Sorry for the incredibly long pause, guys. I've had a lot of school work. And I've also been putting off this chapter because it could be my last fanfiction entry for a long time.
Thank you all for reading my work! It's been so much fun. Especially the battle scenes, and this is a long battle. Ghetsis was definitely the hardest fight I faced in any of the recent games.
Polaris–Ponyta, Tsuki–Serperior, Mamoru–Samurott, Tlaloc-Braviary, Lanfan-Mienshao, Croatan – Scolipede, Shira - Reshiram
Battling the Puppet Master
With a flash of red, a Bisharp appeared on the battlefield. Tlaloc immediately collided with his foe, locking his talons around Bisharp arm and leg. But with her free arm, Bisharp struck Tlaloc's head.
Tlaloc shrieked and hurled Bisharp away. Bisharp landed on her feet, skidding slightly. She sprang forward again and landed on Tlaloc's back, striking down on top of my Braviary. He screeched and bucked, taking to the air. But Bisharp hung on.
Bisharp raised her arm and struck down into Tlaloc's spine. Tlaloc shrieked and tumbled out of the air. At the last moment, he flipped and slammed into the ground on his back, pinning Bisharp there. Bisharp hissed and wriggled, but Tlaloc managed to flip onto his side and grab Bisharp's arm in his talons again. He threw her across the stadium, and into a pillar. She collapsed to the ground in a pile of rubble.
Tlaloc struggled to his feet, looking ragged and exhausted. His back feathers were tattered and his wings hung at his sides. But he drew his head back, looking pleased that he'd managed to subdue his opponent.
But then in a blur of red and black, Bisharp streaked across the field and struck with Night Slash.
Tlaloc crumpled to the ground.
I let out a startled cry at the lightning attack, and reached out to return Tlaloc with a trembling hand.
That was when I noticed that I was shaking all over. It often happened during intense battles, but this time I could feel a chill deep in my core. It set my nerves on edge, and for a moment my teeth chattered.
I clenched my trembling fist and sent out Lanfan.
She bounded forward even as Bisharp charged. And at the last moment, Lanfan sprang into the air and High Jump Kick collided with Bisharp's shoulder. And this time Bisharp went down for good.
Ghetsis smirked as he returned his Pokémon. I stood there, panting heavily. He was strong. Stronger than I expected. Stronger even than Zekrom.
Once again I found myself wishing that I had my strongest Pokémon with me. But I pushed the thought away. It wouldn't do any good now.
Ghetsis sent out his next Pokémon. Eelektross. It slithered forward and Lanfan sprang backward, wary of an electric attack. Eelektross buzzed and grinned, following Lanfan as she edged away from him. I wanted to wait for Eelektross to attack, so we could find an opening, but they weren't going to let that happen. Ghetsis was trying to pressure Lanfan into going first.
I grit my teeth. Fine. I was willing to play that game.
I gave the signal and Lanfan shot forward, dodging back and forth to try to confuse Eelektoss.
But it didn't work. The moment Lanfan was in Range, Eelektross grinned and let loose Discharge.
Lanfan was ready. The skidded to a halt and flipped backwards, away from the attack. And when the electricity faded, she dashed forward and struck with Force Palm.
But even as Eelektross was hit, his head slid around and he clamped his teeth down on Lanfan's arm. And this time when he used Discharge, Lanfan cried out as the full force engulfed her. She struck him in the head and managed to pull her arm free. But when she landed a safe distance away, she was hunched and unsteady.
See if you can use Drain Punch, I said silently.
She nodded and took a step forward. But just as she was about to make her move, Eelektross used Thunderbolt, knocking Lanfan off of her feet. He slithered forward and finished her with Crush Claw.
Ghetsis was getting further ahead of me with each Pokémon. We'd barely done any damage to Eelektross.
Croatan went out next. And he immediately tucked into a Rollout. We needed to count on speed, to dodge the electric attacks.
