Who's a horrible person? I am! You know why? Because according to my computer I wrote this chapter nearly a year ago. 11 months to be exact. But I didn't publish it. Why? I don't know, probably because I didn't like it. Anyways, it's now been somewhat edited and I do like. So enjoy. And please try not to hate me.

Food, Teasing, Books, and a Library

Lisanna walked quietly through the library. She was currently looking for a free table where she could do some research for her English paper. As she wandered through the seemingly endless aisles of books she thought she spotted a head of pink hair at a table.

"Natsu? In the library?" She wondered quietly to herself. Natsu in a library was surprising thing. As she approached the table it became clearer that it was in fact her rowdy friend. He appeared to be asleep with his head resting against his arms on the table. He had a small stack of books lying across from him.

"Natsu?" Lisanna asked louder this time, testing to see if the boy was really asleep. He twitched slightly, turned then lifted his head to look at her. He had a look of total boredom painted across his face. "What are you doing here?"

Natsu grumbled some inaudible words before pointing a lazy hand at an aisle of books. He returned his head to his arms but remained staring at her. Lisanna found it a bit unnerving.

"Umm, can I sit?" Natsu simply nodded. "I'm working on my English project. Is that what you were attempting to do as well?" Lisanna inquired. She knew that Natsu, in the mood that he was, wasn't going to answer her but she figured that if he needed help with the same project she could lend a hand. Lisanna, expecting a noncommittal response was startled when the pink-haired boy sat up abruptly, letting out a noise that sounded like a growl when he stretched his arms and back. Lisanna opened her mouth to say something when someone emerged from the aisle where Natsu had pointed to earlier.

"Natsu you better not be asleep. I got the perfect book for you to use with your project. Oh hey Lisanna!"

"Oh! Lucy! I didn't know you were here. Are you working on English as well?" Lucy nodded with a smile as she took the seat at the table across from Natsu where the stack of books was.

"I'm doing that and some research for a scholarship paper I'm writing. Here Natsu this is for your paper." Lucy set the book next to the boy but he simply flicked across the table. Lucy looked miffed but said nothing in response.

"Scholarship paper?" Lisanna inquired. She knew that Lucy was smart but even now she figured was a little too early for the blonde to be worried about getting scholarships for college.

"Yeah, it's a scholarship for tuition. Headmaster Makarov is having me apply for it. That's why I've been to his office so much lately. I could really use the financial help."

"Oh that one from when I first started school?"

"No. I didn't get that one. Didn't meet the requirements, but Makarov found this one and I can apply for it, which is even better because it's more money. It's a lot more work however." Lucy pulled open and book and started scanning the pages.

"Oh that's too bad you didn't get it."

"Yeah it's whatever. I didn't get it because legally I'm still my father's dependent and because my family, on paper, looks financially stable, I don't meet the requirements for someone in need of the scholarship. But this one is more lenient on requirements, which is good for me but their application process is so much more rigorous." Natsu who seemed to be feigning sleep turned over and look at the two girls, letting out a whimpering noise. "Oh what's your issue now? Still hungry?"

"Yes!" Natsu yelled only to get shushed by the two girls. "I'm dying from starvation here and all you can do is worry about that damn scholarship!"

"I told you to leave and go eat like an hour ago! This scholarship is important so if you want to leave, leave but I'm not until I'm done." Lucy challenged back.

"I'll be dead by the time you finish." Natsu whined, ignoring her.

"Natsu if you're done working on your paper and want to go eat, you and me can go somewhere and then Lucy can continue working." Lisanna offered.


"Why not?" Lisanna asked. At that, Lucy let an exasperated sigh.

"You want to eat but when Gray was here and invited you to Yajima's you turned him down. Why don't you go?"

"I didn't wanna go eat with that idiot stripper!" Natsu defended.

"Well whatever, go or don't go, just please let me work." Lucy continued working.

"It's not like I've been bothering you."

"Maybe you have."

"I have not. I've let you work peacefully since we got here."

"No. When Gray came in, you tried to pick a fight with him which almost resulted in us getting kicked out." Natsu looked stared at Lucy, lost for words.

"Natsu!" Lisanna scolded.

"But I apologized and we didn't get kicked out. So I've been sitting here, quietly, bored out of my mind and starving waiting for you to finish. Can't we go yet?" Natsu pleaded trying to get Lucy's attention away from the book she was reading to look at his puppy dog eyes. He seemed annoyed when the blonde wouldn't look up.

