Thalia rolled her eyes electric blue eyes, but nodded. "It's good to be home."
Nico grinned, nodding as well. "It really is, even if we have to put up with our new 'friends.'"
The 3 Big Children made a face as they remember that unfortunate day they came across the 'heroes.'
Two days before they left for their quest- which Percy agree to do for Athena because he wanted her approval, and his cousins agreed to go with him- a girl, and two boys had shown up.
They had been followed by a Hydra, The Minotaur, the Furies, the Neon Lion, and worst of all, Medusa.
Confused as they had been, they bust in to action in matter of seconds. They had to help the new demigods after all.
Thalia notched an arrow in her bow in a flash, letting it fly in seconds, follow closely by two more arrows. The arrows landed in perfect target, right in Medusa's eyes. Percy, knowing her enough to know what she had done, quickly cut off her head, and moved along to the next monster without a moment's hesitation.
Nico, in that super cool way of his, raised his sword, and spoke in a clear voice. "Serve me." That made the Furies froze. The ground shook, then, the Furies were being sucked down back to Hades.
Percy, being ever the hero, swung his sword in his palm, letting it cut off the Minotaur's head off in a clean swiped, before a grin stretched over his face in relief.
Thalia took care of the Neon Lion, knowing how to kill it now. Without a beak, she shot to the lion's mouth, once, twice, then two more times. The arrows hit their mark neatly, killing the lion.
The other three kids had killed the Hydra accidentally. They had been struggling with it while the Big Three Heroes killed the bigger threats. Of course, the Heroes were faster and more skilled, leaving them to kill their kills in matter of seconds, and the camp should have known that.
However, what the camp choose to saw was things like this:
The Big 3 Heroes were standing to the side, watching as other demigods killed one simple Hydra.
Funny how things turn out different when you don't know everything, right?
The camp had been mad with the Heroes for letting 3 poor, untrained children fending for themselves. Oh, and the kids got all the glory.
And so new kids egos grew.
Percy, coming out from his thoughts, shrugged. "Maybe they got over themselves. They are new here, its logical that they would want attention."
Thalia rolled her eyes. "Please, Perce. I don't know why you always want to think there's good in everyone."
Nico, his fatal flaw being grudges, couldn't help but agree. "I doubt that they would…get over themselves."
Percy, knowing he wasn't going to win against his cousins, let it drop. "Do you think they've been claim yet?"
Thalia was about to answer when she was interrupted. A loud cheer was coming from the mess hall. The cousins glance at each other, then grinned. They took off running toward the hall, wanting to know what the cheer was about.
Little did they know what was about to happen.
They arrived laughing, pushing each other away so they could enter first. Thalia, however, was the first one to look up. The smile on her face slipped of slowly, and her cousins turn to look at her, but she did not look at them. Her blazing blue eyes stared ahead, hard with rage.
Percy and Nico glance at each other, then they turn to look at where Thalia was glaring.
Everyone was gathered in the hall, laughing, clapping, cheering, smiling. They had their backs to the Big 3 Children, facing the fourteen Olympian gods. And in between them were the other campers.
"Settle down, settle down," Zeus called over the noise.
Poseidon grinned at the crowd. "We, indeed, came here to claim our precious children." He placed a hand on Ethan's shoulder, now beaming with pried. Ethan was smirking over a the campers, as if he was a champion.
Zeus, as always, rolled his eyes at his brothers. "They are not just precious, brother." He turn to the crowd again. "I here by declare Brenda Rails, Ethan Notts, and Jacob Ashfored our favorite children."
Thalia bristle, taking a step away from the shadows, but her ever annoying cousins pulled her back. She struggle against their hold. She had to give those traitors that called themselves gods a piece of her mind. She couldn't allowed them to get away with this. Not after everything her and her cousins had done for the ungrateful bastards.
"What are you doing!" She hissed, still fighting.
Percy try to smooth her. "We knew this could have happen," he said calmly, but she could see the anger and hurt in his sea green eyes. "And, tell me, what good would it do for us to object to this?"
Nico, his black eyes glistering with hate and anger, nodded. "They are not going to change their mind." His voice was quiet, but she could hear the anger behind it. "They are just going to ignore us, Thals. We can't fight them."
She slumped against them, using them for support, her throat seem to have closed off, and she couldn't swallowed. "It's not fair," she whispered, fighting the angry tears back. "We gave them everything."
Percy sigh, then double back. His eyes grew hard, and his face tighten. She glance back at the halls, and grimaced.
Annabeth was curled around Ethan, Percy's half-brother, like a snake, her mouth on his. Jillian, the girl Nico had a crush on, was kissing his half brother.
Thalia took the hands of her cousins, of her brothers. "Let's get out of here. Back to the cabin we found."
Percy tear his eyes away from the kissing couple. "I-" he seem to be shocking on his own breath.
She nodded, applying pressure on both of her brothers' hands. Gently, she pulled them away from the hall, promising herself to not look back.
It took some effort to find Bunker 9, as it was dark and hidden on the woods. When Nico finally regain his senses back- he'd been numb with anger-, he helped them found it. Bunker 9 was deep within the forest, where the monsters resided but the monsters seem to sense their mood, so they stayed away. Once they reach the cabin, Nico hit the pad besides the bed with enough to break it. The doors open, and Thalia pushed her brothers in.
