Disclaimer~I will never own warriors, but the Erin hunters will always own warrior I only own Ginger

Gingers Family has Star clan because Ginger is going to save the clans.

A white she cat was watching two kitty-pets, Quince, a light brown she-cat with white paws and Pine, a dark ginger tom look at there four kits with love but Quince looked at a dark ginger shekit with hatred.

"What are you going to name them?""The black tom with one white paw is Tiny, The light brown speckled tom with white paws is Socks, The Light Ginger She cat is Ruby and You can name the Dark Ginger one" Pine walked over to the kit and said "Ginger".

"Silver-pelt, there so cute" a white she cat with stars in her fur said "Hello, Snowfur" a Dark Ginger tom with big feet said "Hi Thunder" "I need to give you a prophecy for you to give to Pine" when he spoke his voice got very raspy "The Ruby shall try to kill the Fire, The Scourge and Socks will rise to destroy but the Ginger will save us all as long as Thistles Doesn't destroy it" When he was finished the white cat named Snowfur jumped in the pool and into Pines dreams.