"Natsu, I told you today I couldn't got with you and Gray to Yajima's because today I was going to work on homework. When you said you wanted to come with me I told you that you didn't have to, but you said you were going to work on homework as well. So if you're bored maybe you should actually work instead of watching me work."

"I can't because I need help with math and you wont help me. And my paper is practically done!" Natsu whined again.

"Well Lisanna is here maybe she'll help." At that suggestion Natsu turned is puppy dog eyes on Lisanna, who had looked up from her book at the mention of her name. She was at least going to try and do some research while she was there, the key word being 'try'. She wondered how Lucy could work and not be distracted by the boy across from her. Lisanna, herself found it hard to focus on her work and not Natsu who was begging for a bit of attention.

"Oh sure Natsu, I'll help you." Natsu grinned widely and pulled out his math homework. Lisanna looked over the work and began explaining the problems to Natsu as he did them. The trio worked in peace for a bit before suddenly the table jostled and Natsu let out a howl of pain.

"Ow! That hurt Luce!" Natsu hunched over the table, rubbing the shin that Lucy must have kicked.

"Pay attention to her. You won't learn anything if you don't listen." Lucy reprimanded.

"I was paying attention! Right Lisanna?" Natsu asked nodding his head.

"Well that last problem you did isn't exactly right but you're doing pretty good." Natsu slouched down in his chair when Lisanna didn't back him up. "Just try it again I'm sure you'll get it."

The group went back to working for a few more minutes when Lisanna spoke up again.

"See look at that you're all done. And since I helped you do you think you could help me get some books for my research?"

"Sure thing! Thanks for helping Lisanna!" Natsu graciously thanked the white-haired girl hugging her before he packed up his stuff.

"No problem. Lets head over here, that's where most of the books pertaining to my topic are. Here, I even have a list of the ones I for sure need." Lisanna handed the list to Natsu as they headed off into the aisles of books. The two scoured the section of books Natsu holding onto the growing stack.

"Why do you do that to her?" It was Lisanna who finally broke the comfortable silence.

"What?" Natsu asked clearly confused as he took the book Lisanna handed to him.

"Antagonize her?"


"Why do you pick on Lucy like that? She's trying to get a scholarship, to help her financially. There's nothing wrong that."

"Oh." Natsu looked away from Lisanna guiltily. "I'm not antagonizing her, not really. I mean, it's not like I don't want her to get the scholarship. I know how much it means to her but she's been obsessing over it. I mean, I've read her essay, and I know I'm not the best person to be critiquing it, but it's really good. Even Levy's read it and says it's fine. Lucy just worries too much sometimes and I don't want her to stress herself out and then get sick or something. I just want her to take a break. She needs one." Lisanna looked at Natsu speechless. That had to be one of the most thoughtful and caring things he's ever heard him say. Natsu finally met Lisanna's gaze, blushing. "What?"

"Nothing it's just cute to see you care so much about her."

"Hey!" Natsu's blush deepened.

"Why don't you tell her what you just told me?"

"No way! I couldn't do that!" Lisanna raised an eyebrow at the boy.

"Embarrassed to show her you care?" Lisanna teased.

"Embarrassed? More like in fear for my life! If she knew I read her paper she'd kill me!" Natsu had a look of worried panic plastered on his face. "I was reading it while she was looking for books earlier. She hates it when I read her stuff."

"Oh Natsu. Whatever am I going to do with you?" Lisanna smiled sweetly as she turned and headed back towards the table.

"Whaddaya mean by that?" Natsu yelled scurrying after the white-haired girl. "Hey! What's he doing here?" Natsu ground out as the pair turned around a shelf and came into view of the table. Gray was leaning on the table next to Lucy, talking with the smiling blonde. Natsu sauntered up to the table. "Yo, Ice Pick, get lost!"

"Natsu!" Lisanna and Lucy reprimanded.

"I ain't goin' no where. Lucy asked me here." Gray said, taking the chair next to Lucy, just to prove a point.

"Lucy! Why would you do that?" Natsu whined a look of mock hurt appearing on his face. Lucy refused to look at either of the boys having returned to reading her book.

"Oh! Is that take-out from Yamjima's?" Lisanna asked. As she reached the table she noticed two plastic bags placed in the center of the table, displaying the logo of the diner.

