"How are you and Nick holding up?" Fin asked Olivia from his desk. She looked up from the file she was reading and frowned.

"Still getting over what Elliot did... How could he not tell me or anyone that he was leaving like that?" She sighed .

"From what I've heard," Amanda sat on the edge of Fin's desk, "He was an ass. I think Nick is going to be a better partner in the long run."

"What about me?" Nick walked into the squad room, a cup of coffee cradled in his hand.

"I'm going to work you like hell that's what about you." Munch walked out of Cragen's office and smiled.

"Hey, just because I'm new doesn't mean you have to work me to death." Nick laughed.

"Yeah it does," Olivia looked at him, "I have to see who my partner really is. Want to try to trust you."

"You should trust your partners. I trust Amanda," Fin smiled up at her.

"Well, that's one of us." She teased back.

"Liv," Nick turned to her, "I promise you can tru-"

"Where's my mommy?" A little voice called out. The team turned to see a young boy, about six, walk into the squad room holding a blanket.

"Hi, sweetie. What's your name?" Olivia walked over and kneeled in front of the boy. His green eyes shone as he looked around the room.

"Mommy!" He cried and ran over to Amanda.

"What? I'm not your mommy, honey. What's your name?" Amanda looked down at him and smiled.

"I'm Jay! I five!" He yelled.

"Rollins! " Cragen yelled and walked out of the office , "Why is your family here?"

"He's not mine! I swear!"

"I don't know, Rollins. He has your blonde hair." Fin teased.

"Daddy! Daddy I mwissed you!" Jay yelled and hugged Nick's leg. Nick looked down in confusion.

"Looks like my new partner has some big baggage in his closet," Olivia said sarcastically.

"I'm not your daddy, okay buddy?" Nick kneeled down and looked in the boy's eyes.

"Yeshh you are! You're my daddy, she's my mommy," Jay pointed at Amanda then Olivia , "She's my auntie, he's my uncle ," he pointed at Fin next, "And he's my grandpop!" He pointed at Munch last.

"Oh, Olivia, looks like we're married." Fin joked and she rolled her eyes.

"I am not that old." Munch grumbled.

"Who told you this?" Nick frowned .

"The master! He said I can be wiff you guys again." Jay beamed up at him.

"Sweetie, who hit you?" Amanda walked over and took the boys face gently in her hand. She noticed a big bruise down the side of his face.

"I was bad... The master said it was punishment." He lowered his head shamefully.

"Let's go get you cleaned up, okay?" Amanda took his small hand and started walking towards Melinda Warner's office.

"Okay, mommy!" Jay yelled, making her cringe.

"Does anyone know who that was?" Cragen demanded.

"Yeah. Nick's love child." Munch grinned.

"Run his description through the computers," Cragen commanded, completely ignoring Munch, "Run his first name too. See if anyone is missing a child."

"The master said I could be with you guys again..." Olivia thought out loud.

"Whoever this is has a sick sense of humor." Nick frowned and walked to his computer.

"He has bruising on the side f his face," Melinda informed Amanda as she cleaned up cuts, "Cuts are across his body... Mainly the torso. Whoever did this likes to abuse kids."

"Hi! I Jay ! I'm five!" He beamed at Melinda.

"Well, hello there, Jay. And what brings you to here today?"

"I wanted to see my mommy again!" He grabbed onto Amanda's hand, "It's been a looooonnngggg time!"

Amanda's phone beeped and she looked down.

"Jay?" She looked at the little boy, "Is your full name Jayden Hemings?"

"No, " he looked at her confused , "I'm Jay Amaro!"

"Hey," Nick walked into the lab , "Cragen said we need to get DNA tests...All three of us."

"What's that , Daddy?"

"Are you kidding me?! He's not mine !" Amanda fumed.

"Just do it, Rollins, " Melinda brought out a swab and walked to Nick, "It'll be proof he's not both of yours."

Seconds later, she wiped Jay's swab on a Petri dish .

"You should have the results in two weeks. Trust me I have a feeling he's not yours." She smiled at both detectives.

"I don't have a feeling. I KNOW he's not mine." Amanda frowned.

"Daddy! Mommy is saying mean things about me!" Jay looked at Nick like he was about to cry.

"Mommy is just angry right now, buddy." Nick picked the boy up and settled him on his hip.

"I'm leaving." Amanda stormed out and Nick follows behind.

"Nothing on a missing kid named Jay." Olivia informed the squad.

"Nothing on his description matches the missing kids ." Munch mused.

"There has to be something. A kid just doesn't appear one day and claim he's my son." Nick paced in front of his desk.

"Where's the little guy anyway?" Fin looked around.

"With Huang. He's seeing if Jay has any mental disabilities." Amanda kept typing on her computer.

"Rollins! Amaro! My office." Cragen yelled from his office. Amanda and Nick looked at each other and walked into the office.

"Captain?" Amanda questioned as Nick shut the door.

"Watch." Cragen turned on the tv as a women started talking.

"Mystery wraps around a strange case involving the N.Y.P.D. Special Victim Unit. Detectives Amanda Rollins and Nick Amaro are being accused of having a child together named Jay Amaro," the screen cut to a picture of Amanda and Nick sitting at a table together in a restaurant , "It is against the rules on the police department but a source says Cragen refuses to suspend the two parents. This information is proudly contributed from a source called the Master."

"So, we aren't allowed to grab a dinner together without allegations arising?" Nick frowned.

"You know where this is heading.." Cragen frowned at the two detectives.

"Capt...you know this is not true..." Amanda replied slowly.

"I can't have the department under questioning..again... You both are suspended until this whole ordeal blows over. Hand over your guns and badges."

"Are you serious.." Nick put his badge and gun next to Amanda's on the desk and walked out of the office.

"Mommy! Daddy! I missed you!" Jay ran up and hugged Nick's leg.

"Oh, and one of you take him home. I don't need a kid running around my office."

Nick picked Jay up and the group walked out together.

"Detectives! Detectives!" Voices yelled as the two walked out of the precinct.

"How old is your son? When did you have him? When did you two meet?"

"This is insane." Amanda frowned as they pushed past the reporters .