A/N: Wow, I am really surprised that this actually got people. Like I promised, people = continuing, so continue I shall! I would like to remind you once again that I am without a beta, and so there are bound to be a ton of mistakes. Please let me know if you find any, or even if you just enjoy the story. Reviews, positive or not, make writing worthwhile, so review on chiadoos and chicadees.
In addition, I am not sure what the pairing will be, if there will be a pairing at all. Since this is the first fic I am writing in real time, I will take any and all suggestions to heart and will attempt to put in anything I think will work in favor of my plot. I am not sure how long this fic will end up being, but I hope to draw it out a bit... Well... Yes. Alright, onto the chapter. Expect updates once or twice a week!


Chapter Two - The Plan

As Ginny exited the Potions classroom, she spotted Harry. His lean frame looked even smaller today, as if a cloud of worry was about to swallow him up. Damnit, had that twat been to see Hermione?! She quickly walked over to him, without a word, and then dragged him to an empty alcove, quickly casting the silencing and warding charms, so she could explode in peace.

"Why, why, WHY did you have to go shoving your nose into this?! Why couldn't you just let her be?" She shrieked. The color slowly filled his face.

"Me! Why the hell didn't you tell me Ginny! She's my best friend, I need to know when things like this happen!" he screamed right back, puffing himself up. Not that he actually knew what this was. She was not about to let herself be intimidated though, she was too angry. Her hair practically crackled with magic.

"Now you listen to me Harry James Potter, this is not the time for you to be getting all noble and heroic. I don't know what happened to her, but I have a very bad idea of what it was, and if I am right it is none of your business. I let her stay in her room, I promised her peace until I bring McGonagall into this tonight and you had to mess it all up!" she was fuming, slowly backing him into the wall. The previous anger he held quickly sunk and so did the color in his face.

"No, she wasn't… You don't think," he choked out, grasping what she had thought from the start.

"Frankly I do. I don't know what else could have done something like that to her. She is the strongest witch I know, and doesn't back down from a challenge. Nothing physical could have scarred her like this, but mentally it could bring even the strongest person down. Now, I do not know that it is what happened, but I do know that whoever attacked her was strong, and they did a lot of damage to her, and they are going to get hell for it," she declared.

"What are you going to tell McGonagall? When are you bringing her?" he asked, as a pool of dread slowly washed over him.

"I am going to tell her the truth. What I saw this morning, what state she's in. Harry, she's got handprints all over her arms and neck. I am sure they are littering her legs and stomach as well. I'm telling her what I think happened and I'm bringing her up right after dinner."

"The common room will be full. People will notice if she is entering her room and draw attention to it. Everyone is talking about her missing class. I think we need a plan to sneak her in," he reasoned. She nodded, contemplating his point.

"Fair. Alright, what if you bring her under the invisibility cloak to McGonagall's office?" she suggested.

"No, I don't think we should be moving her," Harry returned, "well figure something out soon. Both of us can brainstorm, I suppose." Ginny nodded slowly, agreeing, even if it wasn't really a plan.

"That sounds fine. Anyways, I promised Hermione that I'd visit her now. I have a free period before lunch," she stated, wiping the enchantments away from the alcove before exiting. He followed right behind, "I'll join you then, I'm free as well." The two made their way to the kitchens, grabbing a scone and some tea for her before finally making it back to her room. They quietly slipped inside and locked the door before quietly joining Hermione on the bed. She was sleeping, looking quite peaceful. Harry placed the food on the table beside her and gently shook her awake. She woke slowly, blinking the sleep from her eyes before taking in her two friends, smiling in delight.

"Hermione, how are you?" Ginny prodded. Hermione smiled gently at the ginger, questioning clouding her chocolate eyes.

"Fine, Gin. Why wouldn't I be? I'm feeling much better now," she replied, taking in the scone and tea, smiling genuinely at her friends, "Thank you both, for letting me sleep in, I had a long night." They glanced at each other, furrowing their eyebrows while Hermione looked over to grab her scone.