Croatan wheeled around the arena, and Eelektross watched him with an almost lazy air. He was waiting for us to get in range again.
A plan popped into my head. I relayed it to Croatan, and he spun inwards, and then out, constantly dodging in towards Eelektross, but never getting close enough to hit. It didn't seem to deter our opponents at all. And Eelektross stubbornly refused to budge from the center of the arena, which was problematic.
I signaled to Croatan, and he wheeled in once more and came straight at Eelektross. But Eelektross slipped out of the way at the last second and Croatan careened across the stadium and crashed into a pillar. The same one that Bisharp had crashed into. Further rubble rained down.
Croatan scrambled to his feet, shaking his head. Eelektross darted towards him and Croatan retreated around the pillar in alarm. Eelektross lunged and used Crush Claw. Croatan dodged and the attack hit the pillar.
There was an ominous creaking sound and the pillar began to sway. Croatan seized the opportunity and struck with Megahorn. Eelektross backed away and Croatan whirled, using Megahorn on the pillar.
The pillar cracked and detached from the ceiling. The base crumbled away, and the massive carving tilted and crashed to the ground, making the entire stadium shudder.
When the dust started to settle, Croatan was gone.
Eelektross glanced around, narrowing his eyes. I smiled.
Croatan launched over the fallen pillar, and crashed his Rollout straight down on top of Eelektross. When Eelektross crumpled, Croatan ended it with Bulldoze.
I let out a breath and waited for our next opponent. It was Bouffalant.
Bouffalant charged immediately. Croatan sprayed him with Venoshock, but our foe's momentum didn't slow in the least. Croatan was backed against the pillar and had nowhere to retreat to. Bouffalant's Head Charge slammed directly into him, followed by Thrash. Croatan lashed out with Megahorn and Venoshock, but neither stopped the fierce barrage. And finally Croatan slumped to the ground.
Tsuki went out next. Bouffalant faced her, puffing and snorting. He charged again, and Tsuki slipped to the side, springing forward to coil her body around Bouffalant. And with her tail, she struck him with Leaf Blade. Bouffalant swerved sideways and smashed her against the fallen pillar. She cried out and fell free, but she managed to strike with Leaf Blade once more, knocking one of Bouffalant's feet out from under him. Bouffalant staggered and Tsuki used Giga Drain to defeat her opponent.
Ghetsis sent out Cofagrigus, and he immediately used Ominous Wind. Then the ghost shot forward in a blur – much faster than was normal. Ominous Wind had raised his stats. Tsuki managed to strike once with Leaf Blade, but Cofagrigus defeated her with a point-blank Shadow Ball.
I was down to two Pokémon. Ghetsis still had three.
Shivering, I called on Mamoru. Mamoru struck with Aqua Jet, and whirled to soak Cofagrigus with Surf. Cofagrigus struck back with Ominous Wind and flitted around the stage, pelting Mamoru with Shadow ball. Mamoru returned with a volley of Water Gun. The two gradually wore away at each other's stamina.
I gestured to Mamoru and he slowly backed toward the fallen column. Finally he ducked behind it and managed to get a breather for a few moments.
Then Cofagrigus phased through the solid stone of the pillar, grinning and ready to ambush. Except he had already fallen into an ambush. Mamoru used Surf, and the fallen rubble of the pillar got caught up in it. The water and the stone washed over Cofagrigus, battering him and finally sending him clattering to the ground.
Seismitoad came next. I cursed. It wasn't a good match. Mamoru slashed with Razor Shell, and Seismitoad his\t him with Drain Punch. Mamoru grimaced, and Seismitoad flung out Grass Knot. Mamoru tumbled to the ground, and a second Drain Punch leached the remainder of his energy.
And I was at my last Pokémon.
I returned Mamoru and stood there for a few seconds to catch my breath. Ghetsis was standing across from me, smirking. He knew he had two Pokémon left to my one. And his Seismitoad had a very strong advantage against my Ponyta.
