Summary- The guild Fairy Tail is nothing like those Cinderella fairy tale's, right? But what happens when Natsu read's some runes that sends him, Gray, Gajeel, Jellal, Laxus, Lyon, Sting and Rogue to a world where fairy tale's DO exist!? And wait a minute, they're the princes that are supposed to save the princesses?! Nalu, Gruvia, Jerza, Gale, StiLi, RoguexYukino, LyonxChelia. Idk who Laxus should end up with.

Btw, this take place after the GMG arc.


Normal POV (in the guild)

It was a normal day at the Fairy tail guild. Cana was on her 20-something barrel of beer, Juvia was stalking Gray, Elfman was shouting manly, and happy was trying to convince Charle to eat some fish.

Natsu on the other hand, was laying down across a table looking extremely bored. He kept on tossing and turning every few minutes, then he would get up, look around, and then lay back down again. He repeated this process about 20 more times before he finally lost his patience.


the whole guild looked up, startled at the dragon slayer's outburst.

Lucy- Natsu?! What's wrong did you get hurt?!


The whole guild sweatdropped at his remark. Erza on the other hand, was furious at natsu. "You broke the peacefulness of my cake eating time because you were BORED!? NATSU DRAGONEEL!"

Erza was surrounded by a dark ominus aura that made everyone in the guild shiver. She appeared to grow twice her size and her hair was flailing around like medusa. "KYAAA! IM SORRY ERZA-SAMA!" Natsu screamed in terror. All of a suddenly, a laugh was heard at from the far end of the guild. All faces turned to look who had made the noise

Sting- BWAHAHAHA! Natsu-san looks so stupid!

Rogue- Not intrested.

Natsu glared at Sting and Rogue when they said that. Sting and Rogue had been kicked out of Sabertooth shortly after the GMG ended, so they came to join Fairy Tail. They apologized for all the members that they had hurt, so the master let them join.

Jellal- Erza, I think you need to calm down a little.

Jellal had also joined Fairy Tail after the GMG. After Ultear died, Meredy disappeared and was no where to be found. Now, rumors have it that she is the Phantom of love who destroys 17 dark guilds everytime the full moon rises. Jellal, having to have helped save Crocus, was forgiven of his "crimes" and was ordered to join Fairy Tail so that they could keep a close watch on him. Of course Jellal had no problem joining Fairy Tail, they were like his family. And a plus point was that he got to admire the scarlet haired beauty of his dreams all day and he wouldn't look weird for doing so.

A tension started forming between the fire and light dragon slayers. Wendy snapped out of her thoughts again and decided that she needed to do something.

Wendy- H-hey g-guys! Why don't you all go pick a job?

Natsu- A job!? WHOOHOO! I'm not bored anymore! :D

Sting- I suppose i'll go with you...

Rogue- Not interested, but me and Sting are partners so I shall go with him

Gray- Count me in flame brain!

Gajeel- Gihihi. Sounds like fun

Jellal- Can I come to? I've never gone on a job with such a big group!

The six boys were starting to decide what job to pick when the bang of the guild doors opening alerted them. To their surprise, Lyon stepped inside the guild holding a bouquet of blue roses. He walked straight up to Juvia who was taking a break from stalking Gray and was sitting down at the bar drinking some lemonade. She looked up, startled to see that Lyon somehow magically appeared right next to her, and then started to blush when he took her hand to meet his lips. Gray burned with anger when he did this, although he wasn't sure why. Lyon released his lips from Juvia's hands and presented her the bouquet of flowers. "For you, my love." He said in a slurred voice. All the girls squealed when they saw this, whispering about how Juvia was so lucky and how they wished that they had a boyfriend that would do that. The boys blazed with envy, but soon forgot about it and started discussing the job choices again. Lyon overheard them talking and went over to them to ask if he would join to. The boys were hesitant at first, but gave Lyon the "ok" after he said that he wouldn't take any of the money. The boys were scanning the guild request board when Natsu spotted a very interesting looking job. It said...

8 young men needed to save the princesses.

Reward- The girl of your dreams

To activate the job, please read the in-citation below

eht lrig fo ruoy smaerd seil nihtiw siht tneicna lleps. (x3)

Natsu- Whoa! This looks like that changeling thing that happened to us one time! And princesses are usually guarded by dragons right!? Maybe i'll find Igneel if I take this job! Ok, lets see here...

Natsu started saying the in-citation outloud as if he was reading a menu. All the boys turned to look at him and stared at what he was reading with a weird face. That is, all accept gray...

Gray- NATSU!? dont you remember what happened LAST TIME you read a job out loud!?

But Gray was to late. A blinding light surrounded the whole guild and with a flash, All the main members had disappeared from earthland.

Somewhere in another world...

Natsu groaned as he sat up. It felt like he had fallen out of the sky.

Natsu- Wha-where are we?

Gray who was starting to sit up right next to Natsu got an angry tick mark on his face and started to say in a almost-about-to-scream-at-you voice...

Gray- What, did I say about reading that job out loud?!

Natsu- hehe... oppsie?

Gray- NATSU DRAGN... what are you wearing?

Natsu- What do you mea... whoa. What are you wearing?

Both boys looked down to examine their clothes. They saw to their surprise and horror that they were wearing "prince costumes". Gray was wearing the prince costume that he had worn that time that they took that job where they had to preform a play. Natsu was wearing the exact same thing only his cape was black and his suit thingy was a dark red. Both boys looked from their clothes, back to each other. They just stood there in awkward silence for a few minutes before a low series of grunts awoke them. They turned around and noticed for the first time that Sting, Rogue, Gajeel, Jellal, Lyon, and Laxus (wait a minute, why laxus?!) were sitting behind them, also wearing prince costumes (same style but different colors).

Sting's cape, rimming, and pants were golden while everything else was white.

Rogue's cape and suit was pitch black while the rimming and the pants were stark white.

Gajeel didn't have a cape, but his suit was a metallic silver while his pants were also white.

Jellal's prince costume were the same colors as gray's except the colors were all lighter

lyon's cape ans pants were white and his suit was ice blue with light green trimming.

Laxus's cape was lightning yellow (as well as the trimmings), his suit was pitch black, and his pants were white.

All the boys stared at each other in shocked silence before bursting out into a fit of laughter.






The fit of laughing went on for another few minutes before Gajeel abruptly stopped an stared at something.

Gajeel- Oi! Theres a F*cking castle behind us!

ok! so end of first chapter! how did u like it? Yeah i know the name of the fanfic is stupid, but i couldn't think of anything else. D:

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