Percy collapsed in the bunk, staring at the ceiling.
Thalia glanced at him, then at Nico, who was leaning against the wall, twisting his skull ring. The resemblance was there, in the stubborn set of their jaws, in the icy glares, the still silence. She wondered if it was the same with her, if she looked like them.
She sat down on the bed, taking a deep breath. "It's not that bad," she said. "At least I'm still a Hunter, I could ask Lady Ater-"
"Thalia, your tiara is gone," Percy said in a flat voice, still staring at the ceiling.
Her hand flew to her head, to feel the cool comforting halo that hovered above her head, but it was gone. With a sick feeling, she realized that's why she had wanted to attack everyone, scream and trash till she had no more energy. She hadn't know the halo was gone, but she had felt it.
She threw herself back, landing on Percy's legs sideways, her head hanging off the edge of the bed. And then, she let out a scream of rage that shook the skies. Her cousins didn't even flinch, or try to stop her.
She was breathing heavy, trying to get her breath back after such a long scream of rage and hurt, and betrayal.
"We need to go," she said, closing, still lying sideways on Percy's legs.
"Go where?" Nico asked, looking up from where he was leaning against the wall. "It's not like there's another camp we can just waltz right in to and stay."
"We don't have to go another camp. We can just go back to Mom's house," Thalia said, getting up from Percy's legs. She had to pull herself together. After they were home save, she could curl up with her mom and cry about everything that was unfair in the world like a normal teenaged girl. "Do you think Mom will be home today, Percy?"
Sally had told Nico and Thalia to call her "Mom" and they had happily complied. After all, they had no moms, but they had accepted that a long time ago. Plus, Sally was just amazing.
Percy sat up, nodding, a small smile on his face. "She ought to be home."
"Then what are we waiting for?" Nico said, moving away from the wall. "I want to see Mom."
"You want her cooking," Thalia said, rolling her eyes. "There's a difference."
He wiggle his fingers at her, the skull ring on his finger glittering in the dim light sinisterly."Aahhh," he said. "To have her cooking, I would want to see her, wouldn't I?"
Percy nodded, apparently agreeing with Nico. "He has a point, you know."
She rolled her eyes, "When you both decide to stop being idiots, we could go."
"We weren't being idiots," Percy defended as he stood up. "We just won the argument and you can't stand the fact you lost."
She mockingly glare at him. "Don't go there."
"Yeah, Percy," Nico said, smirking at Thalia. "Little Thali-Thals doesn't like to be reminded of how she lost to us."
She glared at Nico this time. "Don't call me that."
She huffed when the two boys just snickered, turning her back on them. She reach the door, knowing her cousins were following her.
Then a thought crossed her, and she stop. She turn around, looking at her cousins who had stop when she did, eyebrows raised, and eyes searching. When they found nothing wrong, they look back at her.
"What?" Nico asked, placing his sword back on its sheath.
"I don't want them to see us when we leave," she answer.
Percy sigh, running a hand through his hair. "I hadn't thought about that."
"Of course you didn't," Nico rebutted.
"Shut up, Nicki. I'm willing to bet that you didn't think about it either." Percy, ever the clever sarcastic guy.
"Don't call me Nicki, Perseus," Nico huffed, glaring at Percy.
Percy's cheeks flushed. "Don't call me-"
"Shut up, both of you," Thalia said, rolling her eyes. "We need to get home. Mom has probably already started cooking. We won't ever get home if you continue arguing. And I don't know about you two, but I want to see Mom."
"He started it," both boys said at the same time.
She narrowed her eyes at them. "And I don't care who started it. I told you to shut up. Now, back to the problem. How do we get out of here without being seen?"
Nico shrugged. "I doubt they even notice we even got here at all."
Before Percy could open his mouth to agree, a small voice sounded from behind them.
"I did."
They swirl around, their hands going to their weapons. Once they recognize who it was, they gave a small bow.
"Lady Hestia," Percy said, giving her a small smile. "A pleasure."
She was in her eight year old form, standing innocently in front of them. Her red flaming eyes watch them sadly, but she gave them a small true smile.
"Hello, Percy," she said. "Thalia, Nico. It's nice to see you."
Thalia looked at her skeptically. "How much of our conversation did you hear?"
"Thalia," Nico warn.
Hestia smiled at Thalia, who had ignored Nico. "I heard most of it, yes. I don't plan on stopping you, no."
"Then-" Thalia began.
"Lady Hestia," Percy interrupted. "What can we do for you?"
"Actually, I think it was you who needed help," she said, looking at them with wide, honest eyes.
"We were doing fine," Thalia mumble.
"Thalia," Percy warn. "Lady Hestia is just trying to help."
"It's all right, Percy," Hestia said. "Thalia just doesn't trust me."
"In my defense, everyone that I trusted just turn their backs on me," Thalia said.
Hestia's head turn to the side slightly. "You still have your cousins."
Thalia's lips thin. "Betrayal is betrayal."