Polaris nuzzled my shoulder and I stood up straight, placing a hand on her neck. I smiled.
Ghetsis didn't know my Ponyta.
"Think you can handle it, gal?"
Polaris snorted and stomped her hoof, tossing her mane to show her readiness to battle. And she charged.
Seismitoad used Muddy Water, but Polaris wheeled off to the side and avoided it. She charged in with Flare Blitz and knocked Seismitoad to the ground. She engulfed him with Flamethrower. A jet of water blasted from behind the flames and hit Polaris in the chest. She flinched, but lunged forward and used Stomp.
And each of us were down to one Pokémon.
Ghetsis let out a low laugh. "Well, you got much farther than I expected you to. I'm impressed by your little pony. But the battle isn't over yet."
"Get a life," I hissed under by breath. "You don't look as cool as you think you do."
"Let's end this!" Ghetsis shouted, throwing out his final Pokémon.
Hydreigon charged Polaris with Dragon Rush, and she managed to step out of the way barely in time. The attack clipped her shoulder, but her Flamethrower hit him as he flew past.
Hydriegon spun at came at her again with Dragon Rush. Polaris turned and fled across the stadium, swerving out of the way of the attack.
She leapt onto the fallen pillar to gain height on her flying foe. And Hydreigon immediately tried to push her off with Dragon Pulse.
Polaris cut through it with Fire Blast, but the attack didn't hit its target. Hydreigon swung back and forth above her, pelting her with attacks. Polaris cantered back and forth on top of the pillar, trying to avoid most of the attacks. She sprayed Flamethrower up at him, with little effect.
Hydreigon swooped down towards her and Polaris shot out Fire Blast. The attack hit, but Hydreigon plowed right through it and fell on Polaris. He used Crunch, closing his jaws around the back of Polaris's neck.
She shrieked and bucked, and the flames of her mane flared brightly until the dragon was forced to let go. But he managed to shove Polaris off balance, and she toppled to the ground. She flailed wildly, trying to get her legs beneath her. But Hydreigon appeared and pounded her with Dragon Pulse.
He wheeled away and Polaris lay on the ground, her stomach heaving.
"Oh, is it finally over?" Ghetsis asked, looking pleased. "Well, it took long enough."
But Polaris wasn't done yet. She lifted her head and rolled onto her belly, tucking her legs under her. And she slowly pushed herself to her feet, her muscles trembling far more than mine were.
"Hmph," Ghetsis muttered. "The thing can hardly stand. Finish it, Hydreigon," he said with a careless flick of his hand.
Hydreigon swooped low for one last pass.
He shouldn't have come so low.
Polaris leapt into the air and banked off of the column to gain height. Hydreigon glanced up in surprise as Polaris was suddenly above him. And she came down, driving her hooves into the joint of his wing.
When Hydreigon fell out of the sky, Polaris was right on top of him. The two of them crashed to the ground. And Polaris slammed her hooves into Hydreigon's skull.
Hydreigon groaned, and rolled onto his side, still.
Polaris backed away, huffing and shivering.
I closed my eyes, feeling my heart race and my body relax. I let out a long breath.
It was over.
I staggered forward and pressed my face against Polaris's muzzle. She closed her eyes and sighed.
"You're wonderful," I whispered.
"You scum," Ghetsis spat as he returned his Hydreigon. "So you won. What does that prove? You can't stop me! What do you think you're going to do?"
"That's what we should be asking," Said Ben from my side.
Ghetsis scowled and backed away. But his head turned sharply as something came at him.
It was Hari. He spun and kicked Ghetsis's foot out from under him. Ghetsis dropped to his knees and Hari shoved him flat on his face.
Ben dashed forward and pinned Ghetsis's arm behind him. Hari simply sat on the other arm, keeping Ghetsis with his face pressed to the floor. Which served to muffle the shouts and curses coming from his mouth.