"Huh?" Natsu turned dumbfounded to look at the bags. "Food!" He cried out digging into one. Natsu opened all the containers checking the contents until he took one that was of his liking. It was a container with spicy wings.

"Gray did you bring these for us?" Lisanna asked the raven-haired boy who looked amused by the simplicity of his best friend.

"Yeah. Lucy texted me said you all were still working but the Flame-Brain was hungry and wondered if I could bring over some take-out. I didn't know what to get you Lisanna but Mira said any sort of pasta would be fine. I hope it's okay." Gray sat up in his chair and pulled out the container with the pasta.

"Oh! Thank you so much Gray! And yes pasta is perfect. I'd eat anything from Yajima's though, everything there is so delicious." Lisanna graciously took the food and a set of flatware and napkins and began to eat.

"You're very welcome Lisanna. Lucy? You going to eat or are you just going to work your life away?" Gray opened the container with Lucy's order of a hot ham and cheese sandwich and teasingly waved it between her face and her book. Lucy swatted it away.

"I'll eat when I'm done."

"Come one Luce. Just take a break. You know taking a break help clear your mind and relax you, that way when you go back to work you'll be recharged and work even better." Natsu encouraged. Lucy looked blankly at the pink-haired boy before smiling and setting the book down. She gladly took the sandwich from Gray.

"Still on that scholarship paper? I thought you finished it? Didn't Levy like it?"

"Yes but it wasn't perfect." Lucy cleared her throat and explained, setting the sandwich down to be forgotten.

"Let me see it." Gray held out his hand expectantly. Lucy simply gave the gesture an incredulous look. Gray simply kept motioning with his hand for Lucy to give him the paper until finally the blonde relented, slapping it into his palm.

"It's nowhere near complete so don't judge."

"Hey! He gets to read it but I don't?" Natsu was outraged. The idiot stripper gets permission to read it but him, her best friend doesn't?

"Swallow before you talk and don't act like you haven't read it? I know you did." Lucy gave Natsu a no-nonsense look that shut him up before he could manage a come back.

Lisanna eventually moved the conversation from Lucy's paper and the group had a dinner and talked. Gray would chime in occasionally but said nothing about what he was reading. Finally after several minutes his set the paper down.

"So? How bad is it? Do you think it's clear enough that I'm-?" Lucy nervously rambled before Gray cut her off.

"It's no wonder you're the best at English in our class. That paper was really well written Lucy. I don't think it needs any editing at all." Lucy opened her mouth to comment but Gray continued on. "I say just be done with the damn thing and submit it to Makarov. He'll correct whatever he thinks need fixing. But I doubt even he will find anything wrong."

"You think so? Because-"

"Lucy." Gray gave the girl a stern look. Lucy looked around to the others who had similar looks painted across their faces.

"Oh alright!" The blonde packed the essay away into a folder with her other scholarship application forms.

"Can we leave?" Natsu hopefully asked.

"Lets go eat. Somewhere not so eerily quiet." Gray shivered as looked around the library. They group packed up their belongings and made their way out of the library.

"Gray you know that libraries are supposed to be quiet right?" Lisanna helped Gray pack up the food. They had decided that they would finish their food back at the diner.

"Why though? Who made that a rule? The librarian? It's not like she can hear anyways."

"Gray!" Lucy scolded.

"Lucy, maybe you should eat something, you seem grouchy." Gray hovered the half-eaten sandwich under Lucy's nose tauntingly.

"Gimme." Lucy snatched the sandwich from the raven-haired boy before he could even attempt to move it out of her grasp.

"Greedy little thing, aren't you?" Natsu hung back a bit from his friends, watching them converse and have fun. He watched a Lucy, changed from her focused, stressed ambitious friend to his carefree, loving, and dare he say loud, best friend. Natsu laughed at Lucy, as smacked Gray upside the head while angrily chowing down on her sandwich.

"That's my girl."

Lisanna paused and allowed Natsu to catch up to her. He smiled and nudged her. She knew that she could tease Natsu for months if not years about his little claim on Lucy. He'd blush darker than Erza's hair but instead she smiled to herself and kept walking. She'll save that gold mine for a later date.

Because Natsu just wants his girl to be good to herself. Aww. Anyways you read it so now review it! If you want. If you don't then at least favorite it (If you haven't already). Or you know what, don't favorite. I'm not going to tell you how to run you life.

Love ya,