Forever Isn't Long Enough
Glee and Twilight Crossover
Isabella Mikaelson loved her family. She loved running through the forest with them. She loved laughing with them. She even loved sword fighting with them. She had been the best. Better than all her brothers. She could never imagine a better life. She had even fallen in love with the man she knew she would marry. He accepted her for who she was and she accepting him for what he was. A werewolf. The only problem was Kol. He was very overprotective. He had been ever since the day they were born. He had only been born 2 minutes before her, but he considered himself the bigger brother. The brother that was supposed to keep her safe. She could never be mad at him for it. She loved that he was always looking out for her. Except he wouldn't leave her alone with the man that she loved. He was worried that he would hurt her. This was the only time she just wanted him to leave her alone. But still, she loved her family. Until the day that their mother and father had decided to change everything. The day that their family fell apart.
*present day*
Bella had to get away from the Cullen's. They were starting to get suspicious of her. They knew that she wasn't exactly what she said she was. It was hard for her to pretend to be an ordinary human. Especially since she had decided to be such a clumsy one it was even harder. She had decided to date Edward Cullen only so she could figure out what they were. She knew they were vampires, but everything about them was off. They were pale and cold. And they oddly sparkled in the sun. After a while of that she had become fed up with them. They were a weaker species and couldn't control themselves around blood.
She looked into Edward's eyes, "I'm sorry I can't do this anymore. I just don't feel the original connection and it is time I moved on to bigger things."
His mouth dropped and he sputtered, "B-but…I thought that you loved me. I thought that we would be together forever."
She tilted her head sympathetically, "It was a high school romance. We were always meant to have an expiration date."
Edward growled, "This is because of him isn't it?"
She knew who he was talking about. Jacob Black. He was her best friend. He was the only one here that knew the truth about her. He was the only one that she trusted with her life. He was the only one that understood. Edward had always been jealous of their friendship. It didn't help that they were 'mortal enemies.'
She rolls her eyes and sighs heavily, "No. I have told you a million times. Jacob and I are friends. Nothing else. I just don't love you anymore. I don't think I ever really did."
Edward shakes his head, "You are lying. I know you love me. You are just scared. I can wait. We are meant for each other."
Bella was starting to lose her patience. He was so aggravating. She wished she had never been to this stupid town, but she had been chasing Klaus and for some reason the rumor mill had pointed her in this direction. She was 100% positive that she had been lied to. Klaus was on to her. And he was hiding something that he didn't want her to know.
She frowned deciding to do something that she wanted to avoid. She looked him in the eye, "You don't love me anymore. You never really did. You are going to move on and fall in love with someone who will love you as much as you deserve to be loved. You will have a happier life without me."
Edward nods with a distant look in his eyes, "I don't love you anymore. I never really did. It is time for me to move on."
Bella smiles and turns away. Now all she had to do was make Charlie forget her. She was a little disappointed with that because he had been a great father to her. She hated that she had to use him to make her back story seem more legitimate. She would miss him and she didn't like that he was alone. She had already told Jake that she was leaving and made him promise to look after Charlie.
She arrived in Mystic Falls 3 days later. She had decided to get results the old fashioned way. By threatening lives. Not her favorite way but effective. That was the only thing she had learned from Klaus after his transformation. She remembered when he was sweeter and more of a brother. She shakes her head. She didn't want to remember how her life used to be. Every time she did she broke down in tears. She walked into the Mystic Grill and sat at the bar.
A blonde boy with gorgeous blue eyes walked over to her with a towel over his shoulder. He smiles brightly when he sees her, "Hi. New in town?"
Bella couldn't help but admire his good looks. She grins, "Kind of. I was born here, but haven't been back in a long, long time, but if I had known you were gonna be here I would have never left."
He laughs, "Well then welcome back to town. My name is Matt Donovan."
She smiles, "I'm Isabella Mi-Swan. But you can call me Bella, handsome."
He laughs harder, "You are quite the flirt, Bella. Can I get something for you?"
She shrugs, "Could I get bourbon?"
He looks her up and down and shakes his head, "Only if I could see some i.d."
She sighs overdramatically, "I knew you were going to say that. I will just have a cherry coke please."
He nods and walks away. She looks around the Grill and freezes when she sees a girl that she never wanted to see again. Katerina Petrova.
Matt walks over with her drink, "Bella?" He taps her shoulder, "Hello."
She swings back around, "Sorry. Thank you." She looks over her shoulder, "Do you know who that is? She looks familiar."
He looks over at the table that she was staring at and raises a brow, "Elena? I doubt you would know her. I have known her my whole life. I even dated her."
She lets out a sigh of relief and then she is hit with realization. Klaus found out about her. That is what he is doing, "This is going to be a random question, but do you by any chance know Klaus?"
