Charlie hummed to himself as he walked the short distance to his wife's work.

Today was the day.

The receptionist smiled when she saw the red-head. "Would you like me to send for her?"

"You know me too well," Charlie grinned in reply.

The receptionist rolled her eyes and walked away, presumably to go get Hermione, his wife of nearly 15 years. He did like this receptionist. The one before just couldn't get over his Veela appeal, and kept getting too close all the time. It was terribly annoying. This new one, even though she'd been working as a receptionist in the work place for nearly 5 years now, had only done that for the first three times that Charlie had arrived at the work place. It was practically a record.

Suddenly, Hermione flew into his arms, with next to no warning at all. "Charlie! I didn't know you were back!"

"It was three days, Hermione. You act like it was a month!" He laughed, returning the hug, relishing in the touch of his mate. He'd been aching without her.

"It felt like a month." She muttered into his shoulder.

He chuckled again. "I assume it would be, what with the terrors running around."

Hermione took a step back, and poked him with a scolding finger. "Stop calling our children terrors! They are just… very hyperactive."

"Hyperactive. They are devils with way too much energy and cuteness."

"I told you to stop that. They can be angels when they want to."

There was a comfortable silence, which Charlie decided to break. "Today's the day."

Hermione looked shocked. "Today? It can't be."

"We should go get a head start; it takes a while to get there."

"I don't know if I want to." She told him truthfully. "Besides, I should go look after the boys."

"They are with their uncle Bill, terrorising him for a change. We have somewhere to be."

"I don't want to see him."

"Bill isn't that bad 'Mione."

"I was not talking about Bill."

"I know." Charlie gave her a small reassuring smile. "We should just get it over and done with."

She sighed and nodded. "Is anyone else coming?"

"Nope. Not unless you want them there."

"It's not me he tried to kill."

Charlie chuckled. "If you feel so strongly about it, you had better tell your receptionist that you won't be working the rest of today, or tomorrow."

Hermione just stuck her tongue out at him, before doing as he had suggested. She came back and took Charlie's hand. "Let us go forth in strength."

Charlie rolled his eyes. "The theatrics are not your department."

In response, Hermione apparated them away.


They arrived at their destination; and a deep bone chilling coldness filled the air.

"Do we have to Charlie?"

Charlie turned to Hermione, faintly surprised, but mostly understanding at the quiet protest.

"We've put this off for years already."

"I know."

With that, Charlie smiled at her reassuringly, and moved to talk to a nearby house-elf. One hushed conversation later, the two Weasleys walked towards the ominous building. Despite the circumstances and their location, Charlie was amused at the way his wife was juggling her emotions. By the time they reached the, by this time, freezing corridor that they were supposed to be at, Hermione was steely and confident. Charlie approached a heavy metal door, blocking the one from view. He spoke the words that the elf told him and the door swung open silently.

"Draco?" Charlie inquired.

The man in question turned from the bubbling, smoking potion in front of him. "Oh, it's you."


"One moment," The blond sighed.

He waved a wand over the volatile potion and gave the red-head his full attention. "Yes?"

"Today's the day Draco."

Draco shook his head in denial. "It can't be. I checked yesterday. There's still a month or so."

"And when was the last time I was here?" Charlie asked, wondering if perhaps Draco had sections of thine where he lost himself to his work.

"A week ago."

Charlie sighed. "I was last here two months ago."

"Well, maybe your calendar lied to you."

Charlie ignored the last statement, knowing that he'd never win in an argument against this man. "I brought Hermione today."

"Does she still hate me?"

"Not as much as before."

"Huh. She's making progress."

Charlie nodded and shrugged. "I suppose she is."

"I do not appreciate you talking about me while I stand outside." Hermione announced as she entered the room.

Charlie grinned. "It got you in didn't it?"

Draco interrupted. "Look, while this is nice and all; today is apparently, the day." He reached into a nearby cupboard and pulled out two potions, sadly, very familiar potions. "Here, take these, visit more often, and go beat him for me." With that Draco went back to work.

Charlie sighed. He then left the room with Hermione by his side.

"It's only necessary to come and visit him every five years right?"

Charlie chuckled. "Draco's not that bad 'Mione."

"I know, but he still is a pain in my neck. He's too stubborn and annoying to be a decent person."

Charlie rolled his eyes. The only reason Hermione didn't like Draco was because they were both stubborn and passionate about the things they loved, and would often have different views on those subjects.

They started walking to their next destination in the building, the building that Draco owned. Hermione became happier the further away they were from Draco, who had become a close friend to Charlie, and she was full out smiling by the time they reached the parlour.

"Narcissa!" Hermione called, rushing into the room.

Charlie followed in calmly. The two females were hugging one another tightly, the elder berating the younger for not visiting often enough. They had become friends with Narcissa on the day that Draco formally apologised for his part in that day many years ago, and while Charlie found her nice, he preferred Draco just a little. Charlie separated the two, and handed one of the potions that Draco had given them to Narcissa.

"It's for that whole nasty Veela thing that's been going around." He explained while drinking his own.

Narcissa drank hers without any complaint.

"So what brings you here today?" She asked, putting the goblet down.

"Today's the day." Hermione said by way of explanation.

"Today? My, time has flown."

"Yes," Charlie put in, "and we need to go before time runs out."

