I don't own Naruto, pft and I don't make any money. This is a series of drabs that tie together

prissy cheerleader- cross-dressing- Sasuke/ nerdy Naruto

Sasuke ran long fingers through midnight black spikes, a smirk on his face as he moved to the locker room ignoring all the whistles and mumbling he didn't need to know how good he looked.

He was Sasuke Uchiha, he could make anything look good and still have his pride and wearing a female cheerleading uniform was no different, besides he made it look better than any girl in the squad did and since he was the cheer captain no one dared to question what he wore.

He really didn't care about it though they could drool all they wanted it only boosted his ego. Sasuke lifted his backpack as he moved to the door, he wasn't in the mood to change back into his uniform, and the looks he was getting in this outfit were priceless. He loved the fact that he could bring both men and women to their knees.

No he wasn't an attention whore, however he didn't mind the fact that he could turn every head in this school and outside of it and he loved it even more when they came onto him only to find out that he was a top...

He may cross dress but Sasuke Uchiha was not a frilly little girl that would beg to be fucked, no quit the contrary actually there was nothing he loved more then doing the fucking and while in a dress, it only increased his high. No he didn't do drugs either it was a power high knowing he had more authority and any one else, even in a skirt and heels.

He flicked his bangs from his face as he opened the door to his destination, with a smirk to his most favorite plaything, the only person who was truly worth his time.

"Hey loser done staring at the stupid computer screen?" His smirk widened upon entering the computer lab.

Cerulean eyes blinked looking up and glaring at the raven through the thick glasses he was wearing, oversized sweater and baggy pants hanging loosely from a lithe tanned body. Sasuke moved his eyes back to pinkish parted lips. "Hn." He wasn't paying attention to what the male had said, he tended to get distracted when it came to this particular person. Not that he cared what the male was saying anyways, he just liked seeing those lips move and preferably over his cock.

"Your not even listening to me are you? Typical bastard you have some nerve and calling me a loser, I'm not the cross dressing cheerleader that acts like a spoiled princess." The blond's voice rose as he stood from his chair.

He fell back in his chair as Sasuke moved slightly hovering over him. "If that's they case shouldn't you give your princess whatever he wants?" Sasuke smirked slipping a knee between Naruto's legs gripping in one hand the orange and white striped tie he was wearing.

"What do I look like to you teme? I'm not one of your servants." Naruto frowned up at the male.

Sasuke chuckled leaning down licking the shell of Naruto's ear. "Don't be so stubborn Naruto, we both know how this ends, how it always ends. You argue with me cut me down, but give in just the same."

Naruto released a deep breath. "Why me? that's all I want to know out of everyone that loves and wants you why do you have to fuck me?" He really couldn't stand it, the back and forth game, the cut downs, the fights, the hot sex. More so, he couldn't stand the fact that he gave in to Sasuke and allowed this. "I'm not a sex toy, find someone else." That's all he was, however he needed Sasuke to be the one walking away, he had too much pride to admit he actually liked this bastard. Therefore, he kept his glare in place and would continue playing with this male until the end…

He didn't want someone else, Naruto was the only one that would argue with him, fight with him and stand on an even playing field with him. When it came to mind games Naruto may act like a Dobe and computer geek but Naruto knew how to stand his ground with Sasuke. Even though eventually Naruto always caved but he never went down without a fight. That is what always made it so much fun.

Maybe it was twisted; maybe he was using Naruto as a sex toy. He didn't know and he didn't care, as long as he continued getting reactions from Naruto he wouldn't stop...

Because the games had only started and neither of the men would give in, and admit they were losing.

yes even cross-dressing and cheering i can see Sasuke as a smug own it all bastard. *cough* it was supposed to be more funny, but eh, well, ya.

beta'd by sephonei 3

thanks to narutovixin for pre-reading this 3

I did commish art for this two pics of the boys, they are on Y. I've also thought about sharing these stories on my tumblr, in a diff sec with the art. Idk yet though.

Please read this part. This is a series of drabbels the next is set in college and the ones that follow are college based as well, since there is a scene that wouldn't really sit right with them being high school students. And yeas Sasuke is a college cheer leader too.

Next one will be posted Sunday.