Hestia nodded. "Just don't forget you have your cousins."
"How could you help us?" Nico asked, breaking Hestia's staring match with Thalia.
"I heard you want to go home," she said smiling brilliantly. "And I do believe home is my job."
The cousins turn to each other, silently communicating with each other. Hestia watch with fascination as the two boys turn to Thalia, who seem untrusting. They reminded her of Hades, Poseidon and Zeus. Even if the Big Three Brothers would never admitted, she knew they needed each other.
"Okay," Percy said, breaking away from his conversation with his cousins to face her. "Please, Lady Hestia."
They watch as Hestia's eyes burn brighter. "I want you to remember, children, that wherever you go, if you pray to me, I will try to help. Life is never easy for Half-Bloods, specially for my brothers' children. I do wish for you to remember that no matter how bad life seems, it is always worth it to keep going."
The children exchange uneasy glances.
"Why are you telling us this, Hestia?" Thalia asked, her hand going to her bracelet.
Hestia gave her a sad smile. "Because life is never fair, Thalia." She looked at them for a last time before she took at deep breath. "There's always a reason to smile, though, even at the darkest of times. Be careful, children. Live your life, be happy. Whatever the Fates have in mind for you, I am certain you will get through it. I have never seen such heroes in a long time. I will miss you."
Percy blinked. "Thank you, Aunt Hestia. For everything."
Nico nodded. "If you ever need a hero, give us a call and we'll see what we can do."
"I wouldn't let the idiots mess up," Thalia added, ignoring the irritated glares of her cousins. "So yeah. What they said."
Hestia nodded, giving them a last smile. "Goodbye children."
Thalia's Pov:
The moment the light faded away from us, I knew something was wrong. I could feel it, that feeling that went down my back. It was enough to make my senses tingle, making my ADHD to act up.
I glanced at my cousins. "Can you feel it?"
Percy nodded, looking around. "Something feels…off."
Nico frown. "There's been death here."
We turn to look at him. Death?
Now, being a Half-Blood, I was not surprise. I seen more death then I ever wanted. I have seen gruesome things that had kept me up at night, things that made me sick. Death was unpleasant, but it was…it was a regular thing in a demigod's life.
But death at Mom's house?
"Monster death, or…" Percy asked, trailing off at the end. But we knew what he mean.
Human death.
Nico took a deep breath, scowling at the empty air in front of him. "Human death."
I couldn't help the grimace that took over my face. Killing monsters was unpleasant, but human dead…From the corner of my eye, I could see Percy tense up, and Nico's hand on his sword.
"Recently?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer.
Nico nodded. "I can feel it…someone died here, no more than a few hours ago."
I swallowed.
"An accident perhaps?" Percy asked, glancing around.
I did too, but I could not see anything that wasn't cars, and the apartments. I could see people in the distance, but it was New York. If there was no people walking around, then I would worry.
Nico was shaking his head. "I don't know. I can sense the violence in it…but it wasn't here. I can feel the death, but here…it's just a trace of it. It weights down the air, and it…it wasn't here, though."
"Soooooo…?" I promped.
He shrugged. "It was…" He stopped, lifting his head up toward the apartments. "It was inside."
I glanced at Percy. He seemed uneasy. "We'll ask Mom what happen. We should go inside," he said.
I nodded, while Nico just shrugged. We stayed there for another second before we made our way to the doors. As we walked, I could feel my insides twisting, like they always did when something…unpleasant was going to happen.
As we reach Mom's apartment, Percy hesitated for a moment before reaching in his pocket, and pulling out a key. He placed it in the door's keyhole, and turn the key. Then, he pushed the door open.
What I saw made my blood freeze.
Everything was destroyed. The table looked as it had been mashed against the wall. The chairs had been broken flat against the floor. There was a claw mark on the floor, near the hall that lead to the bedrooms. The flat screen TV that usually sat against the wall was laying in the kitchen counter, the screen broken in to little pieces.
But that wasn't what was so horrifying.
Mom's body was in the middle of it, a black dagger sticking up from her chest. Her eyes wide open, her mouth open as well in a silent scream. She lay on a puddle of blood- her blood, I guess. And Paul's head was the only thing I saw of him. His head was stuck on the coat racket.
I swallowed, looking away. The bile had rose to my throat, and tears stung on the back of my eyes. For a moment, the world spun under my feet.
I turn to look at my cousins.
Nico was paler then usual. His eyes were shiny, and his lips were pressed together. His hands were clench on either side of him.
Percy was froze on the spot. Tears running down his face, his mouth open silently. He stagger back, his back hitting against the wall behind him. Slowly, he slid down the wall.
He made a shocking sound. "Mom."
I bit my lip, taking a step toward him. "Maybe she's not…she's not…you know…"
Nico swallowed, shaking his head. "She's…I can…I can feel it."
I felt a tear run down my face as I turn to look at Mom…She couldn't be dead. Mom promised that if we needed her, she would be there. She would take care of us. I remember her smile the last time I saw her, and felt my heart clench.
She would never smile like that again.
Nico shook his head, walking toward her. He knelt, and closed her eyes. "Rest in…Rest in peace, Sally Jackson…Mom."