"I took notes in Herbology today for you 'Mione. You can copy them later. I figured you'd need them," Harry mentioned, pulling the parchment from his bag, adding it to the table with the tea and now empty plate. The relief washed her face.

"Thank you Harry. You don't know how much I appreciate that. You know, since I'm feeling much better, I think I'll go to class. You really don't have to get McGonagall Ginny," Hermione explained. She grabbed the wand from her bed table and with a quick Vulnus Celare the bruises and marks adorning her skin shimmered from view. "There! Now I won't get any questions. Shall we go down then?" She smiled, "I'll just get dressed, if you two would excuse me." She shooed them from the room quickly and slammed the door behind them. Harry and Ginny stared blankly at the door, then at each other.

"What did she do?" Harry hissed, turning on the tiny girl at his side. She starred at the door for a good minute before replying, dread washing over her features.

"We've get McGonagall. Now," Ginny replied. They ran through the halls frantically, looking for their feline Professor. Finally reaching the entrance to her office, they burst inside, panting and grabbing the stiches in their sides. They heard the Professor get up from her desk and approach them.

"Now, why in the name of Merlin were you two in such a hurry to get me? What did you do this time? What's happened," she sighed, looking down upon her two most troublesome cubs.

"We're not sure Professor, to be honest," Ginny panted, straightening her back and looking directly into the elderly witches eyes. "Can we please discuss this somewhere private?" McGonagall must have detected the serious tone in her voice, for she simply nodded and lead them to her private office. Once inside, McGonagall sat behind her desk and motioned for the two students to join her. She placed her hands on her desk and clasped them together, inquiring them to continue.

"You go Ginny. You know more about this than I do," Harry suggested, nodding at the ginger girl. Ginny sighed, than straightened herself once again, looking into their teachers eyes.

"Professor, something has happened to Hermione," Ginny announced. The witch in front of them simply raised an eyebrow, as if this wasn't horrid, horrid news.

"What do you mean? Does she require medical assistance?" Minerva asked, making no immediate action to stand up and assister her student.

"Please Professor, this is serious," Ginny insisted, "I heard Hermione come back into the dorm around three in the morning. It was a bit late, but I figured her rounds ran long. I heard her slam the door and figured that she'd be especially tired in the morning so I prepared myself. This morning, per usual, I knocked on her door at 700 hours prompt so we could make it to breakfast, considering my first class was at eight. After knocking to wake her, I showered and dressed, returning to her door at approximately 725, where I waited almost a half an hour for her to join me. Frustrated, I knocked over and over again, until I heard her crying. After some begging, she let me in. The room was in shambles professor. Her mirror was shattered on her bed, along with her picture frames. There were burnt pictures all over the room, she had torn up her clothing and was hiding underneath a pile of it in the corner, sobbing. When I looked at her, I noticed she had a handprint on her face, and bruises all over her arm and neck. She wouldn't let me see more, but I'm positive they're all over. She begged me to wait until after dinner to get you, to let her rest because she can't bring herself to talk about it yet. Harry asked me where she was at breakfast, and I made an excuse that she was ill, forcing him to check up on her and find her predicament as well. We went to visit her in our mutual free period before lunch, and she seemed fine, totally calm, or in denial and said she wished to come to classes and whatnot. Professor, I'm not sure if she's in denial or if she's blocked it, but I think… Professor I think someone violated her last night in the most vile way possible. I don't know what to do. We thought, maybe she'd talk to you about it," Ginny finished and looked back into the face of their head of house. Her mouth was wide open and her eyes were swimming with the information she had just been given.

"Miss Weasley, if all of what you state is true, and I have no doubt it is, than I share your concerns. Both of you will accompany me to Madame Pompfry, and we shall get proper potions to assist in her healing, as well as a potion she will need if our fears are, indeed proven true. We need her to tell us what happened, and we need to move quickly," Minerva instructed, standing from her desk and briskly walking to the door. When she realized her students were still seated, she turned, frowning at them, "Do you need an invitation or are you going to help me?"


Post Chapter A/N:

The spell vulnus celare is used to hide an injury from view. I created it myself and is not part of the potterverse.