(Castle has just proposed, Castle: Katherine Houghton Beckett, will you marry me?)

She's shocked, but happy this man is the only man who no matter what has stuck by her even now after she went behind his back knowing how this would affect their relationship even though she loves him so much.

Castle starts to look weary he knows that look she's thinking oh he wished she would just say yes he hopes she knows this isn't a trap he doesn't want to shove marriage in her face to make her stay, he waited 5 years for this woman she drove him crazy and still does but its love he knows it is and he will be damned if he loses her. He has already decided that he will follow her all over the world as long as he gets to come home to her he doesn't care.

Kate realises that Castle is still on one knee, I mean he said her whole name! As she replays it Katherine Houghton Beckett…..

She is scared, she wants to say yes so badly she really does, but not like this it has to be special it has to be right he is the man she will someday marry she knows that but this is the wrong timing. She slowly moves off the swings she leans down in front of Castle. He isn't entirely sure what she is planning on doing or saying he falls on both knees. They both face each other Kate gently brings their hands together as one she sees the beautiful ring oh its perfect he is perfect, the swings everything is perfect she looks him in the eyes worried about his reaction she struggles to find the words but soon manages it's not that it's hard for her it's just she has never been so in love with anyone in her entire life and that scares her.

"Richard Alexander Castle, I love you so very much, I have never felt this way ever! But."

Castle starts to pull away but Kate pulls him back he looks at her his face has now turned into the face of a man who is heartbroken confused, "but" Castle mumbles. She places her left hand on his cheek and lightly rubs her thumb in circles.

"Oh Castle I want to marry you so badly you are the one, and I think I've known for a while now remember when I told you about the wall?" Kate simply strokes her hand through his hair their foreheads meet a tear glides down her left cheek and castle wipes it away lightly with his thumb, "I don't want us to remember our proposal on the terms of it being directly after I stupidly went for this job, that too be honest yes I wanted it and I did get it" Castle whispers too her "you got the job?"Kate simply slowly gives Castle a kiss with so much passion between them "I was offered the job, but I realised that DC isn't where I belong, sure it's an amazing opportunity and it's a once in a lifetime opportunity but, so are you I have nearly lost you too many times and I'm not loosing you over a job I finally have you we finally have each other. I'm not saying no, hell if you had asked me here any other day to our spot, and proposed I would have said yes before you could even say my middle name" She can't help but feel her smile cross her entire face she looks right into Castles eyes mesmerized hoping that he understands and doesn't pull away instead he moves closer. He lightly bumps her nose he still has the ring in his hand Castle runs his hand up behind her neck and takes her necklace off Kate goes to stop him but he just looks at her she is not entirely sure what is happening he looks at her.

"Katherine, I love you so much and just know that I am here you can't get rid of me" He smirks, "So when the timing is right we will both know but until then if you want I would like to place this ring with your mothers so you know, that I love you now and forever hell I'm pretty sure I loved you the day I saw your beautiful, gorgeous face that smile, your eyes god Kate your perfect I just don't know how I got so lucky" She doesn't know what to say they soon realise that a lot of people are starting to stare so Castle leans up taking Kate with him he moves a few steps back and sits on his swing pulling Kate into his lap, she looks at him how is he so happy she hasn't agreed to his marriage but in a way she had agreed in marrying him soon.

"Castle are you sure you're not mad?"

"Are you kidding, baby? You pretty much said yes I just have to wait but I have you we have each other and that's all that matters, were going to grow old together face it your stuck with me" He winks at her before tugging her in and kissing her starting from the bottom off her neck towards her lips she is laughing he knows that's where she's ticklish and he loves hearing her laugh.

"Castle (she squeals) sto-op, I still have to answer don't I?"

Being cheeky like normal she lingers on

"I would love to wear my engagement ring around my neck"

He absolutely loves how she says her engagement ring he smiles and gently slides the ring on to the chain hearing the cling as the two rings meet, she loves it. At first it's a little weird having another ring next to her mother's ring but it's also a very warming feeling and she's just so happy she still has him.



"I am so sorry for what I did I should ha"

Castle cuts her off with a soft kiss on her nose

"Kate it's okay I understand but let us just enjoy this moment, where in our spot you basically said yes were going to be madly in love forever, and one day" Castle tightly squeezes Kates stomach she smiles and rests her hands on top of his. "One day we will be a family me, you, Alexis and a little Castle"

She loves how he has thought about this it scares the hell out of her but she just smiles and rest her head against his shoulders " I love you" she whispers into his neck. "I love you too", "Always" they both whisper to one another.