Last chapter :( But don't worry, I'll have the sequel up soon, but it will be Grojband/ El Tigre. If you've read my other notes at the beginning and end of stories then you know about the series and yada yada. Enjoy and look for the next one!

I do not own Grojband or Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja.


At Norrisville Airport

Randy stood in the middle of the airport with Grojband, Mr. and Mrs. Kujira, Howard, and Theresa. It was Grojband's last day in Norrisville and the three new friends came to see them off.

Things had calmed down in Norrisville after what was now being called "The Christmas Kidnapping". On Christmas day, McFist had given a statement to the press that he would help solve the case by funding all police efforts to find the perp. Randy had advised Corey, Laney, and Theresa that it was best just to let the matter run its course and the three had told the police that they never got to see who kidnapped them, which wasn't a total lie for Laney and Theresa.

With no eyewitnesses, no real leads, and the actual kidnapper completely untouchable, the case had been dropped. Plus the fact that all the kids had came back safe, there wasn't any need to continue working on something that couldn't be solved.

The dance had been cancelled and no date had been set for another one. All the freshman students were rather upset that they didn't get to enjoy their dance, but Principal Slimovits had assured them that they would be allowed to attend next years dance, as sophomores.

Corey and Laney had broken the news to everyone only hours before the flight. Kin and Kon were shocked, but they were happy for their friends and bandmates. Theresa was overjoyed by the news and Howard couldn't care less. It was Randy that was the mystery. When he heard the news, he wasn't really surprised, but he was also a little upset. He had thought Laney was cute and he was sort of hoping something could grow between them, but the Nomicon's words where still swirling through his head and he thought he had a pretty good idea what they meant.

The seven teens stood in a tight circle, saying their goodbyes as the two adults let the kids talk while they went to the gift shop.

"So," Corey said awkwardly, "I guess this is goodbye forever, huh."

"Nah," Randy said, punching his blue-haired friend in the arm. "We can still text and there's always the internet."

Corey smiled and rubbed his arm where Randy's fist hit him, but his face soon became serious. "What are you gonna do about McFist?"

Randy shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea. I'm the first ninja to get caught and I might be the last now that he knows." He looked down at his shoes, but looked back up quickly with a new spout of determination. "But I'm not gonna give up. It's my duty to protect Norrisville, no matter what. Besides, all I gotta do is survive the next three and a half years of high school, then the next ninja will be unknown." He sounded confident, but deep down inside, he wasn't so sure he could do that.

His friends gave him an understanding smile, as if reading his thoughts. He knew they were thinking the same thing he was.

He was knocked out of his thoughts by Howard's fist hitting his arm. "Don't be such a shoob, Cunningham!" Randy gave Howard a confused look and he continued. "It's not like you're going through it all alone. You got me." Howard finished with a large grin, reassuring Randy of his loyalty.

Theresa spoke up, "And me." Randy gave his friends a small smile. He was glad to hear that Howard and Theresa would be by him, because he knew things were going to get worse.

"Now boarding, flight to Peaceville, Ontario, Canada," a female voice on the intercom spoke. Grojband looked at each other and Mr. and Mrs. Kujira came up to them, ushering them toward the gate.

Corey and Laney waited a minute. Corey fist bumped Randy and Howard and gave Theresa an awkward quick hug before following the family. Laney remained behind for a few moment to talk to the threesome.

"Hope you have luck beating Randy's high scores at the Game Hole," Laney said to Howard and gave him a swift hug before moving on to Theresa.

"Make sure you call me and talk to me through facebook or something," Theresa said in a rush, but smiling nonetheless. "Don't you dare forget about me."

"I don't think I'll ever be able to forget about you after what we went through together." Laney and Theresa giggled a little before she moved onto Randy.

He was looking down at his shoes awkwardly. He wasn't sure what to say to her. She spared him the trouble by speaking first.

"Sorry things didn't work out between us." He looked up at her and she looked sincere enough.

He smiled and let out a chuckle. "Don't worry about it. I'm glad you and Corey are happy together, besides," he glanced over at Theresa who was currently talking to Howard about something, "sometimes what you want is right under your nose."

Laney caught his actions and words and gave him a suggestive wink before running off toward the gate. She made it just in time to hand her ticket to the lady behind the desk and dash onto the plane to find her seat next in between Corey and Kon.

She let out a sigh as her butt hit the seat, relieved she had made it in time. She knew it had been a little risky to stay behind and say her extra farewells, but she couldn't resist.

"So Lanes," Corey said dragging her attention to him, "what do you think about a vacation?"

"A vacation?! Core, we just got finished with a holiday," she said exasperatedly. She couldn't believe he was already planning another trip, but what else would you expect from Corey Riffin.

"I know, I know, but hear me out," he said holding up his hands in defense. She crossed her arms and stared at him. He took it as a sign to go on. "Next summer we can go on a real vacation, no gigs, no robots, just the band and fun in the sun."

Laney rolled her eyes and she buckled her seat belt as the plane started to take off. "Great, but where would we go?"

Corey rubbed his chin in thought for a moment before snapping his fingers when an idea came to him. "Europe," he said confidently.

"Isn't that a little far away," Kon said slowly while rubbing his head, probably trying to remember where Europe was.

"And expensive," Kin added. Laney nodded in agreement causing Corey to go back to thinking.

Kin popped up suddenly and said, "You guys!" They all looked at him and he grinned. "What about Mexico. It's awesome down there and perfect for a summer vacation."

Corey high-fived Kin. "That's brilliant, dude." Kon punched the air and Laney nodded.

"I could go for a little Mexican fun, just as long as there's no robots," she said slicing her hands through the air to emphasize 'no'.

Corey wrapped his arm around her shoulder and chuckled. "I'm sure that can be arranged, Lanes."

Alright, there you guys have it. A little sneak peek to the next fanfic and a happy ending for all. Keep the reviews coming and thanks for reading.
