of him and immediately made a mad dash to the door.
"Oh my God, Alex! Stop right there!" he yelled.
She froze mid-stride.
"Don't – I don't want – You don't have to – Don't even -" he sputtered.
She turned around and looked at him with determination.
"What. Justin. Spit it out."
"Don't do anything crazy tomorrow? That was just the spell talking. I do not want you my birthday," he said, his face filled with dread and horror.
"You're lying."
"I'm not! How can you think I meant that? It's totally wrong! And disgusting cause I don't even think of you like that!" he said, with a nervous laugh. "Cause you're my sister! And you're totally gross and disgusting to me! And the consequences would just be...and...That's not what I want for my birthday!"
"Oh no, you do want it, Justin. And you're gonna get it, whether you like it or not!" she cried, and then turned around and stomped out, slamming the door behind herself.
She smiled to herself victoriously. Another argument with Justin won!
It wasn't until she got to her room that she realized that she had just won said argument by committing herself to having sex with her own brother.
Oh God! I can't do it! I can't have sex with Justin! I have to find a way to creatively weasel out of this without him getting mad...WAIT, NO! This is what he said I always do! I'm doing it again! Gah!
As much as she didn't want to admit it, this was one promise she was going to have to keep. She just hoped that if she did, Justin would finally have another reason to love her other than just being his sister.