This is so exciting! I really love this story! Yay! I'm just excited that I finally got my butt in gear and wrote something! This story started out as a bunch of cute moments that I thought of for Natsu and Lucy (AshHigh-schoolers, not wizards) but I had no way to write them (That's my problem; I see things like a movie in my head and I don't know how to transfer that to the written word). Anyways I was originally going to write this a story from the view of Lisanna seeing how Natsu and Lucy's relationship works, but then Lisanna couldn't be everywhere and that changed. This is my first official multi-chap! Heck Yeah!

Okay enough of my rambling. Please read, I hope you enjoy it and please review. Any sort of comment helps. (I do feel like this can be improved so if you want to help me with that be my guest.)

This is a high school fic. Not too romantic, just more of a close friendship (Okay they might act a little romantic, hehe). I have a total of 4 chapters planned (So far. I'll just add as I come up with them). This first part is a sort of introduction to everyone so bear with me.

*Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail.

I Missed You Part 1

Today was like any other for the residents of Magnolia; peaceful, tranquil, and joyous. However, for one citizen, today was very exciting; for today was the day his friend returned home.

Natsu Dragneel raced down the streets of Magnolia, barely dodging the passing carts and nearly knocking down any pedestrian that neared him. The pink-haired man would throw a quick apology back but never slowed his speed. Only when he reached the Strauss Residence did he slow.

Natsu took the steps leading up to the front door two at a time. He rapped he knuckles against the door in a rapid motion. As he waited for someone to answer the door he hopped from one foot to the other in an impatient manner. When the door finally opened Natsu rushed inside before even looking to see who it was, nearly knocking the woman with the long white hair over.

Mirajane Strauss stood in the doorway with a look of mock surprise on her face.

"Natsu Dragneel. Why am I not surprised? What's got you all riled up?"

"She here yet? You said that she'd come back this mornin'. It's almost noon so she should be here right?'' Natsu was still hopping impatiently.

"Is who here?"

"Come on Mira don't act like-" Natsu stopped mid sentence when he realized that it wasn't Mira that had questioned him but a voice from behind. Natsu turned and looked to see a figure, almost identical to Mira, standing on the landing of a flight of stairs leading to the floor above.

"Lisanna! You are here! I missed you!" Natsu raced over to the girl with the short white hair and crushed her in a hug.

"Of course I'm here. I live here. I missed you too Natsu!" Lisanna smiled. Natsu only hugged her tighter. "But Natsu you're crushing me." Natsu quickly broke away with a slight blush.

"Sorry." Natsu said with an apologetic smile. "Hey Lisanna I brought you a surprise! Look!" Natsu quickly tore the backpack he had on off his shoulder and started to unpack it. From within he drew out a blue sleeping cat.

"Oh my goodness is that Happy?" Lisanna cradled the blue cat in her arms.

"Yup! He's gotten really big since you left but he's still Happy!"

"And blue." Mira remarked. "Natsu are you staying for lunch?"

"Yes please! Hey Lisanna are you ready for school tomorrow?"

"As ready as I'll ever be. I'm nervous though, High school's got to be way different and I haven't been here in so long." Lisanna nervously walked to the kitchen after Mira.

"Don't worry Lisanna, it's great and everyone is so excited to see you again!" Natsu tossed a reassuring arm around her shoulders with a smile. His smile grew even wider when he saw what Mira had made for lunch.

It was Monday morning and Magnolia's elite high school, Fairy Tail Academy, was slowly filling with its students. In the main hallway was a small crowd. Everyone was welcoming the youngest Strauss sibling back to school.

"I told you everyone missed you." Natsu whispered to Lisanna as yet another student welcomed her back.

"Lisanna! Hey! Glad your back!" Gray Fullbuster, a man with raven hair and dark blue eyes came over to the small white-ette giving her a hug.

"Gray! It's so good to see you! You haven't changed much."

"And you look almost exactly like your sister."

"Gray get a shirt on!" A girl with long brown hair strolled over to the group. Gray upon realizing that his shirt and tie were gone rushed over to his locker to find it.

"Cana Alberona? Oh my goodness! I have missed you!" Lisanna exclaimed as she realized who the brunette was.

"Hey girl! How's it going? Getting to see everyone again?" Cana asked as she leaned against the nearest locker.

"Yeah. It's great seeing everyone! I missed you all so much! I've gotten to see you, Gray, Erza came by this morning, Loke, Levi, Jet and Droy, and of course Natsu." Lisanna thoughtfully began trying to recall everyone she's seen. At the mention of his name Natsu smiled his signature goofy grin.

"Well of course Natsu. He's been dying to see you since Mira and Elfman mentioned you were returning from that boring boarding school of yours to finish high school here." Natsu stuck his tongue out at Cana playfully only for Cana to return the gesture. Lisanna laughed at the childishness of her friends. "Which reminds me, Natsu have you seen Lucy?"

