Hi everyone! It's tfp4ever,

I'd like to start off by thanking everyone for enjoying this story that's been on this site for 5 years now and it amazes me that people actually read it still. Anyways, I started this story based off of an idea I had which was of my original character being with the Transformers as I was very obsessed with the fandom. I apologize for the "nd" and every other spelling mistake that has irritated some readers. I was typing the story on my IPOD Touch 5th generation and the shortcut for "and" was "nd" and it kept correcting it to "nd". As for my spelling mistakes, I was still learning and trying to remember how to spell some things as I hardly used some of the words in this story.

I was also in 6th grade when I wrote this story and I am now in 11th grade. I will attempt to make time and refine this story as well as make it more interesting and less of a drag when it comes to details since there are some details that don't need to be there. I will do my best to post a sequel as I have forgotten about most of stories due to alot happening in my life as well as school getting in the way. But I should now have enough time on my hands to refine this story as well as make a sequel which I was working on until I lost inspiration for it and again school got in the way and it became my least important priority.

Thank you and have a wonderful day or night, whichever, and I'll refine this story as soon as I can. Love you all!