I stood watching this with almost no reaction at all. I felt completely drained.
I'm going to lie down a bit Polaris murmured, and she sank to her knees and rested on her belly. I sat beside her and watched as Alder bound and gagged Ghetsis. Polaris pressed her head against my arm and I leaned back against her neck.
"I'll get you healed up as soon as I can. Do you want to go in your Pokéball?"
I can stay out a bit longer.
I glanced around and saw N standing with Reshiram and Zekrom off to the side. I started to sit up, to go and check on him. But the sound of a distant door slamming open wrenched my attention away. I could hear footsteps coming quickly down the hall, and I pushed myself to my feet.
But it wasn't Team Plasma. It was the Gym Leaders. Burgh and Roxie and a few others. I relaxed again and watched as they met up with Alder and exchanged information. It sounded like the entrance had been blocked, and they'd only just managed to clear it. They'd defeated and captured most of Team Plasma too.
Polaris nudged my hand and nodded across the stadium. I followed her gaze and noticed that Shira was standing along. N and Zekrom were gone.
I glanced around in alarm, and saw the hallway that lead away from the heart of the Pokémon League.
As more people poured into the arena, I sprinted towards the exit. I emerged into the evening air and skidded to a halt.
"N!" I shouted. "N, where are you!"
"You don't need to shout."
I started and turned. N and Zekrom were standing to the side of the arching hallway. "Haa," I said. "Don't you think I've had enough tension today without you running off like this?"
N shrugged. "I don't think it would be good if those guys caught me." His shoulders slumped. "After all, they've already arrested everyone else I was with."
I was silent for a few seconds, at a loss for words. "I guess," I managed weakly.
"I'm sorry," N said, turning away from me. "You were right. You spent so much time trying to help me see the truth, but I wouldn't' do it. Even when I saw how much your Pokémon, and so many others, seemed to enjoy being with humans. I had never seen anything like that before meeting you and your friends. I didn't want to believe you. Not until it was too late."
"It wasn't too late. Everything ended fine."
"Fine," N repeated. "I suppose it is from your perspective."
"Hang on a sec," I said, moving toward him. "You get a new start. You don't have to be a pawn anymore. You bonded with Zekrom, and can become a hero, in whatever way you choose. You can make your own life!"
"I know. I just don't know where to start. I'm not exactly a normal human, you know."
Zekrom grumbled slightly. I moved over to place my hand on the dragon's leg. He crouched on all fours, still tired from the fight against Shira.
"I'm not a normal human either," I said. "I know very few people that I might consider 'normal.' But there's nothing bad about that. You have an amazing talent. Not only are you strong, but you can speak to both people and Pokémon. Now you can put it to full use." I paused. "You said you regretted not listening to me before? Well, listen to me know. You'll be fine. I'm sure of it. You'll find some way to truly help Pokémon. And probably people too. You can help them to understand each other."
N smiled. "Yeah. I think I need some time to myself first though. To think everything over. My life… has changed a lot in the past hour."
I grimaced. "I can imagine. That does sound like a good idea. But remember, you aren't on your own anymore. You have friends now, and friends look out for each other." I stepped around so I could face him properly. "Let me know if you ever need anything, okay?"
N nodded and finally gave a proper smile. "I will. Thank you. Thank you for everything." He rubbed Zekrom's head, then walked around to climb onto the dragon's back. He paused, and looked down at me. "I may have Zekrom, but you have Reshiram. Which I suppose makes the two of us heroes. It seems like a lot to ask, to take on this power to change the world."
I laughed. "We'll be fine."
"Well, it looks like me that you acted the hero's part even before meeting Reshiram. So I'm sure you'll be fine. And I will learn to be as well."
"Good luck," I called as Zekrom stood and faced out towards the mountains.
N tipped his hat to me, and Zekrom sprang to the air. The two of them circled once overhead, Zekrom already fading into the light of dusk. Then they shot forward faded into the mountains.