"No, and I've been wanting to introduce her to Lisanna all morning? She probably in the library like she always is." Natsu then began to pout.

"Who's Lucy? I think Mira might have mentioned her." Lisanna asked the pouting pink-haired boy, but for the moment he seemed not to be listening because he was too busy searching the crowd.

Not more than twenty feet away a small group of three girls gathered near the lockers opposite the welcoming crowd.

"Morning Levy!" A blonde with big brown eyes cheerfully greeted her smaller blue-haired friend.

"Morning Lucy! Morning Juvia!"

"Juvia wishes a good morning to Lucy and Levy." Juvia also had blue hair like Levy but it was a few shades darker, she also like to address herself in the third person. "What is happening over there?"

"Oh! That's the crowd welcoming Lisanna Strauss back. She's Mira and Elfmann's younger sister remember? She's our age. I've already said hi but I'll go with you two if you want to go introduce yourselves. I know Natsu's been looking for you all morning Lucy."

"Juvia wouldn't know what to say."

"All you'd have to say is 'Hi my name is Juvia Lockser. Nice to meet you.'" Lucy told the taller blue-haired girl. "I'd go over myself but I've really got to get going. Headmaster Makarov has asked to see me about something. I'll see you girls later in class." With that Lucy finished at her locker and waved goodbye to her friends.

Natsu, who had been looking for the blonde in the slowly thinning crowd, hoping that she'd come over and meet Lisanna, finally noticed Lucy with Levy and Juvia. He left Lisanna saying he'd be right back and walked towards the blonde. As he pushed his way through the crowd, Lucy left her friends and began walking in the opposite direction of him.

"Luce! Lucy stop! Wait!" Natsu finally pushed through the crowd but the blonde was too far away for him to catch unless he wanted to get into trouble for running in the halls. Lucy turned to look at him. She smiled and waved but continued walking down the hall.

"Sorry Natsu. She said she had some business with Headmaster Makarov. She did say she'd talk to you later." Levy said walking over to the sulking boy.

"Yeah but I wanted her to meet Lisanna! They're my friends and I want them to be friends too!" Natsu pouted some more.

"Oh Natsu it's not like Lisanna's going anywhere! I'm sure her and Lucy will be friends. Anyways second bell just rang, we better head to class. See ya Natsu." Levy waved goodbye as her and Juvia headed to their first class.

"Natsu? Ya comin'?" Gray called from his locker.

"Yeah I'm comin'. Lisanna! First class is this way. It's with Mr. Goldmine. Gray and Loke have that class too!"

Lisanna, who had watched Natsu as he tried to pursue a blonde she assumed was Lucy, turned and smile at Natsu and followed the three boys to class. I guess she's Lucy. But who is she really?

Lisanna nervously walked into her next class. She had a different class as Natsu this hour and that made her nervous. She didn't have the class with Gray or Loke either since they shared the same schedule with Natsu so she had to find the classroom on her own. When she finally did find it she was afraid that she'd know nobody in the class; however, she was wrong. Levy came up to Lisanna as she stood outside the door and took her hand and lead her inside.

"Thank you Levy." Lisanna smiled.

"No problem. Here you can sit here. The nice thing is that we have class with Juvia and Lucy as well!" Levy explained she and Lisanna took their seats.

"Who is Lucy? and Juvia?" Lisanna tried to casually hide her curiosity of Lucy.

"Juvia and Lucy are new students they came freshman year. Lucy at the beginning of the year and Juvia maybe a quarter of the way through the year. Actually Juvia and Gajeel transferred together from Phantom High." At the mention of Gajeel, Levy began to blush.

"Oh! Gajeel's that big guy with black hair and a lot of piercings right? Do like him Levy?"

"N-N-No!" Levy stuttered her blush growing.

"Don't let yourself be fooled; her and Gajeel are a total couple!" A blonde girl giggled she she poked the madly blushing blue-ette. "Hiya! I'm Lucy Heartfilia. I've heard a lot about you Lisanna." Lucy smiled as she stuck her hand out to Lisanna.

"Oh!" Lisanna exclaimed. Levy had told her Lucy was in the class but Lisanna was surprised to actually meet her. "You're pretty."

"Haha. Thanks." It was Lucy's turn to blush.

"Oh! I mean nice to meet you too! Mira had mentioned you to me when I got back. She also said you were pretty. I'm glad I get to meet you!" Lisanna shook the blonde's hand and smiled.

"Mira had told us all about you. Her and Natsu. We all know he's super excited you're back." Lucy laughed as she took her seat.

"My name is Juvia Lockser and it is a pleasure to meet you." Juvia said as she approached Lisanna.

"Oh and it's a pleasure to meet you as well. I think Gray had told me about you this morning." Lisanna smiled weakly as she recalled Gray's note to her about Juvia. "She's sorta weird because she talks in the third person all the time. That and she's a total stalker!" Loke and Natsu had only laughed at that though. Lisanna guessed that Juvia couldn't be that bad. She seemed really nice.