His eyes widen and a look of fear crosses his handsome face. She puts her hand over her face, "Shit." She looks over as the door opens and sees none other than Damon Salvatore walk in, "What the hell is he doing here?"
She had never met him personally, but she had heard of the Salvatore brothers back when she was tracking Katerina. That had been a horrible part of her life.
Matt frowns at her, "How do you know him? And how do you know Klaus? Who are you?"
Bella sighs and smiles, "It doesn't matter. I…I have to go. It was nice meeting you Matt. I'm sorry for everything."
He frowns as he watches her leave.
Damon walks over to Elena and sits across from her. She looks up with tears in her eyes and he sighs. He grabs her hand and tries to comfort her, "Stefan will be back, Elena. But until then you have to live your life. Do the senior prank tonight and just forget about everything. Just for a little while."
Elena gives him a small smile, "Fine, Damon. I will. You are right. Life doesn't stop just because Stefan abandons us. It goes on."
Damon laughs and nods, "That's the spirit." He rolls his eyes when Matt walks over, "What do you want, busboy?"
Matt glares at him, "I just thought I would let you know that there was a girl in town who was asking about Elena and Klaus." He turns to leave, but hesitates, "She also recognized you. Her name is Isabella Swan."
Damon and Elena exchange a look of concern. Damon tries to remember all the people that he had met. Isabella Swan did not sound familiar. He stands up and grabs Matt's shoulder, "What exactly did she say about Elena?"
Matt shrugs, "She asked who she was and said that she looked familiar. Then she had this horrified expression and asked about Klaus."
Damon runs his hand through his hair, "This could be a problem."
Elena shakes her head, "Maybe not. I mean if she was horrified at the sound of his name then she would most likely be on our side."
Damon smirks, "You would trust a bee that was threatening to sting you."
Elena frowns, "I think I am going to go meet Caroline and Bonnie." She picks up her coat and purse, "Are you going tonight Matt?"
Matt grins, "Of course. We are only seniors once, right?"
Bella watches the doppelganger as she gets out of the car with a blonde girl and a dark haired girl. They were at the high school. She watched as they carried in supplies. What would a bunch of teenagers be doing at school in the middle of the night? She was about to get out of the car when she sees more cars pull up. The first one was a dark haired boy, who was rather hot. She laughed to herself. What were they feeding these boys? She watched as Matt walked over to him and they laughed at something she didn't hear. She decided to wait a few minutes before getting out of the car.
She freezes when she hears the old nickname only her sister had called her. She slowly turns around and gasps, "Becks? He let you out?" She runs over and hugs her sister close, "I have missed you."
Rebekah hugs her little sister back and feels tears start to fall down her face, "I thought he killed you, Iz."
Bella smiles through the tears falling down her face, "You should have known better. I am indestructible."
Rebekah laughs, and then sobers up as she looks around, "You need to get out of here. If he sees you…"
Bella touches Rebekah's cheek, "Don't worry about me. I can't let him hurt those people in there. The doppelganger…" She stops when she hears his voice in the distance. She looks at her sister and puts her finger in front of her mouth. She slowly backs away and mouths, "Don't tell."
She speeds off when Rebekah nods. She hadn't expected this outcome. She didn't really know what was going on, but she knew that she had to get them all out of there before there was a blood bath. She sped around to the back side of the building and snuck in. She looked around trying to get her bearings. She listened and heard the familiar voice of Matt.
She walks around the corner and he stops along with the dark haired girl, "What are you doing here?"
Bella thought about lying, but figured it would be useless and a waste of time, "Klaus is here. You are all in danger. We need to find Elena."
The girl frowns at her, "And who are you?"
Bella rolls her eyes, "Oh, I'm sorry. Where are my manners? It's not like we are in danger or anything. Just come with me and help me get everyone out of here!"
Matt shrugs at Bonnie and follows Bella. Bonnie sighs heavily and reluctantly follows them. Matt directs her to the gym where Elena, Caroline and Tyler were. On the way Bella was compelling people to leave until school starts the next morning. She had no time to argue with a bunch of teenagers. They reach the door to the gym and her heart stops.
She puts her hand up, "He's here. You two should go."
Bonnie shakes her head, "Hell, no. Those are my closest friends in there. I can help. I am a witch."
Bella sighs, "Of course. Just stay behind me."
They nod and Bella opens the door and screams, "No!"
They all gasp as Tyler falls to the floor. Caroline falls next to him, sobbing. Elena stands back in horror. Rebekah looks at Bella shaking her head. Bella looks over at Klaus who grins sadistically.
He looks at Bella and his smile grows, "Hello, baby sister. Glad you could join the party."
Everyone turns to look at her in shock.