Narcissa nodded. "But of course. You will come back and tell us how it went right?"

Hermione nodded. "Most certainly. Sorry to have to go so soon."

Narcissa brushed it off. "Go. You'll be late."

Charlie smiled gratefully. "See you soon Cissy."

He got a good whack across the head for that.

"Get out of here you hooligan."

Hermione took him away before he could say any more.

They exited the building and Hermione apparated them again. When they came out of it, Hermione turned to Charlie. "What have I said about baiting Narcissa like that?"

Charlie grinned wickedly. (The twins had to have learnt it from somewhere right?) "To only do it where she can't hear, or berate me for it."

"That was not what I said."

"No, what you said was 'Don't call her Cissa, or Cissy, to her face.'"

"No, you know what I-"

"Shh." Charlie interrupted. His senses finding something they didn't like. He started looking for the danger, Hermione doing the same beside him. The annoying thing about senses and instinct, he never knew exactly what the danger was.

A small deadly looking creature then approached. Charlie didn't like it, it smelt strangely familiar. The reason for that was soon revealed, as the creature suddenly twisted itself into the form of his youngest brother.

"What are you doing in this territory?" He snarled, seeming more beast than man, practically feral.

"Today is the day." Charlie snapped back.

Ron's stance shifted into something more aggressive, in his confusion. "What?"

"You heard him." Hermione sneered.

"Today? What's so good about it?" Ron spat back scathingly. "Are you going to do something to me, Veela?"

"Hmm." Charlie confirmed quickly. "Now, just a word of advice – you aren't going to like this. Stupefy."

Ron fell to the ground with a quiet thud, not having scampered away fast enough.

"He disgusts me." Hermione grimaced distastefully.

"I second that, and I don't want to even look at him. But we promised, and then put it off for years. He's insane anyway, it's not like a change of scenery will change that." Charlie replied.

"I still don't like it."

Charlie sighed. This promise had loomed heavy upon them for years, nearly 15 years to be exact. After the fiasco that Ron had orchestrated, the one that had nearly cost him his life, as cheesy as it was, they had contacted the people in charge of magical creatures at the ministry, or more specifically, those in charge of Veelas. They had arrived seconds after the names 'Weasley' and 'Granger' had been said. The ministry was still pathetic and trying to suck up to them, then. After explaining to the man in charge, they went to go capture Ron and organise a trial for him, but Ron had escaped. The man in charge went into a horrified frenzy (Charlie figured that perhaps the man's work was riding on being able to please them). The man then made them take an oath. The oath entailed that if they ever found where Ron was hiding, they'd bring him in. It sounded really simple.

But it wasn't.

They eventually found where Ron was hiding out, days after Charlie and Hermione's marriage, and made to go take him in to the authorities. But something went wrong. The Veela inside Charlie caused him all sorts of grief over taking Ron in, the Veela recognising Ron as both a threat, and family that needed protection. Hermione, Bill and George, the ones who had accompanied him to take Ron in realised something was wrong. Charlie had suddenly split into two halves, one that refused to let them take Ron in, and the other who preferred to kill Ron instead of taking him to the ministry. The three accompanying him took him back home, and after a week or so, Charlie became himself again. The four gathered and discussed tactics. After days of discussions and debates, it was decided that they'd wait for a minimum of 10 years before going to get Ron, as Charlie's Veela side refused the thought of telling others where Ron was. The years passed, friends and family bonds were created, and slowly but surely, Ron stopped being counted as family.

"So now he's unconscious, what do you want to do with him?" Hermione asked, pulling Charlie from his musing.

"Well Draco asked us to beat him, or at least cause him some pain. Then we can turn him in." Charlie replied.

Hermione shrugged. They cast spells on him that would cause him pain, but only when certain words were said. It was made so that he'd be in pain practically any time someone would talk to him. After that, they took him back to the ministry, where the man that they had made the promise to gleefully took Ron to holding cells, to await his trial.

After that, they went to Bill's house. Bill greeted them both with a hug.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"He's now awaiting a trial." Hermione told him happily.

Bill sighed, neither happy nor sad. "Good."

"Yeah. So where are my little terrors?" Charlie asked, deciding that a subject change was due.

Bill chuckled at Charlie's rather obvious lack of subtlety. "Upstairs in their usual room."

Charlie thanked him and left, knowing that Hermione would fill him in. He stood in the doorway to the room that his children were sleeping, and watched them with a sense of peace.

"Never let anyone come between you and your loves, boys." He whispered, "They quite possibly won't live to tell the tale."

And with that said, he smiled, left the room and went back to his wife and brother.

"Is everything alright Charlie?" Hermione asked him as he sat beside her.

"No, everything is perfect." He grinned back at her and his brother. "Completely and utterly perfect."

Wow guys. Just wow. There should be no excuses on my part, but alas, I have them. I'm certain that I originally posted this a few days after the chapter previous, and only found that that was not the case from a very nice guest. That guest then led me on a month or so long quest to find where I had hidden away my chapter. I couldn't find it. So once another guest sent a review, I tuckered down and decided I'd write it again. And this was the product. It's certainly longer than the first one. Just so you know. (Thanks ever so much to those guests! You know who you are!)

Till next time! (Where hopefully I don't leave you hanging for one chapter…)

The End.