Dear Alfred,
I don't really have a favorite color. My favorite sport would probably be football, the European kind. You lot call it soccer. My favorite candy would most likely be peppermints and the best television show is Doctor Who or Sherlock. As you know my siblings are all older than me besides the youngest Peter. Most of the eldest are almost never home and when they are we never speak to each other, so that puts Peter at being the best; since we have a somewhat normal relationship. I like to read most of the time, but I occasionally write too. I don't particularly think that I have any talents, except academics and my faults would most things athletic.
My dislikes, well my mother and her paranoia would at the top of the list; along with several other things. So I just won't answer that one. I think to myself before continuing.
I don't have any major dislikes. Yes, you may call me friend even if we have never met.
"There's an idea, we could send each other pictures, since we won't ever meet."
Here's an idea, you don't have to agree if you don't want to but, how about we send pictures to each other about anything?
Your friend, Arthur.
I wrote the response to his letter, stuck in an envelope, wrote the addresses, and left it on my desk. I pulled out the remaining of my homework and worked on it until I went to bed. The next morning I walked Peter to his school then caught the bus to mine.
The morning passed by quickly and lunch rolled around. I walked to the cafeteria and sit down at my usual table, except there was something very unusual about it today. A boy with red hair and blue eyes that looked to be in my grade was sitting there at my table. I sat down on the opposite side of him since he was in my normal spot.
"Hey." The blue-eyed red haired boy, with a sort of Irish sounding accent to his voice, said to me.
"Hello, do you need something from me."
"Well not entirely. It's just that I moved here four days ago from Ireland and I just sat down in an empty seat."
"Ah well then sit all you like."
"What's your name?"
"Excuse me?"
"I only asked what your name is. Is that type of question a crime here?"
"No, I was just a little surprised. Not many people purposely make friends with me lately."
"That's too bad; you seem like a pretty interesting guy, so I can't see why they wouldn't. I'm Devon. Devon Rahilly. And you?"
"Arthur Kirkland."
"Nice name. So what is there to do for fun here in England? Or is it all just schoolwork and the like?"
"Well I'm not too sure but you could ask someone else and they might know."
"No, I think that I'll just stick with you instead. I have been in classes all morning and I don't think that the others are as much fun as you. So what do ya say?"
"What do I say to what?"
"Will you be my first friend?"
"Uh… sure."
"Yes, day one of school and I already have a friend. I just hope that my little brother will be as successful as me."
"You have a little brother?" Devon nodded, "What grade?"
"Fourth, why?"
"I have a brother in the fourth grade as well."
"Well he isn't my biological brother, he is adopted but I have always treated him like he is my actual brother. You see, his parents died in a house fire and they were best friends with my parents, but they have no other family, or none that were willing to take him in.
The day that the fire happened, he was at a friend's house. My parents toke him in because he wouldn't let go of me when the orphanage came to collect him. He was five at the time. His name is Raivis. What's your brother's name?"
"Hmm wha-"
"Oh see you later." Devon waved and walked out the cafeteria, and then he walked back up to me as I walked out the cafeteria doors. "Actually on second thought, could you help me to my classes? My guide went home early."
"Yeah sure no problem." I took his schedule and he had the same homeroom with me. Actually we had almost all the classes together, excluding P.E and study hall. "You have all the same classes with me besides your history and P.E class, but you can find that easily right."
"The gym yeah, the locker rooms no."
"Well alright, we'll just ask if I can show you around."
"Great. Let's go."
He dragged me all the way to the classroom, asked the teacher for us to explore the school, and then he dragged me out again.
"So to the locker rooms?" He asked me while he still pulled on my arm.
We walked to the locker rooms and then we wandered the halls until the bell rang again and we walked to our next class. The rest of the day went by with Devon constantly by my side until we had last period and we went our separate ways; him to P.E and I to mathematics.
After the last class ended I head off to my locker and was about to exit the building, but a hand grabbed my arm and dragged me to a stop.
"What the hell?" I turned around, "Devon, what the hell are you doing?"
"Can we… wait what are you doing right now?"
"I'm getting Peter because my older brothers all managed to get afternoon jobs in the last 24 hours. I now have the daily job of picking up Peter and bringing him home."
"Me too, we can pick them up together."
"Alright, I take the bus over there so are you joining me?" We managed to catch the bus right just before it leaves.
"So that was you this morning."
"I saw a boy that looked like you this morning on this bus, and then I saw you again in my classes. I found you at lunch coincidentally, I promise, and then struck up a conversation."
"Huh, interesting." The bus came to a stop, "Anyways this is my stop."
"Mine too." We both got off the bus and walked in the same direction to Peter's elementary school. It turned out that Peter and Raivis both attend the same school. This meant that Devon and I would see each other a lot during the remaining school year. We arrived at the school and Peter ran up to me, while Raivis ran up to Devon.
"Damn it…" I said as a thought entered my mind. I then whispered to myself, "I guess I could send it tomorrow; on the way to school."
"What?" Peter asked.
"I forgot to put a letter in the post."
"We could go do it now." Devon said.
"Well I could but it's a bit away. I don't even know if I have it on me." We stopped while I checked through my books and through my papers. "No, I don't have it… oh well I'll just send it tomorrow."
"We'll see you tomorrow because this is our street. Goodbye." Devon said as he and Raivis turned on their street; before they got too far Peter yelled after them.
"We will see you tomorrow here right?"
"Yep." Raivis yelled back. We both went our separate ways and down our separate streets.
A/N Just for any confusion, Devon is an OC.