"You talked to Gray about Juvia? Are you my love rival?" Juvia raged.

"Calm down Juvia I'm sure Lisanna doesn't have a thing for Gray. He's all yours." Lucy quickly leaned over to Lisanna and whispered. "It's totally okay if you do have a thing for Gray. Just don't tell Juvia. She's got a major one-sided crush on him. Although she does think that any girl that interacts with Gray is a love rival." With that Juvia took her seat.

The girls chatted for a couple more minutes till Mrs. Porlyusica entered and began the class.

By lunch time Lisanna was doing okay she had her second, third and fourth periods with Levy, Lucy and Juvia. It was really nice having friends her classes and she had gotten to know both Lucy and Juvia. Juvia was sorta weird like Gray had said but she wasn't as bad as Gray had made it seem. And Lucy was just as Mira had told her. Lucy was super nice and loved books just as much as Levy did and as it turned out, she even wanted to be a writer. She and Natsu seemed to be good friends too.

"Lisanna!" Mirajane yelled from a table as the three girls neared. "How's your first day so far?"

"Great! Lucy, Juvia, and Levy are in three of my classes so far and have helped me out a lot. And everyone's been really nice so far. It's great to see everyone again and to meet everybody else!"

"Good! Oh Lucy? Aren't you going to eat?" Mira asked as she noticed that the blonde wasn't seated and had no food with her.

"Nah, I still have stuff I need to discuss with Headmaster Makarov. I'll catch you all later." Lucy said with a wave. As she headed towards the cafeteria exit she was attacked by a pink-haired boy.

"Luce where are you going? You can't go yet! You have to meet Lisanna!" Natsu yelled as he drug the small blonde back towards their group of friends.

"But Natsu- Natsu stop it!" Lucy struggled to free herself from her best friend's grip but to no avail.

"Lisanna I want you to meet someone! She's my very best friend! Lucy Heartfilia!-"

"Natsu!-" Lucy tried to interrupt but the stubborn boy didn't hear her and kept on with his goofy introduction.

"-Luce this is Lisanna, she was my very best friend when we were younger!" Natsu smiled proudly as Lisanna giggled at his show of introductions.

"NATSU!" Lucy screamed in Natsu's ear.

"What?" Natsu yelled back shocked by the blonde's outburst.

"If you'd stop to listen to me you'd know that I already met Lisanna in class this morning! And you know that I really have to go to meet with Headmaster Makarov. Now let go!"

"But, But Lucy! I was supposed to introduce you! If you didn't have that stupid meeting, I could've! And what's that stupid thing about anyways?" Natsu challenged.

"About none of your business! Now let. Me. Go." Lucy retorted threateningly stepping right up to Natsu.

"No! Not till you tell me why!"

"I told you why! I have to go meet Makarov!"

"Natsu just let her go!" Gray intervened.

"Stay out of this Stripper!"

"Make me, Flame-brain"

"You wanna go Icepick?" Natsu then turned all his attention to Gray giving Lucy enough to wriggle free of Natsu's iron hold on her wrist. She mouthed a quick thank you to Gray, who gave a curt nod in response, and slipped out the exit.

"You boys wouldn't be fighting would you?" Erza Scarlet stepped up to the table giving a threatening glare to the boys who quickly returned to their seats.

"No way! Of course not Erza!" Gray replied quickly as Natsu glared at him.

"Good! Lisanna how's your first day?" Erza promptly took her seat and turned her attention to Lisanna but occasionally glance at the still glaring boys.

"Great Erza, thanks but what just happened?" Lisanna asked not quiet sure what had just taken place in the last few minutes.

"Oh don't worry lunch is always like this. Natsu and Gray still get into fights and Erza still is there to break them up. And Gray picked a fight with Natsu to help Lucy make it to her meeting. Aren't Natsu and Lucy so cute?" Mirajane tried to explain.

"Yeah you damn snowman! You totally let Luce get away!" Natsu argued.

"She was going to be late thanks to you! And she's not some prey that you were hunting that got away. You can't force her to stay."

"But she was just about to tell me about what it was about!"

"It was none of your business Natsu!" Gajeel said from his end of the table.

"But she's my best friend she'd totally tell me right? I mean what if somethin's wrong?" Natsu asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about it Natsu, I'm sure everything is fine." Lisanna cautiously put in. She didn't know Lucy all too well but she didn't want Natsu to worry himself. And Natsu did forget once him and Gajeel started arguing and food was placed in front of him.

What did you think? Did you like it?
I know there isn't much NaLu but that's part 2! I split it because I felt like it was too long all-in-one. This chapter is the longest out of the ones I have written so don't get too used to the length.

Expect at least 2 more chapter this week!